ExElVeeEye game tread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agree on that holding call. :yay: It looked more like Wilfork fell than it did a hold. Basically a play you see in the trenches every snap of the ball.

As for the no-call PI, that was a close one. :shrug: IRT, it could go either way, but in slo-mo it def looked like he got there just a little early. No surprise to me that there was no flag. Not a fan of either team and, watching on TV and getting the benefit of replay on every play, you get a sense sitting there watching what was early, what was good, and that play, live, I was throwing my armchair flag. No doubt in my mind,

For the most part, it looked like the Ref's tried to let the players play. 9 penalties (NYG 24 yds, NEP 28 yds). False starts, offsides, 12 men, that bad holding call, safety. I honestly thought there would be a lot more calls in the secondary on both sides (interference, etc.) but they let 'em go. Another great game to watch though.

Yeah, I agree. Absent those two, it was a good job and I give them HUGE credit for having the stones to call Brady for IG on the games first offensive play, especially because it was 2 points.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
:bs: Hard fought on both sides, close score with the possibility of NE taking the win in the final seconds.

= good game :neener:

I'd actually give NE the edge in the 'hard fought' column. I swear, every time the Giants touched the ball, I thought the Pats were gonna knock it lose. HUGE intensity on their part, especially Spikes.

And Gronk, if healthy, I think he makes that catch and they win.