End-Stage Emphysema



dems4me said:
Its okay :huggy: Hospice deemed this awhile ago as something that only merits 3 visits M-F awhile ago but would be available in emergencies... my father meanwhile can't stay home with her 24/7 so he hired another company to fill in the blanks. :shrug: It'll be okay, I kind of got a good/peaceful feeling after tonight's talk. It'll be okay, I think it was just the stoppage of nebulizer and her breathing med:smile: :huggy:

Yes, it will be okay. :huggy:


New Member
oldman said:
thus I'm not very active. I also continue to smoke which is really frowned upon, but to me the pleasure I get outweighs the risk.
I don't know if you have relatives and friends that love you but my Mother in Law left a huge void in our extended family and she uttered those same words the day before she passed away.


New Member
Dems, both my Mom and MIL were taken by emphysema but their symptoms were totally different. My Mother lost all her brain power from lack of oxygen but my MIL was sharp as a tack to the end but clogged lungs shut down the rest of her organs. My prayers are with you and your family.


Charles said:
Dems, both my Mom and MIL were taken by emphysema but their symptoms were totally different. My Mother lost all her brain power from lack of oxygen but my MIL was sharp as a tack to the end but clogged lungs shut down the rest of her organs. My prayers are with you and your family.

Thanks, just got off phone with my Dad, my mother made it through the night AND without any violent shaking. He says he thinks its definately from being off of nebulizer and Advair the CO2 built up too much, she seems to be better today! :clap: Everything seems to be okay again and nurse is stopping by today. Thanks for all the suggestions and support :huggy: And thanks to all the kind pms too :huggy: