everyone come out ok after the storms?


I love her wild,wild hair
heard there were pretty bad ones....everything looks normal in california
I've got a few new trees down in the woods, was worried about the mini barn. It's already had one tree fall on it and I had a he!! of a time cutting it off and trying to lift the roof back up where it was last spring. When storms give you trees, I get them cut into lumber and build something new. I need to build more run ins so I'm going to go see what can go to the sawmill when I get a chance to take a walk around. Hope everyone else made it through ok.......


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Fared pretty good! Had some scary times that sounded like a train coming! We didn't loose any trees, and the power was back on by 3am.


heard there were pretty bad ones....everything looks normal in california

Everything seems to be fine in Huntingtown. We spent all day Sunday replacing our fence - glad to see it's still there this morning!


New Member
Whatever we got, I slept right through it.... awfully muddy outside this morning though.
Everyone keeps talking about the storms but I apparently slept through it all :snooze: and didn't notice anything but wet roads this morning.


Well-Known Member
Lots of wind down. No branches I could see. Apparently a lot of trees down in NC. My parents live in Kitty Hawk and it was pretty bad there last night.


Why me??
Hope it's not too bad! :huggy:

Well my husband just called and he said he thinks a microburst came threw cause there are tons of trees down where we live in a straight line. He said he saw a tree on a truck and alot of trees on one house....hope they are ok..


I was up cleaning my house when it went thru....it was very strong wind and rain in Hollywood area, we seem to be OK but hubby did not check out the pole barn, or mobile Home on our property yet...But I feel sure every thing is OK...I hope any way.


New Member
Oh damage on our house was....took down part of our fence, deck and put a dent in our pool. Oh it also took down my apple tree. Thank-you belvak:love:

oh no i would hate to lose my apple tree :(:tantrum sorry about the damage elsewhere too. where are you located? i wonder what areas got the worst


New Member
The wind woke me up last night. I thought for sure there would be a lot of trees or atleast branches down, but there wasnt. I heard on the radio that Reagan had winds up to 75 mph.