Esperanza Middle school Stabbing?

mehlert74 said:
yes, i did see your post, and since learning about that, that is what ih ave done.

Oh, I was didn't get that from your earlier post... You made it sound like your kid misses out on lunch regularly...:confused:

mehlert74 said:
And if they refuse to give my son lunch one more time, due to my forgetfulness of giving him lunch money, i will be going to the school board.
RoseRed said:
I never set it up. But, when Bug runs out of money in her account, they still feed her and send a note home saying what she owes. I send in a check the next day or so. No big deal.

well, for what ever reason, they denied my son...i would have been more than happy to have a note sent home and then would have paid it..i just don't think they should not, not let the child eat. after talking to the lunch dept. she verified that they will not let them maybe their are some lunch ladies that let the kids slide, or maybe the one my son gets everyday is one of them that won't let them slide, i don't know. i just know that is what they did
kwillia said:
Oh, I was didn't get that from your earlier post... You made it sound like your kid misses out on lunch regularly...:confused:

no, i forgot a couple of times in the past...i was just trying to make a point that we all forget once in while as we are only human, but don't punish the child for it


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Middle school marked the time in my kids' lives where they got themselves out of bed and ready for school all by themselves. On their way out the door, they would yell, "Byemomloveyouhaveagoodday!" And I would yell back, "Bye, I love you too! Did you get your lunch money??"

"Oh dang!" was the typical reply.

And occasionally they did walk out without lunch money and they either had to scrounge off of their friends, or bum some money from someone. Nobody died and they learned to take care of their problems on their own.



wandering aimlessly
I forgot Boy 1's lunch money today. Luckily he carries an emergency fund. I will just give him twice as much tomorrow to reimburse him.
mehlert74 said:
well, for what ever reason, they denied my son...i would have been more than happy to have a note sent home and then would have paid it..i just don't think they should not, not let the child eat. after talking to the lunch dept. she verified that they will not let them maybe their are some lunch ladies that let the kids slide, or maybe the one my son gets everyday is one of them that won't let them slide, i don't know. i just know that is what they did
Your kid can ask daily what his/her balance is... middle school aged children are old enough to be responsible for recognizing when they need more lunch money. But it's a not an issue now that you are monitoring it from your PC.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
mehlert74 said:
well, for what ever reason, they denied my son...i would have been more than happy to have a note sent home and then would have paid it..i just don't think they should not, not let the child eat. after talking to the lunch dept. she verified that they will not let them maybe their are some lunch ladies that let the kids slide, or maybe the one my son gets everyday is one of them that won't let them slide, i don't know. i just know that is what they did

Maybe he is a pansy like you.


Well-Known Member
mehlert74 said:
no, i forgot a couple of times in the past...i was just trying to make a point that we all forget once in while as we are only human, but don't punish the child for it
Being that he is so new at EMS, did the other school feed him when you were forgetful?
Ehesef said:
No, we screw up too. The difference between you and us is that we don't threaten to go to the school board and blame the school for something that is our fault.

well, when it's against the law not to feed a child for forgetting money once or twice, someone has to do something about it...i am pretty sure that many parents have done it a few time themselves...guess not everyone knows the laws


Well-Known Member
mehlert74 said:
well, when it's against the law not to feed a child for forgetting money once or twice, someone has to do something about it...i am pretty sure that many parents have done it a few time themselves...guess not everyone knows the laws
In a sense, you broke the law. You did not send him with money. Therefore, you did not feed him. :shrug:
mehlert74 said:
well, when it's against the law not to feed a child for forgetting money once or twice, someone has to do something about it...i am pretty sure that many parents have done it a few time themselves...guess not everyone knows the laws
My kid missed lunch once because he forgot to take the check in to replenish his account. He didn't like going without so he learned to check his balance and be more responsible about ensuring his account stayed above zero. I'm thinking this was a good life lesson and a skill he'll be able to use often in life. :smile:
sockgirl77 said:
In a sense, you broke the law. You did not send him with money. Therefore, you did not feed him. :shrug:

ya know...stop acting as though we are all just 100% perfect and a mistake has never been made...don't tell me that you wouldn't be pissed if your child came home and said they wouldn't give them lunch because lunch money was forgotten...give me a break


wandering aimlessly
kwillia said:
My kid missed lunch once because he forgot to take the check in to replenish his account. He didn't like going without so he learned to check his balance and be more responsible about ensuring his account stayed above zero. I'm thinking this was a good life lesson and a skill he'll be able to use often in life. :smile:
The reason my son has his emergency fund (of his own money, not mine) is because he knows I may get rushed and forget, and he may get rushed and not remind me. I agree they only need to miss it once and they'll find a solution.


Yo Gabba Gabba
mehlert74 said:
ya know...stop acting as though we are all just 100% perfect and a mistake has never been made...don't tell me that you wouldn't be pissed if your child came home and said they wouldn't give them lunch because lunch money was forgotten...give me a break
I wouldn't. I would say "I'm sorry I forgot to give you money, I'll try not to let it happen again. In the future, if you realize that you don't have money, please let mommy know."
mehlert74 said:
ya know...stop acting as though we are all just 100% perfect and a mistake has never been made...don't tell me that you wouldn't be pissed if your child came home and said they wouldn't give them lunch because lunch money was forgotten...give me a break
I'm starting to think you have me on iggie...:frown:

Nothing in life is ever balanced and fair. Bad and inconvenient things happen all the time. It's our job as a parent to teach our kids how to deal with setbacks and learn how to avoid having the same things happen again. :shrug:
bresamil said:
The reason my son has his emergency fund (of his own money, not mine) is because he knows I may get rushed and forget, and he may get rushed and not remind me. I agree they only need to miss it once and they'll find a solution.

and i agree too...some of you are making it sound as though that i do this on a regular basis, and i don't...i forgot a couple of times, i took care of the problem, i was given more info. about everything that i did not receive to begin with...again, it's the point of it being allowed not to feed a child...that's all


Well-Known Member
mehlert74 said:
ya know...stop acting as though we are all just 100% perfect and a mistake has never been made...don't tell me that you wouldn't be pissed if your child came home and said they wouldn't give them lunch because lunch money was forgotten...give me a break
ya know...stop acting as though you have only done this once. You openly posted on the internet that you have forgotten to give your kid lunch money multiple times. Then, you have the nerve to complain that the lunch lady did not feed your kid. I never had a mean lunch lady. If your kid was so damn hungry that he felt the need to whine to you about it, than he should have at the smarts at 11 damn years old to go the the Office with his complaint. But, that is just my opinion. And yes I would be pissed if the school refused my kid lunch, however I pre pay for his lunch. As a parent, I checked all meal options when registering my son. No, I am not 100% perfect, but I make damn sure that my kid is fed. :yay:


New Member

mehlert74 said:
so let me get this straight...all of you are perfect? all of you never forget anything? a person is only human
:lmao: Even I have never forgotten to send money to school with my daughter, and what is it you were saying about me? :lmao: