English-only, other anti-immigrant laws spread in US


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Lenny said:
I have to disagree with the headline writer and the narrowness of the article. The laws should also require native born people to speak English. I don't want to be "axed" a question, nor do I want to listen to "rap-speak" on the corners downtown.
:killingme I was on the phone to a customer service provider trying to get something resolved; This lady kept denying my claim. Finally she said to me, "Axe the people ...". I said to her, "The word is ask." She said, "Ask the people ...".

My sons had an English teacher n Calvert County public school that used "axe" for "ask." I corrected her too. "On accident" - no. "By accident" - yes. "These ones" - no. "These" - yes. The dumbing down of the population of the United States is becoming more evident.


Super Genius
2ndAmendment said:
There are regulations about the flying of flags in the U.S. and the proper display of Old Glory.
As a private citizen, I am not bound to live by those regulations. :shrug:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
As a private citizen, I am not bound to live by those regulations. :shrug:
True. As a private citizen, I don't have to give you any respect if you don't respect my country, its flag, and its primary language. No English, no service.


2ndAmendment said:
:killingme I was on the phone to a customer service provider trying to get something resolved; This lady kept denying my claim. Finally she said to me, "Axe the people ...". I said to her, "The word is ask." She said, "Ask the people ...".

My sons had an English teacher n Calvert County public school that used "axe" for "ask." I corrected her too. "On accident" - no. "By accident" - yes. "These ones" - no. "These" - yes. The dumbing down of the population of the United States is becoming more evident.
I don't know if it's as much dumbing down as it is becoming more lazy with shorter attention spans.


It's Great to be American
Chrystee said:
It is more safe for aliens to be here legally. I believe it is safer for them to know English, and be documented.

Let's not forget that even if YOU were born here, your ancestors were not, unless they are Native Americans.

I don't see a problem with having them here if they are here legally. If they are here legally they will be required to pay taxes and contribute in other ways to American society. I would even be for the establishment of classes so that LEGAL aliens can learn English.

If they're caught and they are here illegally, I say we should fingerprint them and give them a chance to become legal citizens. If they are unwilling to do this, they would be deported. If they return and their fingerprints are already in the system, they would face stiffer penalties, including prison until they are willing to become legal.


buddy999 said:
I don't see a problem with having them here if they are here legally. If they are here legally they will be required to pay taxes and contribute in other ways to American society. I would even be for the establishment of classes so that LEGAL aliens can learn English.

If they're caught and they are here illegally, I say we should fingerprint them and give them a chance to become legal citizens. If they are unwilling to do this, they would be deported. If they return and their fingerprints are already in the system, they would face stiffer penalties, including prison until they are willing to become legal.

I agree.
Just sometimes people have the attitude that they don't want anymore "foreigners" in their country.


In My Opinion
Chrystee said:
I agree.
Just sometimes people have the attitude that they don't want anymore "foreigners" in their country.
I think that attitude comes from the fact that the foreigners in question seem to want to come to this country and force us to change our laws to suit their agenda.

maybe if they would try, just try to act right there would not be this dislike of them.
for starters, no, this is not your country and we will not go back to Europe.
Next, we dont want your flags on our post offices, so, dont try that again.
also, keep your criminal element in your own jails instead of sending them over here with the blessing of your government.

there is a legal way to come in. use it or stay out.