Well, if you are on the left, you think they are neo nazis that represent a far larger portion of White America than independents or conservatives think exists.
Me? I really think there was a "legitimate" Patriot Front at one point that was tiny and silly. I also think the Feds got those bozos on charges and co-opted it at some point and now use it as a magnet to draw real neos and WSs out of the woodwork. With the added benefit of giving the liberals a reason to think there are are a lot of them out there.
This thing stinks. The physical uniformity of these guys alone is odd. Not one Meal Team Six member. Equipment and clothing way too coordinated. Add in that they appear to really do nothing. You would think a crew like this would be trying to bust antifa heads all day long, but all you see is these silly little marches. I think they graffiti things from time to time. Put out odd videos.
Hell, Front is right on the name
Press and police treat them with kids gloves. Police have watched them load 15 men into the back of a U-haul and drive away. Press never investigates to see where they came from or where they go.