I constantly see ads in my feed for restaurants in Michigan, home services in New Hampshire, festivals in Colorado. Somebody paid good money for those ads to be shown to a targeted audience....and FB wasted that money on me, and no doubt countless other people who will never be the audience for that ad.
For some reason this pisses me off to no end. Probably because I TOLD local business owners that FB is a terrible way to advertise, and an even more terrible way to get a "free" website. They snubbed me, a human being that they know and have worked successfully with, to go with a faceless billion dollar tech giant who won't respond to their calls/emails and pisses their money away, then laughs all the way to the bank.
So it really shouldn't piss me off, I should be saying HA HA at their stupidity. No doubt those businesses in MI and NH and CO also had someone tell them that shotgun advertising on FB is a waste of money, and they were ignored as well.
For some reason this pisses me off to no end. Probably because I TOLD local business owners that FB is a terrible way to advertise, and an even more terrible way to get a "free" website. They snubbed me, a human being that they know and have worked successfully with, to go with a faceless billion dollar tech giant who won't respond to their calls/emails and pisses their money away, then laughs all the way to the bank.
So it really shouldn't piss me off, I should be saying HA HA at their stupidity. No doubt those businesses in MI and NH and CO also had someone tell them that shotgun advertising on FB is a waste of money, and they were ignored as well.