Energy Department warns over smart grid privacy
"Consumer-specific energy usage data has enormous potential to enable utilities or other third-party service providers to help consumers significantly reduce energy consumption," the Department of Energy noted.
However, it said that "because such data can also disclose fairly detailed information about the behavior and activities of a particular household," controls need to be implemented for ensuring the data is collected, used and shared in line with privacy expectations.
A key component of such a grid is smart-metering technology, which is used for collecting energy consumption data from homes and transmitting it back to power distributors. Data from these devices will be used by utilities for billing purposes, to manage their networks and calculate demand better.
Future generation smart meters will allow consumers to identify the energy consumption of individual appliances within their homes to help them weed out costly energy usage habits.
once the ability to collect is in place, how long until the ability to control comes behind it ........ and some Gobberment Agency determines how much energy you are allocated and if you go over, like bandwidth from Comcast, when you go over .... your lights go out for the rest of the month
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