Facebook Files


PREMO Member

This #GoogleLeaks thread could be a bigger deal than the Twitter Files

The post went on to emphasize Google’s footprint of roughly 5.6 billion searches every day accounting for approximately 90 percent of searches conducted on the internet, with the runner-up in traffic being YouTube, garnering around 1 billion hours of daily video views.

“In other words, our minds, our political beliefs, and our world views are inseparably linked to Google’s search results,” Kanekoa asserted, “but Google is no longer an objective source of information, and the tech giant is actively censoring what we see.”

Vorhies had said in 2019, “I’m going to publish this information so that other people can see the system that Google has built in order to control the entire information landscape,” and added, “It doesn’t matter whether you’re left or whether you’re right, when you see this, both sides are going to agree that this is wrong.”

After sharing clips of prominent members of Google’s team like co-founder Sergey Brin and chief legal officer Kent Walker at a company meeting where the former said of the 2016 presidential election, “I certainly find this election deeply offensive, and I know that many of you do too,” and the latter committed to tackling “populism” and “nationalism” from the “fear,” “hatred” and “xenophobia” demonstrated by voters of then-President Donald Trump, the thread noted how key players in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were from Google, which had provided her “a campaign plan a full year before she announced her run for president.”



PREMO Member

Biden Admin Praised YouTube’s Censorship, Used It To Pressure Facebook To Intensify Suppression Of Vaccine Stories

“Just got off hour long call with Andy Slavitt,” Clegg, the United Kingdom’s former deputy prime minister, wrote in the email. “There are some pretty serious — and sensitive … issues we need to address. A summary: He was appreciative of the data we sent thru on Friday, and confirmed that Rob F had said that they had never received so much so much data from us before.”

Clegg, who appears to referring to Rob Flaherty, Biden’s censorship czar, said it was the White House’s view that Facebook was lagging behind the other tech companies.

“Andy attended a meeting of misinfo researchers (didn’t provide names) organized by Rob F on Friday in which the consensus was that FB is a ‘disinformation factory,’ and that YT has made significant advances to remove content leading to vaccine hesitancy whilst we have lagged behind,” Clegg continued.


Facebook Email

Earlier this year, Jordan began releasing the “Facebook Files,” showing that the Biden administration pressured the social media giant to stifle speech the White House didn’t like, including limiting outlets such as The Daily Wire’s reach on the platform and boosting the reach of legacy media outlets.

Flaherty in emails released by Jordan earlier this year, suggested that Facebook to “change the algorithm so that people were more likely to see [New York Times], [Wall Street Journal], any authoritative news source over The Daily Wire.”

The latest batch of emails exhibits how closely the White House was working with Big Tech companies, and how concerned the companies were with satisfying demands from administration officials. The Biden administration set specific goals for Facebook to reach in its censorship of anti-vaccine content “in the coming weeks,” such as reaching the “‘hardest to reach’ people who have a propensity to consume vaccine hesitant related content and who are not swayed by official/authoritative sources of content,” according to the emails obtained by The Daily Wire.


PREMO Member
🔥 CNN ran a horrifying story last week headlined, “New lawsuit accuses Meta of creating ‘breeding ground’ for child predators.” The lawsuit is utterly scandalous, to say the least, and you can read it for yourself at the New Mexico Attorney General’s website. Despite experts assuring us that Pizza-gate is just a conspiracy theory, ‘pizza’ references were everywhere:

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The example above was only a drop in a grotesque chum bucket of pedophilia:

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In essence, the complaint alleges that Meta (Facebook and Instagram) has been lying about policing child porn on its network:

In fact, contrary to Meta’s public representations, Meta’s platforms contain account after account with images and associated text depicting pornography, nudity, pedophilia, sexual assault, incest, and sexual fetishes. These accounts often consisted of immense social networks of individuals following and commenting on pornographic videos and images posted on the platforms. Many of the images found on Meta’s platforms were excluded from this Complaint as too graphic and disturbing.​

Demonstrating not only Meta’s tolerance for the most exploitative content but also Meta’s ability to limit such material if it so chose, searches for this particular type of content yielded 30 results on OnlyFans and 646 results on Pornhub, but 19,900 results on Instagram and 15,900 on Facebook.​

The reference to “cheese pizza” is a well-known pedophile code for child sexual abuse. One of the complaint’s allegations described how investigators, posing as a 13-year-old user named Taya, was repeatedly offered sexualized grooming content:

Taya also conducted a search for “chicken soup,” which is widely understood, because of its initials, to signify “child sex.” She was pointed to this account, which invites the user to “Follow if you like little things”—a reference to sexual interest in children—with cheese pizza emojis for child pornography. The account invites contact “for trade” (or trade in child sexual images) and then shows pictures of young girls in bra tops.​

That’s only the beginning. The complaint goes on to describe how investigators penetrated a dystopian world of transactional child porn and even live human trafficking, all seemingly facilitated by Meta’s software, which not only permitted the posts but helped pedophiles find each other, the content, and kids. Facebook and Instagram persistently pushed ads for adult sexual content to accounts that New Mexico investigators created posing as children.

Within hours, Facebook accounts for preteen girls (allegedly 13+) created by investigators reached the maximum number of 5,000 followers — without any promotion by the child. Most followers were men between 18 and 40. I don’t need to tell you what kinds of direct messages these accounts received. But whatever you can imagine, it was worse. Here’s one pretty tame example that the investigator’s fake preteen account received:

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Facebook offered to make the investigator’s fake child account a “professional account” that would allow “fans” to send the young lady gifts and money for making short videos.

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Facebook also suggested other short videos in the account’s feed linking other preteen girls’ sexualized content, which I won’t show even though the complaint blurred the most offensive parts. It’s gross. Obviously, Facebook’s algorithm was intended to “teach” the preteen how to make money on Facebook.

Another investigator’s fake account (aged 14) received a direct message offering big money if she’d make an explicit sex video: $120,000 for ‘performing’ wearing a face mask, and $180,000 without a mask. Imagine what a young girl must think about that kind of money.

It was very bad. In a sane world, just the evidence from the complaint would prompt Congressional hearings. Why TikTok gets all the blame when Facebook and Instagram are doing this kind of stuff baffles me. There is no doubt that platforms can screen this information if they want to; even PornHub does it. It is nearly beyond argument that Facebook’s tactics are intentional.

The complaint sued Meta as a public nuisance and under New Mexico’s Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices Act, which we also recently saw used in Texas’ new lawsuit against Pfizer. Among other things, the complaint asks the court to order Meta to disgorge its profits related to these kinds of activities. That remedy alone makes all information about the issue relevant, and broadly opens discovery to the whole platform.

Meta is not going to want to turn over that discovery.

The risk is the Attorney General will settle too fast before discovery gets underway. Because once discovery is available, criminal prosecutions can follow. Kudos to New Mexico’s attorney general.



I never knew you could @Dakota me and I would see a posting - we didn't have great features like this before. :lol:

And I have been following along and know there is much more coming- as I have been saying FB and Instagram are hotbeds for sex trafficking.

I have and do help do independent research from time to time and more so in the colder months. I am way down on the food chain of this work because there are some people who are just impressive at it - way more involved and will make contact with people more in the know if anything pans out. Last night, there was some chatter about Brennan and Evergreen shipping (not sure if they are related) so maybe we will see more this coming week.


Just sneakin' around....
we didn't have great features like this before
I noticed a few time, if you're only posting a picture, you put 3 dots before the pic, a lagover from old days. Old forums had to have a minimum of 3 characters even with a pic. Don't need to do that anymore, just the picture.


Well-Known Member

This #GoogleLeaks thread could be a bigger deal than the Twitter Files

The post went on to emphasize Google’s footprint of roughly 5.6 billion searches every day accounting for approximately 90 percent of searches conducted on the internet, with the runner-up in traffic being YouTube, garnering around 1 billion hours of daily video views.

“In other words, our minds, our political beliefs, and our world views are inseparably linked to Google’s search results,” Kanekoa asserted, “but Google is no longer an objective source of information, and the tech giant is actively censoring what we see.”

Vorhies had said in 2019, “I’m going to publish this information so that other people can see the system that Google has built in order to control the entire information landscape,” and added, “It doesn’t matter whether you’re left or whether you’re right, when you see this, both sides are going to agree that this is wrong.”

After sharing clips of prominent members of Google’s team like co-founder Sergey Brin and chief legal officer Kent Walker at a company meeting where the former said of the 2016 presidential election, “I certainly find this election deeply offensive, and I know that many of you do too,” and the latter committed to tackling “populism” and “nationalism” from the “fear,” “hatred” and “xenophobia” demonstrated by voters of then-President Donald Trump, the thread noted how key players in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were from Google, which had provided her “a campaign plan a full year before she announced her run for president.”
In the immortal words of Donald J. Trump: "Wrong."

The left is more than okay with any and all manner of evil...as long as it's being done to their "enemies."

When it's turned on them (which condition they are incapable of imagining), not so much.


Resident PIA
In the immortal words of Donald J. Trump: "Wrong."

The left is more than okay with any and all manner of evil...as long as it's being done to their "enemies."

When it's turned on them (which condition they are incapable of imagining), not so much.
But you don't understand. They only do it to protect us from ourselves. Now get in line and stick to THE partly policy.
Because if their plan fails, it's because we didn't follow instructions.
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