Maybe not lately, but automobile crashes are the number one killer of people between 15 and 20.Heres a few more stats from the NHTSA
Around here, I think its about tied between older drivers and teens, with the teems more likely to be involved in a fatal single vehicle and the older drivers more likely to have a fatal failure to yield.
Yeah, I read that statistic too, but I find it a little misleading. I have no issue with them stating this data, especially to scare the crap out of teens when they get their permits and licenses, but where are the numbers for older drivers? There are ONLY showing the data for teens for as I mentioned above. To scare the crap out of them. Forget about just older drivers, what about drivers in general? Where is the break down for the other age groups. My bet is that if they placed that data in there, the break down would also have a high spike when you get to the age of 60-65 and up.
I agree with CTSP04. Get them out there now, and not wait until 18. The more experience they can get while still having licensed drivers with them the better.