Farewell to a Marine


Well-Known Member
Damn, that was rough, you never forget that feeling.......when you lose one of your own.......even if it wasn't a good friend.....it still really hurts


All Up In Your Grill
Don't think I want to watch it...my daughter is dating a marine stationed near Camp LeJeune. Don't want to see anything that may happen to my future son in law!


NOT Politically Correct!!
nachomama said:
Don't think I want to watch it...my daughter is dating a marine stationed near Camp LeJeune. Don't want to see anything that may happen to my future son in law!

Understandable, however it helps others to understand why service members, regardless of service always have a deep respect for each other...


24/7 Single Dad
chernmax said:
Understandable, however it helps others to understand why service members, regardless of service always have a deep respect for each other...
:yeahthat: We might beat each other in a bar one night and die trying to help each other the next.


All Up In Your Grill
chernmax said:
Understandable, however it helps others to understand why service members, regardless of service always have a deep respect for each other...

Oh I totally understand and respect the loyalty servicemen have for each other. I just love that boy to death and don't want to even imagine him being sent over to Iraq or Afganistan.


New Member
Wow, the words and pictures are very powerful and moving. Thank you for passing on the website. I've already forwarded it to friends, and I know they will in turn forward it to more friends. Everyone should watch it, and be very proud of those who serve.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Seen this one before. I have lost a Marine brother in my time and I know that pain. I pray for each and everyone that has come and gone and those to come. God Bless every Marine and all of our other military brothers.

Semper Fi


New Member
flomaster said:
Seen this one before. I have lost a Marine brother in my time and I know that pain. I pray for each and everyone that has come and gone and those to come. God Bless every Marine and all of our other military brothers.

Semper Fi

Is that in your book somewhere? Is that one of the questions on your test? :tap: :poke:


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Ponytail said:
Is that in your book somewhere? Is that one of the questions on your test? :tap: :poke:

Good thing I love ya like a brother. :smack:

While you are checking up on me, find out what I need to do to get another CAC card. No joy at home. Gonna go study now. Little bro caught me! :lmao:


Finishing last
chernmax said:
Understandable, however it helps others to understand why service members, regardless of service always have a deep respect for each other...

Amen to that! I always say thank you to those in uniform, or those that wear veterans patches. Touching video. :yay: