According to the article:<o


Gen. Anthony "Tony" Zinni, President Bush's former <st1

lace w:st="on">Middle East</st1

lace> envoy, says in the report: "It's not hard to make the connection between climate change and instability, or climate change and terrorism."<o


So according to Gen Zinni, global warming (sorry, "climate change") causes terrorism. He's blaming the most significant threat facing our country on the one of the least significant. This makes as much sense as saying that the large number of people who die each year in automobile accidents must be related to the over-consumption of trans-fats.
In March of 2000, Gen Zinni testified before Congress that "<st1:country-region w:st="on">Iraq</st1:country-region> remains the most significant near-term threat to <st1:country-region w:st="on">U.S.</st1:country-region> interests in the <st1

lace w:st="on">Persian Gulf</st1

lace> region." He also said that in spite of UN sanctions, <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1

lace w:st="on">Iraq</st1

lace></st1:country-region> was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction, continuing clandestine nuclear research, and, if allowed to continue ignoring the UN, likely to provide terrorists, including Osama bin Laden, with these types of weapons.
In 2004, Gen Zinni co-authored a book with Tom Clancy, in which he accused President Bush of "creating a false rationale for going in [to <st1

lace w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">Iraq</st1:country-region></st1

lace>] to get public support." He also said that he "misjudged the success of containment", which presumably was working so well the invasion was unnecessary.
So by 2011, we can expect Gen Zinni to collaborate with Al Gore on book explaining that the billions of dollars spent to combat global warming was actually a clever scheme by Dick Chaney to drive up the cost of solar panels and other alternative energy by making them status symbols to the <st1

lace w:st="on">Hollywood</st1

lace> elites.
Karl Rove also took advantage of Global Warming by setting up a "Carbon Offset" firm that focused on reducing greenhouse gasses in areas where they had the most potential for harm, such as the Canadian arctic. Rove's firm reduced the amount of carbon released in this area by aggressively eliminating the primary source of these emissions--Baby Harp Seals. By clubbing thousands of these adorable carbon-belching planet wreckers, the endangered Polar Bear's habitat was preserved in pristine condition. Unfortunately, most the Polar Bears starved to death because the seals had been killed to save them from global warming.
In 2012, Gen Zinni and Al Gore visit <st1

lace w:st="on"><st1:State w:st="on">Alaska</st1:State></st1

lace> to call attention to the plight of the dying Polar Bears. As they exited their private jet, several hungry bears attacked and ate both men, while strangely, all of their bodyguards and handlers happened to be using the restroom at the same moment. The tragic deaths of these two brave Americans were blamed on Global Warming.
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