

New Member
How in the F did you quit? I'm gonna try to quit after I smoke my next carton. (Just kiddin'.......after this pack) :wink:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I just decided to quit and stopped buying them and after a couple weeks of irritability I stopped craving the nicotine. Of course the last time I quit was about the eighth.... Or maybe tenth time....Hmmm. :biggrin:

Good luck with it though.


New Member
Re: Re: Ex-smokers

Originally posted by cariblue

Mr Speedo quit with the patch. Me...when I took it off, I rolled it up and smoked it.

Yeah, I figured that is what I would end up doing too. Maybe even roll a few Zyban in there just to make sure. :lmao:


yeah yeah
I kow my dad did it with the patch and the gum..and also... trying to occupy his time otherwise. Omm.. I know he also went to the doctor and talked to him about it.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Cold turkey.

I tried "cutting down" - didn't work. It's been 18 years since my last one. Good luck - hope you make it.


By the sea
When my wife got pregnant I decided I didn't want to be smoking around our baby when she arrived. So with that motivation and a prescription for Zyban I was finally able to quit after dozens of tries.

Hope you find something that works for you.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by watercolor23
..and also... trying to occupy his time otherwise....

That line in watercolor's post... Definitely keep busy! Boredom will keep reminding you to have a cigarette.


New Member
Originally posted by Kyle
I just decided to quit and stopped buying them and after a couple weeks of irritability I stopped craving the nicotine. Of course the last time I quit was about the eighth.... Or maybe tenth time....Hmmm. :biggrin:

Good luck with it though.

Ok, thanks. Are you still quit? Cracks me up because in our smoking area there are a couple peeps that will (no sh@t), sit there and as they smoke, tell me that the Zyban or hypnosis worked for them. Almost enough to make me wanna give 'em a 3 stooges poke to the eye......sheeesh.....some people's kids :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by Kyle


That line in watercolor's post... Definitely keep busy! Boredom will keep reminding you to have a cigarette.

BCH keeps the busy part taken care of. NO, not in that way.... you know..... Bob Villa type stuff :wink:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Barbra
I just decided I was going to quit...and quit. That was in 1997. My entire family still smokes, but I have never had a slip-up or craving to light up again. ...
I quit for good in '92'. Never had another or the desire.
Try being around the "Non-Filter" crowd! :barf:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by tater

Ok, thanks. Are you still quit? ...
I'm still quit. Since '92'. I never tried the gum or patches though. One of the first times I was up to four packs a day while traveling. I had a couple coughing fits and threw them out the drivers window on I-65 in Indiana. :lmao:

The last time I scheduled some busy time and just focused on work, home etc. and any activity to keep my mind off it for a couple weeks.


New Member
Re: Why quit?

Originally posted by Sharon
You're gonna die anyway. :biggrin:

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...................for one
Two, is I like to go to the gym and it is just getting to where it kicks my a$$.

I already know what'll happen though. I'll quit smoking and the next week, get run over by a bread truck or something :lmao:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Why quit?

Originally posted by tater
...I already know what'll happen though. I'll quit smoking and the next week, get run over by a bread truck or something :lmao:
Or a Marlboro truck! :lol:


New Member
I quit smoking for several months when I became pregnant. I started up again when my daughter was a few months old. It's not that I actually want a cigarette but I associate habits with smoking.

When I started up again, I was at a bar drinking. And you know, there's nothing better than a cup of mocha and a Newport first thing in the morning. :cool:

I'd actually like to stop sometime in the near future.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jetmonkey
...Shortly thereafter I quit for the last time. Now if I could only get rid of the compulsive masturbation that's replaced it...

Yeah! It's important to keep busy!


New Member
Originally posted by jetmonkey
Shortly thereafter I quit for the last time. Now if I could only get rid of the compulsive masturbation that's replaced it...

Oh man... you mean it's gonna get worse....I'm gonna get arrested, I don't think the peeps at Wal_mart will quite understand:cussing:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by jetmonkey
Now if I could only get rid of the compulsive masturbation that's replaced it...

God, if only Otter would quit...I wouldn't say a word if he "picked up" a compulsive habit...:biggrin:
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