I wanna be a SMIB
LordStanley said:We started off spanking our son when he was at the age that understood what NO meant. When he would listen and didnt do what mommy and daddy said, he got a butt woopin.
We didnt do it hard at first.. but the older he got, the worse he acted up the harder his butt woopin was
Now all we have to do is give him the "eye" and he settles down. Every once in a blue moon, when have to break out thein the back of the head when he oversteps his bounds or is not using his maners
But we dont spank him as much anymore.... He got the point real quick
...... If I had a daughter I would do the same...
This is good parenting in my book. Dont wait till the problem becomes a problem. Start early and then they will learn and the rest should be pretty easy. And I dont think the boy is tramatized because he got his but hit when he was small. Instead he learned to behave and wont need ritilan.