Examining an Ancient Pre-Trib Rapture Statement



All the saints and elect of God are gathered together before the tribulation, which is to come, and are taken to the Lord, in order that they may not see at any time the confusion which overwhelms the world because of our sins.

-Pseudo-Ephraem (c. 374-627)


Survey: Majority of Evangelical Leaders Believe in Rapture; Imminent Return of Jesus

Six in 10 evangelical leaders, or 61 percent, say they believe in the Rapture of the Church compared to 32 percent who say the End Times doesn't happen exactly this way, according to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life survey.

The survey was based on responses from nearly 2,200 evangelical leaders at the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization – a global gathering of 4,500 evangelical leaders from over 190 nations that was held last fall in Cape Town, South Africa.



Thought pirate
What credentials are required for "evangelical leader"?

What is your opinion of the rapture? Or do you just cut and paste links?

Why do religions waste time debating something that hasn't happened and how something that hasn't happened is going to happen?

Do you see why a non-christian or follower of organized religion thinks these debates are ridiculous? Or are you stuck on ad hominem arguments?


Thought pirate
You have to be ordained.

Very well.

Now answer the rest if you can or would like to. If not, then you have no reason to continue posting. Let us hear what YOU think, not what Google or your preferred search engine finds for you.


God bless the USA
Very well.

Now answer the rest if you can or would like to. If not, then you have no reason to continue posting. Let us hear what YOU think, not what Google or your preferred search engine finds for you.

You go, Cheez! I have said before I am not a go to when it comes to religion, but the posts I see from Chuck makes me think of false prophet. That may be way out there or not, but that is what I think. It also makes me think of The_Governor; I think that is the member name that posts just cray cray things on this forum.
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Very well.

Now answer the rest if you can or would like to. If not, then you have no reason to continue posting. Let us hear what YOU think, not what Google or your preferred search engine finds for you.

I went to a church that spent 7-8 months on pastoral search for a new pastor and it involves questions for candidates, interviews, listening to their teachings and sermons. Some churches take two years selecting people.

Some of us have standards for who is our pastor. I just don't go around saying, "Do you want a job?" because that is what a McDonald's manager does.


Thought pirate
I went to a church that spent 7-8 months on pastoral search for a new pastor and it involves questions for candidates, interviews, listening to their teachings and sermons. Some churches take two years selecting people.

Some of us have standards for who is our pastor. I just don't go around saying, "Do you want a job?" because that is what a McDonald's manager does.

Very well, now answer the rest of the post.

You can't. you cannot simply post your own thought or opinion without a cut and paste from biblehub or some other web link. You have no credibility with us. Either answer my questions, or I, like onel and many others on the forum,will simply regard you as someone who cannot bring any personal thought, experience, faith, etc. to a discussion.


Thought pirate
I went to a church that spent 7-8 months on pastoral search for a new pastor and it involves questions for candidates, interviews, listening to their teachings and sermons. Some churches take two years selecting people.

Some of us have standards for who is our pastor. I just don't go around saying, "Do you want a job?" because that is what a McDonald's manager does.

I thought your bible and doctrine determines what sets the standards for who is a leader. Pretty sure I read and had Seeker tell me from her readings that your Jesus went around and simply asked regular people to drop what they were doing and pick up and follow him. Are you saying you and your church are better than Jesus? Pretty sure that is what the post just said.

Again, chuckt, you keep it up. You are not calling people to God or the church, you are turning them away. Perhaps you are the bible's version of Satan walking the earth? Are you purposely setting a bar too high?

Put it like this, if I had to actually believe the bible and think I had to pick up and follow a person, I'd choose seeker/hotcoffee. She, my friend, fitsmy mental picture of what Jesus back on earth would be like.

You? Again, just arrogant yet ignorant and blind.

Now, feel free to post a bunch of links bragging about your education and books and why you feel justified being superior.


Very well, now answer the rest of the post.

You can't. you cannot simply post your own thought or opinion without a cut and paste from biblehub or some other web link. You have no credibility with us. Either answer my questions, or I, like onel and many others on the forum,will simply regard you as someone who cannot bring any personal thought, experience, faith, etc. to a discussion.

I do this all from memory and if I didn't give a quote from classic or Biblehub, I would be typing in the verse myself like I did in the old days before the internet was available.

I know I don't have any credibility with you but that is because you choose to not give credibility and not because we are deserving of credibility. Try winning your debates for once.

I do have personal thought and quotations are called research which you reject.


Soul Probe
-Pseudo-Ephraem (c. 374-627)


Survey: Majority of Evangelical Leaders Believe in Rapture; Imminent Return of Jesus


Have you actually read Sermon Of Pseudo-Ephraem On The End Of The World, or did you just use the quote from that website? It seems to me that the author was referring to death, not being caught up pre-tribulation style. And regarding the author, we know the book was written at its earliest in the 7th century because it mentions the Islamic invasion, which at it's earliest was 633 CE.

The full text (from both the Syrian and Latin) can be found here: http://self.gutenberg.org/articles/apocalypse_of_pseudo-ephraem In this way, everyone can read it and judge for themselves.


Thought pirate
I do this all from memory and if I didn't give a quote from classic or Biblehub, I would be typing in the verse myself like I did in the old days before the internet was available.

I know I don't have any credibility with you but that is because you choose to not give credibility and not because we are deserving of credibility. Try winning your debates for once.

I do have personal thought and quotations are called research which you reject.

Great, I never said I reject your research, my Google works, too. But please, feel free to respond specifically to what I posted before:

What is your opinion of the rapture?

Why do religions waste time debating something that hasn't happened and how something that hasn't happened is going to happen?

Do you see why a non-christian or follower of organized religion thinks these debates are ridiculous?


Great, I never said I reject your research, my Google works, too. But please, feel free to respond specifically to what I posted before:

What is your opinion of the rapture?

Why do religions waste time debating something that hasn't happened and how something that hasn't happened is going to happen?

Do you see why a non-christian or follower of organized religion thinks these debates are ridiculous?

It is ridiculous only to you because you can only see with your eyes. Is your desk moving where you sit? No? The earth is traveling through space and the earth rotates at 1,000 miles per hour so it is your focal point that you look at everything from. Down here, you can't see it but up there, you can see motion over time. You just have the wrong focal points. That is something you would learn from Physics class.

Why would it be ridiculous? The only event in history that could have changed the Sabbath is the resurrection because Jews are not going to change their religion. The only reason why people are following Judaism is because God led them. No one is going to die for a lie and be crucified but many of the followers did die and were willing to be persecuted because they saw the risen Lord but because they saw the miracles, some of them knew it was true.

I have my belief about the rapture and I will have to post on it when I have some more time.