explosion sound last nite


NOT Politically Correct!!
racenut said:
Yeah, we initially thought methlab but there was no fire. I had to go out about 10 min after it happened and there was no sign of anything, anywhere.

Could have also been chilli night at your neighbors??? :whistle:

<img src="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b31/chernmax/Funny%20pictures/flamefarts.jpg">


NOT Politically Correct!!
Crow Bait said:
Were any Cats harmed by this explosion?

Not to my knowledge... <img src="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b31/chernmax/Funny%20pictures/Wired1.jpg">


Active Member
Explosion Last Night

Hi Neighbor!

I heard the boom and felt it too. I want to say about 20 minutes later, I heard what sounded like the tail end of a siren, which sounded relatively close.

Were you visited by the mailbox vandals Saturday night? In case you didn't know, taking mail out of someone's mailbox and burning it is a felony.


New Member
OMG... not that I know of. I am too nosy to leave my mail in the box for too long. Sure was a weird sound last nite, huh? What street are you on? I am off the road, kinda hard to see, luckily.


Active Member
You must be on the other side of Asher from me and one street over.

It was pretty weird. I didn't notice anyone else outside investigating...


New Member
We listened to the scanner on the baynet.com and they sent cops out to check it out, but when I called in to 911, they said they had had no calls on it. I thought that was weird too. I live right near the underground natural gas line, that is what I was most worried about.