Favorite Magazines?


New Member
What are they? I'll admit, I'm a magazine fanatic- I love them! I always have one in my bag to keep me busy on the subway or read at lunch. I recently started reading More - I picked it up off a coworkers desk one day and love it! It's the one magazine I literally read cover to cover.

Anyone else a More lover?

What do you read and why?


Well-Known Member
Terps said:
What are they? I'll admit, I'm a magazine fanatic- I love them! I always have one in my bag to keep me busy on the subway or read at lunch. I recently started reading More - I picked it up off a coworkers desk one day and love it! It's the one magazine I literally read cover to cover.

Anyone else a More lover?

What do you read and why?

i try to avoid the women type magazines Cosmo, Redbook, etc... all they do is tell you what they think guys want. I read Maxim and Stuff why not find out straight from the horses mouth huh :yay:


Well-Known Member
Sailing, Sailing World, Food & Wine, Gourmet, Flying and the ones in the plain brown wrapper (for the articles of course) :yay:


New Member
lovinmaryland said:
i try to avoid the women type magazines Cosmo, Redbook, etc... all they do is tell you what they think guys want. I read Maxim and Stuff why not find out straight from the horses mouth huh :yay:

Hahahaha, maybe you should post a few tips :)

I used to read mags like Glamour and Cosmo those, but it gets to be all the same stuff, about how not to look fat in your clothes, and how you know he really likes you. I mean, how much of that can you really read?! That's one of the reasons I like More- it's fun, but it's also smart, and doesn't "talk down" to its readers IMO.

aps- What is Ketchup Kuarterly?


People, Soap Opera Digest, ABC Soaps, Cat Fancy and Reptile Magizine. I like trash and animals. :lmao: