Family Vacation suggestions


Well-Known Member
Kind of leaning now more to Myrtle Beach or OB. Just because they're available.
We may have to figure out how to do the long trip.

We do BIG car trips just about every year (Maryland to New Mexico to Minnesota last year). It helps to find interesting places to stop along the way. Even just a picnic at a rest area can be a big help. Plus lots of books/movies in the car.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
If you work on base, have you considered stopping by MWR to check out the many packages that are offered at the discounted prices? They have a pretty good selection.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If you work on base, have you considered stopping by MWR to check out the many packages that are offered at the discounted prices? They have a pretty good selection.

I don't work on base. But I have a timeshare.


Well-Known Member
Amazing. When I was a kid, I went to a camp in Carlisle.
But I doubt Camp Shand still exists, although it wouldn't surprise me if your camp is on the same grounds.

Thanks for mentioning this! Camp Shand is actually still open and we may send little brother to one of their day camps while big sis is at her ballet classes.