Evicting the baby


Where are my pants?
I'm going in for a scheduled c-section tomorrow, and I'm a bit anxious as I haven't a clear idea of what to expect.

Has anyone had a recent NON-emergency c-section at St. Mary's Hospital? What was your experience like? Any tips, suggestions, or words of wisdom to share?

My pre-op is this afternoon...are there any questions I should pose at that time?

Information is much appreciated. Thank you!
Club'nBabySeals said:
I'm going in for a scheduled c-section tomorrow, and I'm a bit anxious as I haven't a clear idea of what to expect.

Has anyone had a recent NON-emergency c-section at St. Mary's Hospital? What was your experience like? Any tips, suggestions, or words of wisdom to share?

My pre-op is this afternoon...are there any questions I should pose at that time?

Information is much appreciated. Thank you!
Both of mine were "non-emergency" c-sections and I had them at St. Mary's Hospital. Mine were 14 and 11 years ago so I can't speak for what you will find now, however, I was very happy with the maternity ward and staff in that hospital both times. You will be fine! Congratulations, Mommy! :clap:

Nanny Pam

Club'nBabySeals said:
I'm going in for a scheduled c-section tomorrow, and I'm a bit anxious as I haven't a clear idea of what to expect.

Has anyone had a recent NON-emergency c-section at St. Mary's Hospital? What was your experience like? Any tips, suggestions, or words of wisdom to share?

My pre-op is this afternoon...are there any questions I should pose at that time?

Information is much appreciated. Thank you!


Ask if it can wait till Thursday. Then you will definately have something to be thankful for.


Enjoying the Beach
Club'nBabySeals said:
I'm going in for a scheduled c-section tomorrow, and I'm a bit anxious as I haven't a clear idea of what to expect.

Has anyone had a recent NON-emergency c-section at St. Mary's Hospital? What was your experience like? Any tips, suggestions, or words of wisdom to share?

My pre-op is this afternoon...are there any questions I should pose at that time?

Information is much appreciated. Thank you!

I had a scheduled c with my second. It was great! No labor, very relaxed atmosphear in the OR.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
I don't know that every hospital does this but I stayed the night when my daughter was born. It was nice to spend the first night with my daughter and wife. Anything you can think of no matter how silly you might think it is is worh asking.


Set Trippin
Club'nBabySeals said:
I'm going in for a scheduled c-section tomorrow, and I'm a bit anxious as I haven't a clear idea of what to expect.

Has anyone had a recent NON-emergency c-section at St. Mary's Hospital? What was your experience like? Any tips, suggestions, or words of wisdom to share?

My pre-op is this afternoon...are there any questions I should pose at that time?

Information is much appreciated. Thank you!
Good luck to you! Is this #1?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Don't let it bother you when they bring in that crane looking thingy. :biggrin:


All Up In Your Grill
Club'nBabySeals said:
I'm going in for a scheduled c-section tomorrow, and I'm a bit anxious as I haven't a clear idea of what to expect.

Has anyone had a recent NON-emergency c-section at St. Mary's Hospital? What was your experience like? Any tips, suggestions, or words of wisdom to share?

My pre-op is this afternoon...are there any questions I should pose at that time?

Information is much appreciated. Thank you!

"Since I'll be here on Thursday, what's on the menu, or better yet, can I have someone bring me a REAL Thanksgiving Dinner plate?

Best of luck mommy-to-be! You have lots to be thankful for this year :huggy:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
GF is getting her 3rd (and my first) cut out Monday. According to her, the nicest thing was an open kitchen 24 hrs. The bad parts were the staples, the first time she stood up, and the fact that while she likes morphine, it doesn't like her.

I believe she double checked on the kitchen the last time we were up there since her last c-section was 7 years ago.

Good luck tommorrow!


New Member
Club'nBabySeals said:
I'm going in for a scheduled c-section tomorrow, and I'm a bit anxious as I haven't a clear idea of what to expect.

Has anyone had a recent NON-emergency c-section at St. Mary's Hospital? What was your experience like? Any tips, suggestions, or words of wisdom to share?

My pre-op is this afternoon...are there any questions I should pose at that time?

Information is much appreciated. Thank you!
Dont worry! Both of my c-sections were done there. Everything was perfect! You won't feel anything until the next day. When I did my walk through at the hospital,....I cried! It was silly! People treated me like a princess. Dont always believe the rumors. Best of luck sweetie. Relax!


I am so very blessed
kwillia said:
Bad Girl evicted hers at St. Mary's about 10 months ago... Hopefully she can give you the scoop...:tap:
I had an emergency c-section, after trying to labor for about 10 totally painfree hours. The baby was in distress, which is why it was necessary to remove him as quickly as possible.

Although I can't speak to having a NON-emergency c-section, my experience at St. Mary's was totally great. The meds were administered at a time so that I felt little-to-no pain, and I don't even really recall a bad moment during my delivery.

I gots the cutest little baby boy out of the deal. :baby:

I wish you nothing but a positive and painfree experience, and a happy and healthy baby. :huggy:

ps: Bubba went to the doctors this morning, and at 10 1/2 months, that little chunky monkey is 25 1/2 pounds. He is so awesome.


Well-Known Member
BadGirl said:
ps: Bubba went to the doctors this morning, and at 10 1/2 months, that little chunky monkey is 25 1/2 pounds. He is so awesome.

That IS a big boy! Our little girl just passed her first year and is still a few ounces shy of 20 lbs.

Seals, I don't know much about c-sections, but I know that the maternity ward at St. Mary's is very good. We were happy with them, and I'm sure you'll be just fine. Sorry I don't have anything more specific for you.