Last month I had to have a COVID test in advance of having a colonoscopy...which came back with no signs of trouble.
I was sent to the MedStar clinic in Charlotte Hall, building behind Arby's.
Had to call ahead for an appointment, was told the web address to do that, did so.
Thursday 9 July, get there a few minutes ahead, call from the parking lot, get told to come in, needed to use the entrance around the side.
While I'm filling out ze paperz, several people pile in, including a couple and their 2 children...testing to go on vacation.
Nursed just swabbed inside both nostrils, so I guess it was the fairly quick antibody test.
Got a call on Sunday that the result was negative, had the camera safari on Monday, back to work Wednesday.
Lowe's did pay me for the 4 days I missed work by needing to "quarantine."