Favorite Beer

What is your Favorite Beer?

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Federalist Live Forever
:yeahthat: I'm surprised "Within Reach" isn't on the survey. :lol:

Red Dog isn't here? Wait, I quit drinking in '93.
Do they even make Red Dog anymore?

I don't see any of these either:

Red White and Blue


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Federalist Live Forever
Franziskaner hefe-weisse or Franziskaner hefe-weisse dunkel.

Yep, you have good tastes in beer. Sometimes go with Franziskaner when I can't get Hacker Pschorr Weisse. I special order it by the case. My co-worker from Germany was excited when I told him I was drinking it. He seem to think it was one of the best German Beers.

Hacker-Pschorr Hefe Weisse Natürtrub - Hacker-Pschorr Bräu GmbH - München, Germany - BeerAdvocate

This is one of the originals--an old-world wheat beer brewed with 60 percent wheat and 40 percent barley.

Served in a traditional wheat beer glass, the pour yields a towering head; the carbonation swirls while the foam slowly dissolves back into the liquid. Amazing head retention. Trademark Hefeweizen appearance: cloudy orange. Big fruity aroma of ripe bananas, soft clove and a waft of wheat. Smoothness is sublime as it rolls around the mouth with moderate body. Solid bread malt flavor with the wheat character obviously dominating, fruitiness coming big in the middle with ripe bananas and a hint of lemon. Very mild hop bitterness pushed down by a medium-sized spicy clove phenols that do most of the balancing. Neutral yeast flavor and lingering wheat appear in the dry finish.

First off, never put a slice of lemon in this beer--that would be committing He- fecide. If the beer supposed to have a lemon in it, don't you think the brewers would have taken care of that for us? Hacker-Pschorr Weisse may be lacking in complexity, but it makes up for that tenfold with drinkability, which is what we look for in He- feweizens. Pair it with an egg salad sandwich on rye bread with kosher dill pickles.

Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse - Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu - München, Germany - BeerAdvocate

Going back to 1363, Franziskaner is one of Munich's oldest privately owned breweries; but today, they're currently owned by Spaten/InBev. Regardless of their affiliation, this is some old-school Weissbier. They also brew a Dunkel (dark) version, but we'll be tasting the Hell (bright).

Pours extremely cloudy--as per the style--with sunny hues ranging from amber to dark orange, topped with a frothy foam head that rests to a respectful lacing. Banana esters and phenolic clove-like aromas pique interest and entice the palate. Super-creamy, with a crisp edge of carbonation and a light, but firm body. Some lemony citrus strikes from the moderate hopping, just enough, and it works well with the carbonation. Distinct "wheaty" flavor and feel. Light banana and a dashing of powdery clove add depth. Soft caramel and bready notes beneath, with a hint of hop leaf toward the drying finish.

If the estery and phenolic style of Weissbiers is your thing, this is truly a classic among the style--well balanced and extremely drinkable. No lemon required.


Raisin cane
Thanks, JoeRider! If you have never been to the Old Stein Inn in Edgewater, I suggest you try them some time. They have 10 German biers on tap all the time. Their 10th tap is always changing. Good German food too!

Btw, it's hard to find the dunkel in a bottle. I have it ordered by the case at the liquor store I usually go to.



Federalist Live Forever
There are only 2 beers on the poll that are decent.... Misfit, you have bad taste!

Apparently you do too:

Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy - Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company - Chippewa Falls, WI - BeerAdvocate

The Bros did not even drink it.

See review:

These things tend to show up at July 4th parties so I thought I'd give it a go. Pours like a cloudy American wheat with a quickly disappearing head. Aroma is pure lemon while the flavor incorporates a bit more beer - pretty standard light wheat with little hop character. The lemon character is exactly like lemon drop candy. I guess it's decent for a bottled shandy. I'd rather just make my own with a better quality lemonade and beer.



my war
Apparently you do too:

Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy - Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company - Chippewa Falls, WI - BeerAdvocate

The Bros did not even drink it.

See review:

These things tend to show up at July 4th parties so I thought I'd give it a go. Pours like a cloudy American wheat with a quickly disappearing head. Aroma is pure lemon while the flavor incorporates a bit more beer - pretty standard light wheat with little hop character. The lemon character is exactly like lemon drop candy. I guess it's decent for a bottled shandy. I'd rather just make my own with a better quality lemonade and beer.

Didn't say it was a favorite but it wasn't bad for a "flavored" beer, Penn!


Federalist Live Forever
Thanks, JoeRider! If you have never been to the Old Stein Inn in Edgewater, I suggest you try them some time. They have 10 German biers on tap all the time. Their 10th tap is always changing. Good German food too!

Btw, it's hard to find the dunkel in a bottle. I have it ordered by the case at the liquor store I usually go to.


Haven't been to Old Stein yet but have been eying it. Probably better to order the beer by the case since my German friend said that the German beer around here kinda tastes old since it sits on the shelves.


not impressed
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Galaxy S III )

DipStick said:
I am a beer snob. Someone could sit a free can of Bud Light in front of me and it probably wouldn't be opened when I leave. If I don't like something, I won't drink it.

Until you have a kid and after the mortgage, day care, bills, groceries, diapers, and formula are paid all you can afford is a box of wine and a case of Boh.
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Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Galaxy S III )

Until you have a kid and after the mortgage, day care, bills, groceries, diapers, and formula are paid all you can afford is a box of wine and a case of Boh.

I get my Heavy Seas 12 packs at Nicks in Waldorf for about the same price as a 12 pack of any beer costs most other places.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Galaxy S III )

Until you have a kid and after the mortgage, day care, bills, groceries, diapers, and formula are paid all you can afford is a box of wine and a case of Boh.

I'm assuming this is an 'If you could afford it' survey so I voted New Castle. I'm suprised no one else has.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I voted for Molson, but more exact Molson XXX. It's like 6.5% alcohol and will knock you to your knees.:shutup: