mv_princess said:aahh......or maybe he doesn't know how to work the fax at the library
Did I tell ya I bought a new fax machine/shredder combination??
I've either got it hooked up wrong or someone is sending me confetti

mv_princess said:aahh......or maybe he doesn't know how to work the fax at the library
mv_princess said:Does he realize that the base is a different Voting section. It doesn't fall under 29B...
Everything you just said there................made no sense.JPC said:Yes, I do know that thew Base is in District 29C.
In some places like Afganistan and Iraq and Germany and Japan, they have American military Bases because those places were occupied after their wars.
Well Pax River Naval Base is now occupying St. Mary's County as if our local population is irrellivant as the Navy growth expands its occupation of our home.
Of course St. Mary's County did not loose any war but our political leaders have surrendered the betterment of our population in servitude to the unreasonable oligarchy greed.
This must stop. We are not to act as peasants before their Royal Highness. Steny Hoyer will never be my boss.
Oh sorry that was me..........I just thought you needed something to brighten up your day.rack'm said:Did I tell ya I bought a new fax machine/shredder combination??
I've either got it hooked up wrong or someone is sending me confetti
mv_princess said:Oh sorry that was me..........I just thought you needed something to brighten up your day.
How are you going to do that when it is the Congress of the United States of America that dictate what work is done at the military facilities via the Defense Appropriations?JPC said:I posted it already and here it goes again.
I am not going to close down the Navy Base. Just make it start to act like a respectful guest in our home.
We are not its servants and we must stop acting as if we are.
Keep talking, you make us primates look smarter.JPC said:Yes, I do know that thew Base is in District 29C.
In some places like Afganistan and Iraq and Germany and Japan, they have American military Bases because those places were occupied after their wars.
Well Pax River Naval Base is now occupying St. Mary's County as if our local population is irrellivant as the Navy growth expands its occupation of our home.
Of course St. Mary's County did not loose any war but our political leaders have surrendered the betterment of our population in servitude to the unreasonable oligarchy greed.
This must stop. We are not to act as peasants before their Royal Highness. Steny Hoyer will never be my boss.
Ken King said:How are you going to do that when it is the Congress of the United States of America that dictate what work is done at the military facilities via the Defense Appropriations?
DOD submits a request for new or advanced systems and the Congress authorizes and funds them, of which some of that work comes to this facility. Are you saying that should you be elected you will have any say whatsoever as to what does or doesn't come here? If so, I think you are more delusional than what your posts show.
No, a MD Delegate has no power to either allow or stop what the Federal Government does on Federal Government property. MD laws don't apply. For example, there is a microbrewery on base. That is against county laws, but it is allowed under Federal laws.JPC said:Our US Congress representatives have betrayed us, and they can only do so with the puppet in 29B selling us out. We have a form of oligarchy where the rich and privleged are gratifying their greed at the expence of the population. It is 29B that gives them full permission.
No one has betrayed us. They have seen to it that we have employment opportunities in this area (I realize this is a foreign concept for you) and that we haven't lost jobs as the military structure changes through BRAC. And one thing you have yet to grasp is that it doesn't matter who holds the 29B Delegate seat. As to whoever has or gets it they will have no power to do a damn thing even if anyone thought this was a problem (other than you).JPC said:I surely have been saying this already but here it goes another time.
Our US Congress representatives have betrayed us, and they can only do so with the puppet in 29B selling us out. We have a form of oligarchy where the rich and privleged are gratifying their greed at the expence of the population. It is 29B that gives them full permission.
And as I so proudly stated, "Steny Hoyer will never be my boss," and neither will Sarbanes nor Mikluski nor any other of the oligarchy.
It is the duty of 29B to stand in the way of their greed that is overloading our entire infrastructure. I will put a stop to it.
JPC said:I surely have been saying this already but here it goes another time.
Our US Congress representatives have betrayed us, and they can only do so with the puppet in 29B selling us out. We have a form of oligarchy where the rich and privleged are gratifying their greed at the expence of the population. It is 29B that gives them full permission.
And as I so proudly stated, "Steny Hoyer will never be my boss," and neither will Sarbanes nor Mikluski nor any other of the oligarchy.
It is the duty of 29B to stand in the way of their greed that is overloading our entire infrastructure. I will put a stop to it.
MMDad said:Ken, please tell me if I'm right.
It seems like the relationship between the Navy and the community is handled at the commisioner level, like the flat tops, AICUZ, and fire department mutual aid. The only real interface between the Navy and the state was working with SHA for the road widening.
If you truly wanted to have any influence on the base, wouldn't you run for an office that has something to do with these dealings? Either county commisioner or U.S. Congress?
The county, through the commissioners and the Tri-County Council, has formed a partnership with the Navy to address many issues and work to smooth out ruffled feathers on truly trivial matter, but for the important stuff (like what projects the Navy will be developing and working on) if you want something done it must be approved at the Federal level which would mean Congress.MMDad said:Ken, please tell me if I'm right.
It seems like the relationship between the Navy and the community is handled at the commisioner level, like the flat tops, AICUZ, and fire department mutual aid. The only real interface between the Navy and the state was working with SHA for the road widening.
If you truly wanted to have any influence on the base, wouldn't you run for an office that has something to do with these dealings? Either county commisioner or U.S. Congress?
FromTexas said:Everyone needs to send links of his tirades and website to The Daily Show. Maybe they will interview him.![]()
FromTexas said:Everyone needs to send links of his tirades and website to The Daily Show. Maybe they will interview him.![]()
OUR HOME???? WTF are you talking about. You have no home my friend. You are an unemployed felon whom we support with our tax dollars. We pay for the computer you use in the library, we pay for lord only knows what else to support your sorry uneducated ignorant existance. I may take up the suggestion a few days ago about the legality of you using publically funded equipment to run a privately funded (oh wait, we are funding your campaign through our taxes) entity. The outcome may be quite interesting for you.JPC said:I posted it already and here it goes again.
I am not going to close down the Navy Base. Just make it start to act like a respectful guest in our home.
We are not its servants and we must stop acting as if we are.
Penn,Penn said:Ken, when are you going to run for office?!?!What's holding you back?