

Nothing to see here
Sparx said:
Go to Google and type in failure. Check out the first result

:confused: This??

'WASHINGTON, DC --- John Kerry contacted the Pentagon today to request a Silver Star for a recent swift boat mission he ran through the streets of New Orleans. While the Pentagon claims the mission was unauthorized, Kerry claims it was a secret mission approved by the highest levels of the government.

"I clearly remember listening to the radio and hearing President Bush deny that swift boats were in New Orleans," said Kerry. "And there I was on a swift boat in New Orleans. Dodging bullets. Scanning the shore for enemy fire and mortar attack. The band aid on my hand covers a wound I received while moving too quickly on deck for a photo op and scraping against the railing."

Sean Penn tried to join Kerry on his own swift boat, but it sank before leaving dock. Penn forgot to put the plug in the bottom of the boat and refused to stuff his Communist flag in the hole to prevent flooding.'


Lovin' being Texican
vraiblonde said:
Big deal. Anyone can start a Google-bomb and do this. It's just that conservatives have better things to do, like go to work and raise their children.

...and pay taxes.


AK-74me said:
Google is about as far left as you can get so that is no surprise they would make that the #1 result.

OMG!!! Now I've heard it all!!! A search engine is now part of the VLWC!!!

The Google engine does not get prioritized by input from anyone on the Left or the Right. All it does is look at the word you type in, and pulls up the URLs that have been viewed/retrieved the most times with those words. If the first URL that Google pulls up involves the failure of the federal government/Bush to do something in NO it's because that's what the most visited websites with the word "Failure" deals with right now. If a ton of people were to suddenly start googling websites that deal with the failure of the UN to enforce the oil for food program, the first URL would deal with that.


"Typical White Person"
Bruzilla said:
OMG!!! Now I've heard it all!!! A search engine is now part of the VLWC!!!

The Google engine does not get prioritized by input from anyone on the Left or the Right. All it does is look at the word you type in, and pulls up the URLs that have been viewed/retrieved the most times with those words. If the first URL that Google pulls up involves the failure of the federal government/Bush to do something in NO it's because that's what the most visited websites with the word "Failure" deals with right now. If a ton of people were to suddenly start googling websites that deal with the failure of the UN to enforce the oil for food program, the first URL would deal with that.

I said that some what in jest, and really wasn't being serious as to why that was the first result that came up but o well, I guess you didn't see that. None the less google, paypal, ebay ect. ect. are about as blue as they come.