Fatty fatty two by four...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

THE DRUDGE REPORT has obtained an email sent Monday evening by Democratic National Committee (DNC) research director Devorah Adler that contains ten opposition research packets on potential 2008 GOP presidential contenders.

In one packet titled “Newt Gingrich: 08 Watch February 2006” a picture of the former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA) appears with --- him holding two full plates of food!

The quote underneath the Gingrich photo reads “In His Own Words: Gingrich’s Solution To Childhood Obesity: ‘Turn off the TV, cut the fatty diet and get exercise.’ [AP, 2/8/06]”
What's the big deal with holding two plates of food? Last time I was at a buffet, I came back with three plates - one for me, one for my SIL and one for grandma.

And what does Newt Gingrich's tubbiness have to do with childhood obesity? :confused:

These people get more and more idiotic with every passing day.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Desperation. Hey, the Dems have JPC, Sr. in 29B. Now is desperation. If the Democrats in St. Mary's were smart, they would issue a press statement disavowing any and all association with JPC, Sr. But the national Dems would disavow any and all association with Al Gore if they had any smarts.

They are desperate and stupid.


Iron City
vraiblonde said:

What's the big deal with holding two plates of food? Last time I was at a buffet, I came back with three plates - one for me, one for my SIL and one for grandma.

And what does Newt Gingrich's tubbiness have to do with childhood obesity? :confused:

These people get more and more idiotic with every passing day.
Had the dumb azz research director done better research, she would have noticed that one of the plates is crammed packed full of all that fatty FRUIT!
Gawd, I can't believe I am actually defending Newt. :shocked:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
But the national Dems would disavow any and all association with Al Gore if they had any smarts.
Think about it - they made Howard Dean their party chairman. I don't think a little Al Gore is going to faze them.

I'm interested in the psychology of all this. Maybe I just don't remember or wasn't paying attention, but I don't remember the Democratic party as so disjointed and goofy prior to Bush getting elected.

I mean, yeah, the way they whitewashed Clinton was just ridiculous but that's to be expected. Now they seem flat-out loony, with the vitriol and crazy accusations. As a Republican, I say "yeah buddy - keep up the good work". But as an American, I don't really like it. I think there should be a good opposition to any political party, just to keep them on their toes. At the rate the Democrats are going, the Republican party is going to take over the whole country, which wouldn't necessarily be a good thing, IMO.


Iron City
2ndAmendment said:
Repeat after me, "I'm a Dem, but I can change."

I am so middle of the road I have a fence post sticking out of my a**. I am leaning further right every day, mostly because of the blunders of the DNC and the inability to come out with a unified front and intelligent message. I disliked the party bashing when everyone accused the Republicans of doing it with Clinton, and I dislike it when my own party does it needlessly and in such a childish way (this thread with Newt, the VP and the hunting accident to begin with). See, sitting on the fence, I can toss mud both ways.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Repeat after me, "I'm a Dem, but I can change."
You'd think the party would change to reflect their constituents, not Democrats changing to a party that's more aligned with their beliefs.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
You'd think the party would change to reflect their constituents, not Democrats changing to a party that's more aligned with their beliefs.
Doesn't happen. People leave the party and the party dies.

Whigs, Torys, Federalists, Anti-Federalists -> Democratic-Repblican -> Democrats. The Republican party is relatively new and was formed specifically to combat slavery after the demise of the Federalist party about 1852.

So the Anti-Federalists -> Democratic-Repblican -> Democrats have come to the end of their road as did the Federalists and a new party will rise to take its place. I actually see a more conservative party rising since the Democrats have staked out the far left that used to belong to the communists and socialists, the Republicans have staked out the left to middle ground, and the middle to right is pretty much vacant. JMHO.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
I actually see a more conservative party rising
I think you might be right about that. We've had a generation of liberal social experimentation and I think its day is done. What's interesting is watching it happen.

Now people are a little more sophisticated and can access information themselves via the internet and more news choices, so they don't fall for that bunk as easily.


vraiblonde said:
I think you might be right about that. We've had a generation of liberal social experimentation and I think its day is done. What's interesting is watching it happen.

Now people are a little more sophisticated and can access information themselves via the internet and more news choices, so they don't fall for that bunk as easily.

What's interesting is the demise of the party and they don't or can't see it coming.


In My Opinion
I wonder if the dems have checked out the body mass of their wonder child
date em and dunk em kennedy lately.


Super Genius
bcp said:
I wonder if the dems have checked out the body mass of their wonder child
date em and dunk em kennedy lately.
Have you seen Al Gore lately? He's gotten HUGE!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Al is very busy telling the Saudis how the U.S. has been "randomly detaining and abusing" people of Arabic descent. O'Reilly was saying something about this today, so I googled it. The article appears in a Canadian newspaper...go figure. :eyebrow:


What do we think Condi will be chowing down during her inauguration ball? She could have a plate of pintos and greens, shoveling it into a sh!t-eating grin.

It would put the Washington Post into quite a pickle...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
tikipirate said:
What do we think Condi will be chowing down during her inauguration ball? She could have a plate of pintos and greens, shoveling it into a sh!t-eating grin.
:fuzzyzoeller: :boo:
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I think you might be right about that. We've had a generation of liberal social experimentation and I think its day is done. What's interesting is watching it happen.

Now people are a little more sophisticated and can access information themselves via the internet and more news choices, so they don't fall for that bunk as easily.
Appropriate quote:
"The most important service rendered by the press and the magazines is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust." —Samuel Butler