Excessive meowing!!


New Member
Does she have plenty of toys and things to occupy her when you can't?

She has A LOT of toys. She always gets them stuck under the sofa, etc. so I have to dig for them. I want to get her one of those tall, lounge around cat tree thingys but they're expensive!

Check out Go Pet Club. They have great kitty condos for a great price. You can buy them on ebay. I bought a 7' tall 8 tiered condo for my cats about 4 years ago for about $100 and it is very sturdy and they spend a lot of time on it.
My cat (she's almost 2 years old) ALWAYS meows. She wakes me up between 1 and 3 just about every morning and keeps meowing until I get out of bed at 5:45. She craves so much attention and I give her as much as I possibly can while I"m awake! It's like she hates it when I'm sleeping and whines and whines until I get up. She's not hungry b/c there is food in her bowl and she has toys to play with. She's healthy- been to the vet for a check up/routine vaccinations. I come to work so tired sometimes, it's like I have an baby at home. Some have suggested getting another cat b/c she's lonely...not sure if that would work or make things worse. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

It just has a lot to say....:smile:

Not unlike the female of our species.:whistle: