You are so right.... unlike Egypt in the days of Moses, when Pharaoh was 'god'.... the United States has not been subjected to the tyranny of a single person setting themselves up as 'god'.
There are a lot of horrible people who have made their way into our religious system. They are in high places but they are corrupt. Whenever humans take over anything they tend to put the wrong people in some very important positions.
Caiaphas comes to mind this morning.
The rest of your description of modern day Christians does suck a bit much and leaves the value of the One True God out of the equation.
It occurred to me this morning that
God isn't in the business of being nice to anyone. He let His only Son be stripped, beaten, and hung on the cross until the body gave up. What makes anyone think He would do less for people who write the kind of stuff you, PC, did in this thread?
Our belief system was only physically copied and bound into book form during the bronze age.
Our belief system has been tested since the beginning of time. Our belief system is based on what the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, has been guiding us to believe since the beginning. We believe that our One True God actually created the galaxies you can only talk about. He hung the moon and the stars.
It doesn't matter what we think.
It doesn't matter if we "get over ourselves" or not. The only thing that matters is that
God has a plan. The plan has set out certain events that will occur.
In the end God will gather up His Believers and leave everyone else to their own demise. It's up to you to decide where you will stand at that time.
We're heading to the end times.... I don't want to be here when it happens. I don't want my family and friends to be here when it happens. So I hope that the US is only going through a few years of rough history. I don't particularly care for the man that has been chosen to lead, but I am glad that he is not running the country by himself. There are still two other branches of the government and those branches include good Christian people.
I Believe God is still in control.
I Believe God loves me and He is watching out for me.
I Believe The US is still a whole lot better off than the rest of the world.
Merry Christmas!