Well-Known Member
You've got an answer to every question that gets asked. Let me're christian?

Do you know kom526?![]()
That new weave has you on point today
God comanded Noah to pack a breeding pair of every animal known. He says this to a Jewish guy in 1,000 bc. How many animals do you think were known to the man that recieved the directive?
Did you read post 12? Or post 15? Or, either of the links I gave you?I still have yet to get a serious response on these questions...besides the supposed size of a boat that is apparently heavily guarded in another nation (convenient eh? if we go by that then whose to say flying saucers don't exist? I bet they have one of those heavily guarded somewhere as well...)
How big WAS it?!
(any gameshow gurus out there?)
I still have yet to get a serious response on these questions...besides the supposed size of a boat that is apparently heavily guarded in another nation (convenient eh? if we go by that then whose to say flying saucers don't exist? I bet they have one of those heavily guarded somewhere as well...)
something that amazing would have already been seized by the great US government![]()
in all seriousness though...
another question that must be addressed...
Why did none of the animals attack eachother?
I still have yet to get a serious response on these questions...besides the supposed size of a boat that is apparently heavily guarded in another nation (convenient eh? if we go by that then whose to say flying saucers don't exist? I bet they have one of those heavily guarded somewhere as well...)
Perhaps the animals taken aboard were not fully grown yet but rather fairly young - which would mean smaller and lighter in load. The Bible doesn't say that the animals taken aboard were all fully grown. Still, it would not take long for the animals to reach maturity whereby they could begin breeding their kind to re-populate the animal kingdom that we know today.
Just a thought
You forget... God is at the top of this project... which means all things are possible... It doesn't have to make any more sense than that...
In Daniel a flaming finger wrote on the wall in blood... there's no other explaination for that than God did it....
Supposedly it is somewhere in Turkey and the Turkish gov't will not allow anyone near it.
You should try google sometime.
I still have yet to get a serious response on these questions...besides the supposed size of a boat that is apparently heavily guarded in another nation (convenient eh? if we go by that then whose to say flying saucers don't exist? I bet they have one of those heavily guarded somewhere as well...)
don't forget..we must include all of the millions of varieties of amazonian animals (some species which have yet to be even DISCOVERED), all poisonous snakes, spiders, ect (hmm, nobody ever had a run in with those on the boat?) Lions, tigers, and bears (Oh my!), ect ect ect...
Now ask them where all the skeletal remains are of the animals AND people killed in the flood.. all 2 BILLION people.. and unheard number of animals, they should all be residing in the same level of strata.. washed over by the flood, and covered with the detritus of the same flood.. houses, wood.. dirt, rocks.. ice. etc.. etc. They should all be well preserved.
They were probably lifted from the earth by the same flying saucer you speak of.
All kinds were taken into account, as allowed by God:
They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground according to its kind and every bird according to its kind, everything with wings. (Genesis 7:14)
So, the question was about the size of the boat, you got the answer. What else did you need the answer to? The rest of your posts are accusations, not questions.yes, I read those posts...that is why I referred to them as being the only question addressed (duh?).
That makes sense. Why look in the Bible for a biblical question?I didn't read your links because the one was bible gateway...which I recall as being an online bible or something which doesn't interest me right now,
"opinions"? On the size? Big, really really big.I was seeking opinions from the die-hard members here...
Use the filter! (duh) Dogpile is google, yahoo, and many others all at once. It provides wide and varied information. It must have found cookies on your drive from other searches to find porn - it doesn't do that for me.and dogpile...which is a terrible search engine :shrug: (and one I won't use at work because half of what comes up is porn)
The boat was big enough, and they all fit. That's my opinion, what's yours?so, do yall have opinions of your own or is that all you can do, link to other sites?