F-35 'mishap'


PREMO Member
✈️ Yesterday’s missing F35 story continued developing — and fortunately — seems to have ruled out the worst case ‘defection’ scenario. But we are far from having all the answers. ABC ran the story yesterday afternoon headlined, “New details in F-35 'mishap' as mystery remains about how jet was lost.

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The sub-headline — with a slightly doubtful tone — added dubiously, “The overall recovery process has begun, an official told ABC News.”

An anonymous Marine Corps official — ABC didn’t explain why his identity was withheld — said only that the recovery process was “ongoing.” ABC noted, “The official would not specify what point in the recovery and investigation process the Marine Corps is in.” Nor did the official say what caused the pilot to eject, or what brought down the F-35.

What he did say was the mysterious pilot enigmatically ejected at about 1,000 feet "and one mile north of the Charleston International Airport,” parachuting to safety in someone’s backyard. The faceless pilot who ditched the $100M stealth fighter was discharged from an undesignated hospital on Monday afternoon without any serious injuries.

Nancy Mace, the feisty Republican Representative for South Carolina, where the crash occurred, was vexed. “It's very frustrating to not have any answers," she told reporters annoyedly. Mace accused the Marines of not being transparent. "Not to be able to provide answers to the community, you know, when mistakes happen -- we should be able to take responsibility for it and communicate and be transparent with the public."

ABC quoted one of its regular news contributors, retired Colonel Steve Ganyard, who was shocked that the military could somehow “lose” the plane for 28 hours. "Even though it's a stealth aircraft, losing a stealth aircraft is hard to understand. ... It does seem ridiculous that an aircraft this expensive, this sophisticated, it could just vanish," he said.

Yes. It does seem ridiculous. Ridiculous and indescribably shameful.

You might also muse about how it’s odd to lose any kind of aircraft only one mile from the airport. Plus, the plane basically continued on the same line after the pilot ejected:

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Did they even try flying the flight path in a helicopter? It was only 80 miles away right along the flight path. It should have taken them only half an hour to find it.

To be clear, we don’t have any idea what caused the crash or why it took the military 28 hours to find the crash site. Yesterday I speculated about nefarious Chinese hackers, and some skeptical commenters thought the theory premature. But I wasn’t the only one wondering about that theory. The UK Daily Mail ran this story:

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It wouldn’t be the first time the military got hacked this year. Remember Jack Texiera? The young part-time Texas national guard member and video game aficionado who supposedly hacked all our intelligence agencies and downloaded embarrassing Ukraine intel that showed Biden had been lying for a year?

Like a lost F35 fighter jet, Texiera completely vanished off the news radar in May. But I digress.

According to the Mail’s article, a four-year-old GAO report warned the $80 million F35’s systems “provided a back door for hackers.” POGO, a military watchdog agency, also released a report in 2019 showing that nearly every software-enabled weapon system they tested between 2012 and 2017 can be hacked - including the F-35.

The agency wrote:

“Despite years of patches and upgrades, the F-35's most combat-crucial computer systems continue to malfunction, including the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) maintenance and parts ordering network; and the data links that display, combine, and exchange target and threat information among fighters and intelligence sources. As in previous years, cybersecurity testing shows that many previously confirmed F-35 vulnerabilities have not been fixed, meaning that enemy hackers could potentially shut down the ALIS network, steal secret data from the network and onboard computers, and perhaps prevent the F-35 from flying or from accomplishing its missions.”

As if that weren’t enough, also in 2019 the Pentagon itself confirmed the F35B — the same plane that just crashed in Charleston — has already been hacked by the Chinese.

image 11.png

As I understand it, somebody with a Chinese accent called the Pentagon saying they needed the F35 login password to update the antivirus software.

Anyway. To be clear, I’m not claiming the Chinese hacked the downed F35. How would I know? But yesterday I badly underestimated the amount of software in that plane, relying on an older estimate. Current numbers put it around 8 million lines of code — just inside the airplane. The programs on the ground are even bigger.

It might be too early to call the F35 a “flying disaster of epic proportions,” but my money is on some kind of software problem, whether or not it was a Chinese hacker’s backdoor.



Power with Control
Could it be a hack? Yeah, but the odds are astronomical against. Quite simply, it seems to me that the "what happens when the pilot leaves an otherwise perfectly healthy jet" question was never asked, and therefore unaccounted for in the software. In 8 million lines of if/then, there isn't one that says "if the seat leaves the aircraft, put yourself into the ground"

Why the pilot left is the key thing. And answers take a few days to settle down. Policitans shrilly demanding answers can just STFU.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Does the F-35B have an auto-eject function? Been seeing some talk about it, but I don't know for sure. Might be the pilot was "tossed" and didn't initiate the departure.


Beloved Misanthrope
Does the F-35B have an auto-eject function? Been seeing some talk about it, but I don't know for sure. Might be the pilot was "tossed" and didn't initiate the departure.

"The F-35B has an auto-eject function," he said. "I'm curious to know if it ejected him involuntarily."


Just sneakin' around....
I'm puzzled by the distances between ejection and crash site. If it was 80 miles from the base to the crash, and the pilot ejected about 1/3 of the distance from the base (as per the very inaccurate map), that's about 26 miles, or roughly 55 miles from eject to crash. He was supposedly at 1000 feet altitude, not very high. So the plane continued to fly, unattended, for 55 miles, and it took that long to drop 1000 feet?

Can't imagine an auto-pilot would have been engaged on ejection.


PREMO Member

Marines under fire for flying $80M F-35 over SC during thunderstorm when report shows jets CAN'T handle storms: Pilot ejected due to 'bad weather' before jet 'flipped', flew 100ft above trees in 'zombie mode' and crashed in field

  • A Marine flying a F-35 Lightning II ejected on Sunday only 1,000ft above ground
  • The F-35 kept flying for around 60 miles before crashing in a South Carolina field
  • Questions are now being asked as to why the training exercise was carried out
  • The plane is at risk during thunderstorms and there was bad weather at take off

A F-35 jet could have crashed on Sunday due to poor weather in South Carolina, new audio suggests - as questions mount as to why the disastrous training exercise was allowed to proceed.

The F-35B Lightning II which the unnamed Marine pilot was flying is believed to be at risk of malfunctions if it flies in thunderstorms, according to a Forbes investigation in November.

Its sister jet, the F-35A, is more severely affected and cannot fly within 25 miles of lightning.

The issue lies within the F-35's OBIGGS (Onboard Inert Gas Generation) system, which pumps nitrogen-enriched air into its fuel tanks to inert them, preventing the aircraft from exploding if it is struck by lightning.

'F-35B and C variants have some of the same OBIGGS issues as the F-35A, but have been able to alleviate operational impacts,' said Chief Petty Officer Matthew Olay, spokesman for the F-35 Joint Program Office, in an email to Forbes last year.
  • Wow
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Well-Known Member
✈️ Yesterday’s missing F35 story continued developing — and fortunately — seems to have ruled out the worst case ‘defection’ scenario. But we are far from having all the answers. ABC ran the story yesterday afternoon headlined, “New details in F-35 'mishap' as mystery remains about how jet was lost.

image 8.png
The sub-headline — with a slightly doubtful tone — added dubiously, “The overall recovery process has begun, an official told ABC News.”

An anonymous Marine Corps official — ABC didn’t explain why his identity was withheld — said only that the recovery process was “ongoing.” ABC noted, “The official would not specify what point in the recovery and investigation process the Marine Corps is in.” Nor did the official say what caused the pilot to eject, or what brought down the F-35.

What he did say was the mysterious pilot enigmatically ejected at about 1,000 feet "and one mile north of the Charleston International Airport,” parachuting to safety in someone’s backyard. The faceless pilot who ditched the $100M stealth fighter was discharged from an undesignated hospital on Monday afternoon without any serious injuries.

Nancy Mace, the feisty Republican Representative for South Carolina, where the crash occurred, was vexed. “It's very frustrating to not have any answers," she told reporters annoyedly. Mace accused the Marines of not being transparent. "Not to be able to provide answers to the community, you know, when mistakes happen -- we should be able to take responsibility for it and communicate and be transparent with the public."

ABC quoted one of its regular news contributors, retired Colonel Steve Ganyard, who was shocked that the military could somehow “lose” the plane for 28 hours. "Even though it's a stealth aircraft, losing a stealth aircraft is hard to understand. ... It does seem ridiculous that an aircraft this expensive, this sophisticated, it could just vanish," he said.

Yes. It does seem ridiculous. Ridiculous and indescribably shameful.

You might also muse about how it’s odd to lose any kind of aircraft only one mile from the airport. Plus, the plane basically continued on the same line after the pilot ejected:

image 10.png
Did they even try flying the flight path in a helicopter? It was only 80 miles away right along the flight path. It should have taken them only half an hour to find it.

To be clear, we don’t have any idea what caused the crash or why it took the military 28 hours to find the crash site. Yesterday I speculated about nefarious Chinese hackers, and some skeptical commenters thought the theory premature. But I wasn’t the only one wondering about that theory. The UK Daily Mail ran this story:

image 9.png
It wouldn’t be the first time the military got hacked this year. Remember Jack Texiera? The young part-time Texas national guard member and video game aficionado who supposedly hacked all our intelligence agencies and downloaded embarrassing Ukraine intel that showed Biden had been lying for a year?

Like a lost F35 fighter jet, Texiera completely vanished off the news radar in May. But I digress.

According to the Mail’s article, a four-year-old GAO report warned the $80 million F35’s systems “provided a back door for hackers.” POGO, a military watchdog agency, also released a report in 2019 showing that nearly every software-enabled weapon system they tested between 2012 and 2017 can be hacked - including the F-35.

The agency wrote:

As if that weren’t enough, also in 2019 the Pentagon itself confirmed the F35B — the same plane that just crashed in Charleston — has already been hacked by the Chinese.

image 11.png

As I understand it, somebody with a Chinese accent called the Pentagon saying they needed the F35 login password to update the antivirus software.

Anyway. To be clear, I’m not claiming the Chinese hacked the downed F35. How would I know? But yesterday I badly underestimated the amount of software in that plane, relying on an older estimate. Current numbers put it around 8 million lines of code — just inside the airplane. The programs on the ground are even bigger.

It might be too early to call the F35 a “flying disaster of epic proportions,” but my money is on some kind of software problem, whether or not it was a Chinese hacker’s backdoor.

It wouldn’t be the first time the military got hacked this year. Remember Jack Texiera? The young part-time Texas national guard member and video game aficionado who supposedly hacked all our intelligence agencies and downloaded embarrassing Ukraine intel that showed Biden had been lying for a year?
I have never heard about this is it out there or has it been subdued


Well-Known Member
I'm puzzled by the distances between ejection and crash site. If it was 80 miles from the base to the crash, and the pilot ejected about 1/3 of the distance from the base (as per the very inaccurate map), that's about 26 miles, or roughly 55 miles from eject to crash. He was supposedly at 1000 feet altitude, not very high. So the plane continued to fly, unattended, for 55 miles, and it took that long to drop 1000 feet?

Can't imagine an auto-pilot would have been engaged on ejection.
Computers more or less fly those planes man is along for the ride and his inputs


Well-Known Member
The aircraft, named the LIGHTNING, can't be flown in the presence of lightning?

My first thought on the crash was one of the global hawk bubbas loaded their flight software into the f-35 by accident.


Well-Known Member
I'm puzzled by the distances between ejection and crash site. If it was 80 miles from the base to the crash, and the pilot ejected about 1/3 of the distance from the base (as per the very inaccurate map), that's about 26 miles, or roughly 55 miles from eject to crash. He was supposedly at 1000 feet altitude, not very high. So the plane continued to fly, unattended, for 55 miles, and it took that long to drop 1000 feet?

Can't imagine an auto-pilot would have been engaged on ejection.
The force of the ejection can often cause an aircraft that is in a stall to correct itself. There are stories of other aircraft flying until they ran out of fuel after a pilot punched out. The A-6 flew more stable without a pilots inputs than with them due to its bomb like shape.


Well-Known Member
Does the F-35B have an auto-eject function? Been seeing some talk about it, but I don't know for sure. Might be the pilot was "tossed" and didn't initiate the departure.
I heard the pilot used unapproved language; possibly mis-gendering Xer's aircraft.