kwillia said:Please try the LiftFusion Micro-Injected M-Tox Transdermal Face Lift and let me know whether you think it's worth the $140 for 1.7 oz.

I'll tell you my dirty little secret:
If you write to the company that makes it, a lot of times they'll send you a sample. If that fails, you can typically find samples on eBay. That's how I got my La Prairie caviar eye cream - 3 little tubes for $15. I gave one to my MIL and she loves it. I just think it's okay and won't be coughing up the $110 for a half ounce. Plus I have two little teeny tubes that will last me for months because you just use a smidgen.
The only company that's turned me down for a sample so far is the Freeze 24/7 people - effers. I got a sample of their deep line eraser from BBW and it was awesome, but the way the sample was packaged, you could only use it once before it dried up. I'd have liked to have used it for a couple of days before shelling out over $100 for the full size.