End times - how close might we be?

Simply put, it's your choice. You'll either believe in God on your own volition, or you will be dragged kicking and screaming to face His wrath face to face, and that won't be good for you.

This brings up the image of god as the penultimate Godfather making you an "offer that you can’t refuse”. Because that's what it really is. And “either your brains or your signature will be on the contract”.

Interesting, isn't it that your god's methods are similar to that of a mob boss.


Well-Known Member
This brings up the image of god as the penultimate Godfather making you an "offer that you can’t refuse”. Because that's what it really is. And “either your brains or your signature will be on the contract”.

Interesting, isn't it that your god's methods are similar to that of a mob boss.

We've been over this before, and nothing has changed. Everyone will believe - for some it will be voluntary and rewarded, for many others it will be involuntary and futile.

You choose to not believe the Bible. Your choice.:buddies:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't mind, at all. However, it's a long, quite boring story (the very definition of tl;dr) and, it's late in the day I just got out of traffic, and tomorrow isn't looking better. I'll try to revisit this thread some time soon, and see if I can retrace my train of thought, research and logical leaps. (I was in my early 20's, and I've since seen more winters than I'd expected to) It's not very straightforward - which, I presume, is why people aren't interested in the intellectual branches involved, and why I ultimately don't bother any more.

Don't forget, and keep in mind that the minutia is what interests me. The process involved.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This brings up the image of god as the penultimate Godfather making you an "offer that you can’t refuse”. Because that's what it really is. And “either your brains or your signature will be on the contract”.

Interesting, isn't it that your god's methods are similar to that of a mob boss.

You interest me as well. Why all the hostility? Why do you care what religious beliefs strangers on the internet have?


Well-Known Member
You interest me as well. Why all the hostility? Why do you care what religious beliefs strangers on the internet have?

I don't know what pc's angle is. Dude rarely shows up at all on any forum other than topics about Christianity and God, of which he is consistently against. I guess insecurity and being uncomfortable with belief of anything other than himself is probably the cause.


Raisin cane
The Mosque of Omar still stands on the Temple Mount. And there is no Jewish Temple there.
The Wailing Wall still stands.
Nothing even remotely close to anything like a "Rapture" event has happened (although I'm not much of a proponent of the pre-tribulation rapture).
And nobody resembling an Antichrist has assumed a role that could possibly lead to some sort of world leadership status.

We're fine.

We'll be fine for a good while yet.

Thanks for your thoughts. There are plenty of things still yet to happen, I believe. I appreciate your civil discussion on this topic.


Raisin cane
Why all the hostility? Why do you care what religious beliefs strangers on the internet have?

It is kind of curious. While I don't mind that people express their opinions and have different beliefs, I always find it odd when some folks go into some sort of 'attack' type of mode against people they don't even know. I never claimed to be 'special', as Proxi makes it a point to tell me that I'm not. I simply asked a question, in the Religious forum mind you, of what folks thought about current world events and basically how they lined up with predictions/prophecy in the Bible. I didn't realize it would be so upsetting to some folks.


Well-Known Member
Here's one...You aren't special, contrary to your bronze age belief system. You're an 'intelligent' animal susceptible to mind rot by that menace to mankind called religion. The universe does not revolve around you, or the earth, or this solar system, or the milky way galaxy...one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. Furthermore, your country is not privileged in any way by any 'god'.

Get over yourself.

You are so right.... unlike Egypt in the days of Moses, when Pharaoh was 'god'.... the United States has not been subjected to the tyranny of a single person setting themselves up as 'god'.

There are a lot of horrible people who have made their way into our religious system. They are in high places but they are corrupt. Whenever humans take over anything they tend to put the wrong people in some very important positions. Caiaphas comes to mind this morning.

The rest of your description of modern day Christians does suck a bit much and leaves the value of the One True God out of the equation.

It occurred to me this morning that God isn't in the business of being nice to anyone. He let His only Son be stripped, beaten, and hung on the cross until the body gave up. What makes anyone think He would do less for people who write the kind of stuff you, PC, did in this thread?

Our belief system was only physically copied and bound into book form during the bronze age. Our belief system has been tested since the beginning of time. Our belief system is based on what the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, has been guiding us to believe since the beginning. We believe that our One True God actually created the galaxies you can only talk about. He hung the moon and the stars.

It doesn't matter what we think. It doesn't matter if we "get over ourselves" or not. The only thing that matters is that God has a plan. The plan has set out certain events that will occur. In the end God will gather up His Believers and leave everyone else to their own demise. It's up to you to decide where you will stand at that time.

We're heading to the end times.... I don't want to be here when it happens. I don't want my family and friends to be here when it happens. So I hope that the US is only going through a few years of rough history. I don't particularly care for the man that has been chosen to lead, but I am glad that he is not running the country by himself. There are still two other branches of the government and those branches include good Christian people.

I Believe God is still in control.

I Believe God loves me and He is watching out for me.

I Believe The US is still a whole lot better off than the rest of the world.

Merry Christmas!

Last edited:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I heard He's pretty good at multitasking.

Well apparently not because while He is sending angels down to make sure my friend doesn't get into a fender bender and be late for her hair appointment (according to her), there are a lot more important things I feel He could be focusing on.


professional daydreamer
Rev 12:12

12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."

God is not causing the horrors on earth. Satan is.

I have been looking for the right words and scripture to help in understanding why bad things happen to good people. Even with the scriptures, however, it will still take a leap of faith by those who don't believe in God.

Satan was created by God thousands of years ago as a perfect angel. Satan was called Lucifer and he lived in heaven.

Lucifer was above every other angel in heaven. His appearance was beautiful and dazzling. He radiated light and glory. He was covered with gold and shimmering jewels. Lucifer was the Chief Covering angel and he worked in the throne room of God.

12 "You were the seal of perfection,
Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;
Every precious stone was your covering:
The sardius, topaz, and diamond,
Beryl, onyx, and jasper,
Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold.
The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes
Was prepared for you on the day you were created.
14 You were the anointed cherub who covers;
I established you;
You were on the holy mountain of God;
You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.”
Ezekiel 28:12-14

Lucifer spent a lot of time with God the father and Jesus Christ. They met together frequently to share ideas and make plans. They were very close to each other and were in perfect harmony.

Lucifer became proud

Just over 6,000 years ago God and Jesus had a private meeting and Lucifer was not included. Lucifer became jealous. He set out on a campaign to prove that he was above Jesus. Lucifer began to be proud of his own glory and wisdom.

"Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor.” Ezekiel 28:17

"you have set your heart as the heart of a god.” Ezekiel 28:6

Over time one third of the angels in heaven chose to side with Lucifer and to worship him instead of Jesus. God made tireless efforts to persuade Lucifer to repent and return to God. Lucifer almost relented, but he would not give up his pride and humble himself. He refused to admit that he was wrong.

Satan is in competition with God for our souls, and with God giving mankind free will, we can easily be tempted.

Lucifer thrown out of heaven

Eventually Lucifer became entrenched in his pride and God could no longer influence him. God reluctantly removed Lucifer from his position of Chief Covering angel. Lucifer was thrown out of heaven, along with the angels who had chosen to follow him.

"How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
'I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.'” Isaiah 14:12-14

If anyone has a better explanation, or can present it in a way that might be easier to understand, please do.


Looks like this web site could go a long way in explaining who/what/when/how. http://www.markbeast.com/

To fully understand any of the bible, you have to read it. Whether it's from cover to cover, or using other resources and bouncing around from book to book.
All the answers are there, you just have to have a desire to find them.


professional daydreamer
Matthew 24:14 The End

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come.

I think this is an important factor in determining how near the end we are. With our ability to travel and communicate worldwide, how much longer until everyone on earth has heard about Jesus? Seriously. It can't possibly be that much longer.


Well-Known Member
Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. And the opposite. Human existence (what some call life) is that way. We must be careful to not confuse "good" with "saved" people.

There's an old saying that is absolutely true then as today: "Hell will be overflowing with good people. Heaven will be filled with saved sinners".

There is a vast, unbridgeable difference between the two, as scriptures point out.

Simple faith, i.e., "KJV Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. This is.....(Hebrews 11:1), or translated into a more modern verbiage, but no different - NIV: "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what ...".

It's all about faith in the work of Christ at Calvary. If one does not have the faith, the end times are horrifyingly unavoidable, and unending.

I urge people to read it for themselves.
You interest me as well. Why all the hostility? Why do you care what religious beliefs strangers on the internet have?

Are you not hostile to unfounded beliefs? Or perhaps you take a different tact when it comes to religion. Do you as a self-declared atheist, think that irrationally held beliefs should get a free pass if they happen to be religiously based beliefs?

In other topics of discourse I've seen you ridicule the unfounded beliefs of people. Why should it be any different for religion? Hasn't religion been societally shielded from criticism long enough?

As to your second question, why would anyone exchange posts with strangers in an open forum? I suppose it scratches an itch from time to time.
You are so right.... unlike Egypt in the days of Moses, when Pharaoh was 'god'.... the United States has not been subjected to the tyranny of a single person setting themselves up as 'god'.

There are a lot of horrible people who have made their way into our religious system. They are in high places but they are corrupt. Whenever humans take over anything they tend to put the wrong people in some very important positions. Caiaphas comes to mind this morning.

The rest of your description of modern day Christians does suck a bit much and leaves the value of the One True God out of the equation.

It occurred to me this morning that God isn't in the business of being nice to anyone. He let His only Son be stripped, beaten, and hung on the cross until the body gave up. What makes anyone think He would do less for people who write the kind of stuff you, PC, did in this thread?

Our belief system was only physically copied and bound into book form during the bronze age. Our belief system has been tested since the beginning of time. Our belief system is based on what the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, has been guiding us to believe since the beginning. We believe that our One True God actually created the galaxies you can only talk about. He hung the moon and the stars.

It doesn't matter what we think. It doesn't matter if we "get over ourselves" or not. The only thing that matters is that God has a plan. The plan has set out certain events that will occur. In the end God will gather up His Believers and leave everyone else to their own demise. It's up to you to decide where you will stand at that time.

We're heading to the end times.... I don't want to be here when it happens. I don't want my family and friends to be here when it happens. So I hope that the US is only going through a few years of rough history. I don't particularly care for the man that has been chosen to lead, but I am glad that he is not running the country by himself. There are still two other branches of the government and those branches include good Christian people.

I Believe God is still in control.

I Believe God loves me and He is watching out for me.

I Believe The US is still a whole lot better off than the rest of the world.

Merry Christmas!


Nice sermon HC...

Next time put a little spiked eggnog in your coffee.

All the best to you and yours.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Are you not hostile to unfounded beliefs? Or perhaps you take a different tact when it comes to religion. Do you as a self-declared atheist, think that irrationally held beliefs should get a free pass if they happen to be religiously based beliefs?

In other topics of discourse I've seen you ridicule the unfounded beliefs of people. Why should it be any different for religion? Hasn't religion been societally shielded from criticism long enough?

As long as it doesn't affect me, I don't care. People's personal religious beliefs don't affect me, just like who someone sleeps with doesn't affect me, nor does how some woman chooses to deal with her pregnancy. If Christians start blowing chit up all the time and killing people in the name of their God, THEN I will be affected and care. I do care about laws that are based on Christian beliefs, because they are unconstitutional and discriminatory.

As to your second question, why would anyone exchange posts with strangers in an open forum? I suppose it scratches an itch from time to time.

Good enough. :cheers:


Well-Known Member
Why should it be any different for religion? Hasn't religion been societally shielded from criticism long enough?

One reason why you should be careful what you say about Christianity.... God controls lightning.... so do me a favor... should we ever meet.... remind me who you are on line so I can back way way away from you.... LOL.... I'm not crazy about getting struck by lightning flung by God....:gossip:

Merry Christmas



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
One reason why you should be careful what you say about Christianity.... God controls lightning.... so do me a favor... should we ever meet.... remind me who you are on line so I can back way way away from you.... LOL.... I'm not crazy about getting struck by lightning flung by God....:gossip:

Merry Christmas


Um, if blasphemers were going to be struck by lightening there would be way more crispy critters out there. I have to believe Prox is way down on God's smite list. At least I hope so. Otherwise, I would like to direct God's attention to more pressing matters.


One reason why you should be careful what you say about Christianity.... God controls lightning.... so do me a favor... should we ever meet.... remind me who you are on line so I can back way way away from you.... LOL.... I'm not crazy about getting struck by lightning flung by God....:gossip:

That's Thor.
You're thinking of Thor.

Maybe Zeus.
One reason why you should be careful what you say about Christianity.... God controls lightning.... so do me a favor... should we ever meet.... remind me who you are on line so I can back way way away from you.... LOL.... I'm not crazy about getting struck by lightning flung by God....:gossip:

Merry Christmas


Very funny. Tell you what, if we ever do meet, you buy the coffee. I'll make my distance from you if a lightning storm appears.