


Have you ever noticed ladies who
set their purses on public restroom floors - then go
directly to their dining tables and set it on the
table? Happens a lot!

It's not always the 'restaurant
food' that causes stomach distress. Sometimes "what
you don't know 'will' hurt you"! Read on...

Mom got so upset when guests
came in the door and plopped their purses down on
the counter where she was cooking or setting up
food. She always said that purses are really dirty,
because of where they have been. Smart Momma!!!

It's something just about every
woman carries with them. While we may know what's
inside our purses, do you have any idea what's on
the outside?

You may think twice about where
you put your purse. Women carry purses everywhere;
from th e office to public restrooms to the floor of
the car. Most women won't be caught without their purses, but did you ever stop to think about where your purse goes during the day?

"I drive a school bus, so my
purse has been on the floor of the bus a lot," says
one woman. "On the floor of my car, and in

"I put my purse in grocery
shopping carts, on the floor of bathroom stalls
while changing a diaper," says another woman "and of
course in my home which should be clean."

We decided to find out if purses
harbor a lot of bacteria. We learned how to test
them at Nelson Laboratories in Salt Lake, then we
set out to test the average woman's purse.

Most women told us they didn't
stop to think about what was on the bottom of their
purse. Most said at home they usually set their
purses on top of kitchen tables and counters where
food is prepared. Most of the ladies we talked to
told us they wouldn't be surprised if their purses
were at least a little bit dirty.

It turns out purses are so
surprisingly dirty, even the microbiologist who
tested them was shocked. Microbiologist Amy Karren
of Nelson Labs says nearly all of the purses tested
were not only high in bacteria, but high in harmful
kinds of bacteria.

Pseudomonas can cause eye
infections, staphylococcus aurous can cause serious
skin infections, and salmonella and e-coli found on
the purses could make people very sick. In one
sampling, four of five purses tested positive for
salmonella, and that's not the worst of it. "There
is fecal contamination on the purses," says Amy.

Leather or vinyl purses tended
to be cleaner than cloth purses, and lifestyle
seemed to play a role. People with kids tended to
have dirtier purses than those without, with one
exception. The purse of one single w oman who
frequented nightclubs had one of the worst
contaminations of all. "Some type of feces, or
possibly vomit" says Amy.

So the moral of this story -
your purse won't kill you, but it does has the
potential to make you very sick if you keep it on
places where you eat. Use hooks to hang your purse
at home and in restrooms, and don't put it on your
desk, a restaurant table, or on your kitchen
counter top.

Experts say you should think of
your purse the same way you would a pair of shoes.
"If you think about putting a pair of shoes onto
your counter tops, that's the same thing you're doing
when you put your purse on the counter tops" - your
purse has gone where individuals before you have
sneezed, coughed, spat, urinated, emptied bowels,
etc! Do you really want to bring that home with

The microbiologists at Nelson
also said cleaning a purse will help. Wash cloth
purses and use leather cleaner to clean the bottom
of leather purses.



Dancing Up A Storm
Remember the story about a cruise ship recently, where nearly 700 hundred passengers got sick while aboard the liner?

Turns out, one of the major reasons was that people were taking personal items - toothbrushes, purses, and other toiletry items into the lavatories - where fecal and urinary gasses were present.

Women bring their purses into the bathroom, and guys who are on travel bring their toilet case in there with them too.

"Experts say you should think of
your purse the same way you would a pair of shoes.
"If you think about putting a pair of shoes onto
your counter tops, that's the same thing you're doing
when you put your purse on the counter tops" - your
purse has gone where individuals before you have
sneezed, coughed, spat, urinated, emptied bowels,
etc! Do you really want to bring that home with

That is worth remembering!


New Member
Ewww is right! I've never put my purse on the floor of the bathroom, I always hang it on the hook. If they don't have a hook, I hang it on the side of the door somehow. Same with packages, bags, etc. I hang all those too.

What really grosses me out is when kids put their coats on the floor of public bathrooms. I saw this last week sometime. The mother then told her kid to wash her hands, and I was thinking to myself, what about that nasty coat your kid is putting back on? Yuck.


pretty black roses
vraiblonde said:

There are some people who should just be shrink-wrapped and be done with it.

I guess the people in need of the shrink wrap don't realize everyday they have thousands of tiny parasites on them they cannot wash off :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jwwb2000 said:
I guess the people in need of the shrink wrap don't realize everyday they have thousands of tiny parasites on them they cannot wash off :lol:
When I see stuff like this I get the insane desire to bring a microscope to their house and show them what's on the pillow they lay their heads on every night. :lol:

Not to mention...

Demodex folliculorum, or the demodicid, is a tiny mite, less than 0.4 mm long, that lives in your pores and hair follicles, usually on your nose, forehead, cheek, and chin, and often in the roots of your eyelashes. Demodicids have a wormlike appearance, with legs that are mere stumps. That's a picture of one on the left.

People with oily skin, or those who use cosmetics heavily and don't wash thoroughly, have the heaviest infestations ... but most adults carry a few demodicids and their eggs. Inflammation and infection often result when large numbers of these mites congregate in a single follicle

vraiblonde said:
When I see stuff like this I get the insane desire to bring a microscope to their house and show them what's on the pillow they lay their heads on every night. :lol:

Not to mention...

I understand your point about folks taking germophobe to extremes, but come one, Vrai... you can't honestly tell me you don't see a difference in naturally occuring bacteria and organisms vs. piled up fecel matter spray in a restroom...:eyebrow:


Cleopatra Jones
vraiblonde said:
When I see stuff like this I get the insane desire to bring a microscope to their house and show them what's on the pillow they lay their heads on every night. :lol:

Not to mention...


Demodex is a form of mange. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Mangey ass people. :lmao:

I wash my hands to a fault but my purse is sitting on my desk at this very moment. :jameo: :jameo: :jameo:


My Sweetest Boy
vraiblonde said:
When I see stuff like this I get the insane desire to bring a microscope to their house and show them what's on the pillow they lay their heads on every night. :lol:

Not to mention...


I saw the purse thing on Channel 4 a few months ago. It WAS pretty gross.

My pillows don't have any of that crap on them. My boxers lick it off.


Cleopatra Jones
cattitude said:
But it's not contagious. :jameo:

Of course not since we all have it. Some people/animals are suseptable to infections from it. It's been explained to me that our immune systems keep it in check. When that immunity is lacking/compromised an infestation and then infection occurs.


My Sweetest Boy
pixiegirl said:
Of course not since we all have it. Some people/animals are suseptable to infections from it. It's been explained to me that our immune systems keep it in check. When that immunity is lacking/compromised an infestation and then infection occurs.

Secondary infections from itching..


b*tch rocket
pixiegirl said:
Of course not since we all have it. Some people/animals are suseptable to infections from it. It's been explained to me that our immune systems keep it in check. When that immunity is lacking/compromised an infestation and then infection occurs.

And what does any of this have to do with purse funk? :duh: :wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
I saw the purse thing on Channel 4 a few months ago. It WAS pretty gross.
I would love to be in charge of "news" programming like that. I'll bet I could send my audience to a bubble in less than 5 minutes.

DID YOU KNOW...that Howard Huges was such a germophobe in his later years that he wouldn't touch anything without first wrapping his hands in tissue (that was probably crawling with germs as well)? Apparently that scene in "The Aviator" where he stands paralyzed in the bathroom is true.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
piled up fecel matter spray in a restroom...
Something to consider:

People come into the restroom and walk on the fecal matter-sprayed floor. Then what do they do? They....walk outside the restroom, tracking fecal matter all over the place. They may even prop their foot up on a chair or railing to tie their shoe or something. Then along comes Britney Spears to sit on the chair without her underpants on and WHAMMO! #### noo noo.