Ex-generals: Global warming threatens U.S. security


Super Genius
Bustem' Down said:
I agree. I think it's almost arrogant to claim that we have sole power to change the temp globally. I'm more interested in reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gasses for more personal reasons. First, it just makes sense. If we could reduce pollution, why not? Second, I watched the city of Houston as I grew up change into one of the most polluted cities in the US. We used to hardly ever have smog and now it's a daily thing. I'd like to see it go away.

Now, the catch to all that? I want to see it change, I want to see pollution go away, but not at the expense of a stable economy, and not at the expense of jobs for citizens. there is no need for a knee jerk reaction, but a steady controlled change to other typs of fuels. I think the first biggest step we could make as a nation would be to start replacing old coal power plants with nuclear plants. As far as what to do with spent fuel? Kick NASA into gear, there's a whole moon's worth of storage up there.
:yeahthat: ...except that I'd send waste to the sun instead.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
New Sci/Fi thiller!

ylexot said:
:yeahthat: ...except that I'd send waste to the sun instead.

Life form on Mercury keeps getting hit by radioactive missiles coming from somewhere! They track them down to...Earth! Galactic War! :jameo:


Main Streeter
vraiblonde said:
And do what?

Al Gore isn't even worried about this himself, or he'd be a little more conservational. Democrats lose their fool minds when some Republican (the party of "family values") gets caught doing something stupid, yet Al Gore is trying to kill us all :jameo: with his enormous "carbon footprint" and they don't say a word. They just continue to bow down before the Green Guru.

Again, as I said earlier, I would hope folks can have a broader view of this debate than to make all about Gore. Yes, he’s hypocritical to live in an energy guzzling CO2 spewing castle. Yes, we all know that. Now, let’s move on. This isn’t about Al Gore. This is about something that could possibility change the way our grandkids and great-grandkids live. To be honest, I’m still on the fence with this whole global warming thing, even after watching the Gore movie. I am convinced that something is happening but probably not at the alarming rate that’s being talked about. I also, believe that it wouldn’t do any harm for us, as a society; to gradually change some of our habits and to start reducing our CO2 levels. Hence, erroring on the side of caution.


New Member
Reduce CO2?! Think of the trees, for God's sake, will someone please think of the trees?! They gotta breathe that precious CO2!! :jameo:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
But the whole...

awpitt said:
Again, as I said earlier, I would hope folks can have a broader view of this debate than to make all about Gore. Yes, he’s hypocritical to live in an energy guzzling CO2 spewing castle. Yes, we all know that. Now, let’s move on. This isn’t about Al Gore. This is about something that could possibility change the way our grandkids and great-grandkids live. To be honest, I’m still on the fence with this whole global warming thing, even after watching the Gore movie. I am convinced that something is happening but probably not at the alarming rate that’s being talked about. I also, believe that it wouldn’t do any harm for us, as a society; to gradually change some of our habits and to start reducing our CO2 levels. Hence, erroring on the side of caution.

...argument is that people like Gore can not possibly believe what they are saying; he has kids too. It is one thing to be concerned and to be pushing information and supporting the science and research. It is another to say, fact certain, we're killing ourselves, and then jump in your jet.

Al Gore has every right to have this agenda, but, why in the hell would anyone who truly cared about something and truly believed the facts as they saw them go about presenting it in a way so as to completely discredit their position and themselves? Al is saying "We're all gonna die, nothing can be done and I'm gonna enjoy my self until the lights go out. Now, y'all get to work and fix something."