escorting guests on base


Well-Known Member
I believe the a lot of the attitude towards contractors comes from the contracting officers (KO).

On my contract, contractors don't get 59's, can not charge to the contract when the base is closed like GS's can and are not allowed to do office security checks. All those provisions were removed from the contract by the government contracting office.

I'm starting to see contractors being treated like a second class citizen now a days.

Starting to? In some places (Cherry Point), it's been like that for a long time.

One of the main problems with contracts, especially AIR-2.5 (services) is that they don't have contractors working for or with them. Most of them have no idea of what life is like with contractors imbedded in the office like most of the rest of NAVAIR does.
I believe the a lot of the attitude towards contractors comes from the contracting officers (KO).

On my contract, contractors don't get 59's, can not charge to the contract when the base is closed like GS's can and are not allowed to do office security checks. All those provisions were removed from the contract by the government contracting office.

I'm starting to see contractors being treated like a second class citizen now a days.

It's always been this way. Contractors have always been 2nd class citizens even tho everyone knows they do the bulk of the work.

The extra $ to allow things like 59s, and schedules similar to civil servants is typically removed from contracts to keep the cost of the contract down and competitive.


Well-Known Member
It's always been this way. Contractors have always been 2nd class citizens even tho everyone knows they do the bulk of the work.

The extra $ to allow things like 59s, and schedules similar to civil servants is typically removed from contracts to keep the cost of the contract down and competitive.

I assume that by 59, you guys are referring to the occasionally-vaunted 59-minute "rule." In 12 years, I've only seen it exercised once that I can remember, maybe twice.

As far as kicking contractors loose 59 minutes early, we can't do that. We're not allowed to. We have, on occasion, told our folks that "we can't tell you to go home, but we are," usually when the Skipper has secured us early (as in Thanksgiving or Christmas eve day).

As far as the hours our contractor folks follow, our contracts read to the effect that hours, holidays, ect. mirror the government work schedules. If you want, I can find the language for you. So when gov't folks work CWS, our contractor folks work CWS, as much as it irritates certain military and some civilians who've had a hard time "taking off the uniform."


New Member
Thanks. I did call the pass office and they told me that I can just wave them on behind me, so I guess we're good to go!

Don't count on it. Such should not be the case, at all.

I'll be interested to know your results.


New Member
I suggest you call the pass office and ask before you take the trip there.

Last I knew, no one goes thru the gate unless they have a business reason to be there, have been entered into the BASICS II system with a military or civil servant POC and has been issued a pass from the pass office.

So you are saying that all of our service members living in on-base housing have to enter their guests into BASICS in order to have them visit them at home?
So you are saying that all of our service members living in on-base housing have to enter their guests into BASICS in order to have them visit them at home?

No. I do not have any information on what the on-base residents can and cannot do.

I was referring to non-military/contractors who only work on-base, and based on my past experience.


Not White House Approved
On base personnel get a special base pass for their guests and must escort their guests at all times.