End Racial Profiling!!!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
TruthDetector88 said:
ummmm food for thought the 14th amendment abolished slavery it dont not make slaves citizens it has to be ratified first our founding fathers of the usa where christains if u dont like our country get out im not religous but where does it stop we fight for freedom cause freedom isnt free besides all wars we have fought have been religous wars to a point no one can deny
:confused: Are you sure you don't mean the 13th Amendment?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
:confused: Are you sure you don't mean the 13th Amendment?
How can you tell WHAT the hell he means???

Truth, you probably have something to say. And occasionally I can decipher it. But you could be my new best friend if you would PLEASE use sentence structure and punctuation. I say this not to bust on you, but as a person who is genuinely interested in what you have to say.



Dancing Up A Storm
"all wars we have fought have been religious wars to a point no one can deny."

How has that been the case? :confused:


Enjoying life!
vraiblonde said:
How can you tell WHAT the hell he means???

Truth, you probably have something to say. And occasionally I can decipher it. But you could be my new best friend if you would PLEASE use sentence structure and punctuation. I say this not to bust on you, but as a person who is genuinely interested in what you have to say.


Stop pandering to the mentally challenged. Besides, it was 2:00 am when he posted that rant, which automatically adds 30 points to the undecipherable meter. Just saying... :biggrin:


It's all about numbers. Only about .0001% of Muslim or Arab males are terrorists or actively desire to take action against the United States. Unfortunately, 95% of today's terrorists that pose a threat to the United States are Muslim/Arab males. So, you aren't likely to find many of these guys unless you search this group. You wouldn't go looking for a forest in a McDonalds, you wouldn't look for an African Elephant herd in a 7/11, so why would you look for terrorists where you aren't likely to find them? All that does is divide and weaken your search assets.

Is that fair to all those millions of Arab/Muslim males who receive undue scrutiny and suspicion? No. But let them get mad at their brethern who caused this problem, not at the US government.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
It's all about numbers. Only about .0001% of Muslim or Arab males are terrorists or actively desire to take action against the United States. Unfortunately, 95% of today's terrorists that pose a threat to the United States are Muslim/Arab males. So, you aren't likely to find many of these guys unless you search this group. You wouldn't go looking for a forest in a McDonalds, you wouldn't look for an African Elephant herd in a 7/11, so why would you look for terrorists where you aren't likely to find them? All that does is divide and weaken your search assets.

Is that fair to all those millions of Arab/Muslim males who receive undue scrutiny and suspicion? No. But let them get mad at their brethern who caused this problem, not at the US government.
:yeahthat: Oohrah!!!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Is that fair to all those millions of Arab/Muslim males who receive undue scrutiny and suspicion? No. But let them get mad at their brethern who caused this problem, not at the US government.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
It's all about numbers. Only about .0001% of Muslim or Arab males are terrorists or actively desire to take action against the United States. Unfortunately, 95% of today's terrorists that pose a threat to the United States are Muslim/Arab males. So, you aren't likely to find many of these guys unless you search this group. You wouldn't go looking for a forest in a McDonalds, you wouldn't look for an African Elephant herd in a 7/11, so why would you look for terrorists where you aren't likely to find them? All that does is divide and weaken your search assets.

Is that fair to all those millions of Arab/Muslim males who receive undue scrutiny and suspicion? No. But let them get mad at their brethern who caused this problem, not at the US government.
:yeahthat: Common sense. The problem is that common sense is not PC.


I remember back to just after 9/11. I was watching Saturday Night Live, and Tracy Morgan was talking about how he used to be so against racial profiling. But after the attacks, he said in his piece on Weekend Update... "You guys profile away! Strip search 'em if you have to!"


UrbanPancake said:
If you saw a white man driving a Lexus would you think he was a drug dealer, or an Executive?


If he was wearing a suit and a tie, and was clean shaven, and polished shoes, I'd go with an executive.

White or black.

If he was wearing a white tank-top with a rope thick gold chain around his head with a garishly large pendant, or other vulgar displays of BLING-BLING accompanied with a snow-cap in august and grabbing his crotch, I'd go with drug-dealer - or at least some sort of shady bizzle-fashizzle.

White or black.

Are there legit dudes who dress like that? Yeah, sure. True story: My first day in Tucson, I'm at this hotel waiting for my job interview. I go downstairs and eat my continental breakfast, and in strolls this guy, decked out in a wife-beater t-shirt, jeans with a humongo rip in the knee talking like he barely escaped the 9th grade locker-room. Long hair akimbo - a little bit like Sabertooth in the XMen movie.

1 hour later: I'm outside with my wife as she smokes a cigarette when this silver Cadillac XLR pulls up. Out of the hotel comes this smooth looking guy, wearing a suit which obviously costs more than I make in a month and a pair of sunglasses that cost more than I make in a year - long hair pulled back neatly and tied in a tail and shakes the hand of the guy in the viper, "Good morning, Robert..." and then started talking about business as they drove off, sounding like he could be a voice on a smooth-jazz radio station.

Was it unfair for me to judge this guy in the hotel as an big oafish redneck? I don't think so. He was behaving like one, and he looked like one. So I was wrong. Big shmeal.

What would be wrong would be to profile someone - and then persist in that stereotype even AFTER it's been proven wrong. And that's the problem with real bigots. It's not that they profile someone on established criteria, or that they engage in stereotyping. It's human nature to do that. And most of the time - but not always - it's accurate.

The problem with bigots is that they won't change their opinion even after they were shown to be wrong.
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I bowl overhand
UrbanPancake said:
What is a WASP? I don't think most White Americans understand what's it like to live in America when your not White. Our Constitution protects the rights of all Americans, not just white folk. I don't think its fair to target someone based on the color of their skin, or because there Arab.

White Anglo Saxon Protestant

Isn't the same person that said rice and Powell were "tokens".. WHO'S guilty of racial profiling??


I bowl overhand
UrbanPancake said:
Please tell me you guys aren't stereotyping? This is why there is still racism in America. This is why we still need affimative action.
Well at least you used racism and affirmative action in the same statement.. If you believe that blacks and Hispanics NEED affirmative action to get ahead, then you are the racist, saying they aren't as smart, they aren't as capable as a white person. Racism behind the guise of "Let me help my less intelligent, less capable brother"

We always hear minorities say, the white man is holding me down.. it's not the white man, but it is things like affirmative action that instill in them that they are less able, not as smart and NEED the help of white population THAT holds them down.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
:boxing: You know.....everyone on this board is giving UrbanPancake EXACTLY what he wants...a place for him to rant & rave and cause hate & discontent. He makes one post, and within hours...BAM....600+ views & 58 replies.

We all know what he is about. Personally, I (and Vrai and probably others) have placed him on IGNORE and I think it would be a good thing if everyone did the same.

I am all for intelligant debate, but that kind of debate is impossible with UP. Not that I'm trying to force him to see things the republican way, it's just that if it comes from republicans, it's vile and not worth the gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe. His ultra-liberal views are our only savior according to him - EVERYTHING that comes out of us is 100% wrong. That's not debate. That's him trying to shove his ultra-liberal agenda down our throats!

UP...if you reply, I won't see it....(thank God!):neener:


Dancing Up A Storm
Voter2002 said:
:boxing: You know.....everyone on this board is giving UrbanPancake EXACTLY what he wants...a place for him to rant & rave and cause hate & discontent. He makes one post, and within hours...BAM....600+ views & 58 replies.

We all know what he is about. Personally, I (and Vrai and probably others) have placed him on IGNORE and I think it would be a good thing if everyone did the same.

I am all for intelligant debate, but that kind of debate is impossible with UP. Not that I'm trying to force him to see things the republican way, it's just that if it comes from republicans, it's vile and not worth the gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe. His ultra-liberal views are our only savior according to him - EVERYTHING that comes out of us is 100% wrong. That's not debate. That's him trying to shove his ultra-liberal agenda down our throats!

UP...if you reply, I won't see it....(thank God!):neener:
You probably tied it up in as neat a package that could be done.

Well said.:howdy:


Active Member

I agree that UP has some far ended views, however, I have gotten my fair share of negative karma for some of my posts, and I am moderate. It is hard being a democrat because I (we) are instantly labled as leftist liberals. I have found it very hard at times to have conversations with some on here because of their far right views. UP may be an extreme leftist, but, I can say that if I disagree with the slightest conservative view, I get knocked for it as well. Just keep that in mind. I am a happy moderate, and plan on keeping it that way. UP is not the only one that posts on here with extreme views. :ohwell:


Dancing Up A Storm
Aimhigh2000 said:
I agree that UP has some far ended views, however, I have gotten my fair share of negative karma for some of my posts, and I am moderate. It is hard being a democrat because I (we) are instantly labled as leftist liberals. I have found it very hard at times to have conversations with some on here because of their far right views. UP may be an extreme leftist, but, I can say that if I disagree with the slightest conservative view, I get knocked for it as well. Just keep that in mind. I am a happy moderate, and plan on keeping it that way. UP is not the only one that posts on here with extreme views. :ohwell:
For the most part, what you say here is correct. I don't always agree with your comments, nor the issues you raise, however, you are not as extreme, or radical, nor do you seem to be promoting an agenda, as he/she does.

If you have doubts, please compare the points you have in your corner with those UP has accumulated. These people have collectively offered their opinion of him, while yours is still reputable.

You speak with a certain modicum of maturity, I am afraid that is not the case with UP.


Active Member
Kain99 said:
Yes, please people! The next time you see a muslim extremist hiding a box in the airport just sit down and shuddup! While we are on the subject .... Just because a black man hasn't worked in ten years and is driving a Lexus and has 20 gold chains does NOT mean he's a drug dealer! :shutup:
He could be a pimp ;\