Esperanza Middle school Stabbing?


wandering aimlessly
cattitude said:
I also drove to work and forgot that my youngest was in the car seat in the back of the car until he said in a very tiny voice "mommy."
Subconciously you didn't want to go to work that day, and keeping him with you gave you an excuse to go back home. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
carolinagirl said:
Well, my kids ride scooters and bikes without helments, wear heelys and tennis shoes without socks and without helments or elbow and knee pads. I feed them all peanuts AND popcorn, even the two year old. To top that off I never give them $$ for chores. I have forgotten to pack lunches, put money in lunch accounts and have made them wear clothes that are too short or too tight in the waist. Hubby is no better, if I don't put out the kids clothes for in the morning, he will put on whatever he can find including mix-matched socks.
Oh yeah? Well my teenagers wear flipflops to school in the snow - and I LET them!


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Unfit, I tell ya. :shakeshead:

And with so many perfect Mommies on here that would be happy to advise her, too. :frown:
I should charge for my perfect mommy advice :dance: then I wouldn't have to join the cubicle farm


I am so very blessed
Well, I let my baby eat Cheerios WITHOUT milk!!!!

And sometimes I dress him funny on purpose. :biggrin:


Salt Life
BadGirl said:
And sometimes I dress him funny on purpose. :biggrin:
Me, too.


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Salt Life
vraiblonde said:
I love your kitty! Mine would scratch my eyeballs out if I tried to put clothes on him.
Just tell him how adorable he is and that mommy wants to see him looking handsome. He should let you then. :yay:


Well-Known Member
mehlert74 said:
That's good to know...i just wouldn't be surprised if something like that did happen and not us parents be informed though. i have had many issues with that school, i don't believe that, they do all that great of a job there. And if they refuse to give my son lunch one more time, due to my forgetfulness of giving him lunch money, i will be going to the school board.

but i thanks you much for the info. :howdy:

So you are mad at the school because you forgot to pack your kid a lunch or give them money. It is obviously your fault your kid is missing lunch. You have absolutly no reason to be mad at the school for that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
pingrr said:
So you are mad at the school because you forgot to pack your kid a lunch or give them money. It is obviously your fault your kid is missing lunch. You have absolutly no reason to be mad at the school for that.
GOD!!! SHUT UP!!! We have already established like 2,000 pages ago that the school should have offered the child something to eat or fronted him some lunch money, but it isn't something you take to the school board!!!



Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
GOD!!! SHUT UP!!! We have already established like 2,000 pages ago that the school should have offered the child something to eat or fronted him some lunch money, but it isn't something you take to the school board!!!


I don;t have time to read through all 28 + pages. So I just read the 1st 2 pages and put in my two cents.