Fashion Police!


Cleopatra Jones
For those of you who don't know better...

There's a lady in my office who insists on wearing brightly colored suits, black stockings and bright white heels. Not just today but every day.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I have one too!

No matter what color outfit she has on she ALWAYS wears white shoes, no matter summer or winter. :eek:


aka Mrs. Giant
:roflmao: What does she do in the winter - no white shoes after Labor Day!!

I have a lady here who still wears the Joan Collins power suits (with the eye makeup to match) from the 80's!! And then I have another who has to be in her late forties but dresses like she's 5 - mary jane shoes or ballet slippers and ruffly pink dresses with bows. At least my fashion sense may not be all there, but it sure is a lot better than their's! I always feel very stylish when I see them - no matter how badly I look!


Cleopatra Jones
She's the nicest lady but GOODNESS! If I were her I wouldn't even wear a skirt suit. She's probably in her mid fourties 5'6" - 5'7" and 100#s if she's lucky. She makes me look like a whale. And the black stockings make get "get-a-way sticks" look even skinnier.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: I have one too!

Originally posted by cariblue
That was me! I know I we saw each other in the parking lot!
Not unless you gained about 50 pounds and shruck in stature! It wasn't you! :lol:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
There coming to take me away, haha
they coming to take me away,
to the funny farm.....

can't remember the rest of the song....


Indy Bound
There is one thing I have never understood. Why do people way off their eyebrows completely, then pencil them in? A woman I work with does this and she is bleach blonde. She draws them in dark brown in a triangular form so she always looks permantely surprised. It looks so dumb. I never understood why women do that.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jeneisen
She draws them in dark brown in a triangular form so she always looks permantely surprised.
Maybe she is every time she looks in the mirror and see's what she has done to herself! :roflmao:


Indy Bound
In case you didn't pick up on it, I meant waxed instead of wayed. I can't type today. I am getting ready to leave for vacation today so I am a little pre-occupied.

Anyway I look at it like if you insist on drawing them back in, at least use a color that matches your hair.


Cleopatra Jones
I think that's tacky too. But even worse is women who use black eyeliner as lip liner with either light pink or silver lipstick. EWWWW!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
I think that's tacky too. But even worse is women who use black eyeliner as lip liner with either light pink or silver lipstick. EWWWW!

AGREED!!!! :barf:


Cleopatra Jones
Yes they do. I work with another girl who "would" be very pretty except she does awful things to herself. I'm not sure what nationality she is exactly but she's latino. She does the eyebrow thing. Not waxing them completely off but very thin then pencils the crap out of them. She wears this really sparkly lavender eyeshadow and black lip liner with silverish lipstick. She looks like a freakin clown.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
So when you see this person, you don;t first think, Gee, Here come's ______ (insert name here), but instead you think, here come's ____'s LIPS! YIKES!!!:eek:


Cleopatra Jones
Ya know. And she really would be a very pretty girl other wise. It's scary. I want to ask her if she needs to borrow my glasses.