Sometimes minutes...Sooner or later Sapidus TDS leaks out .... in a few days or weeks
Sometimes minutes...Sooner or later Sapidus TDS leaks out .... in a few days or weeks
There are so many things out of place with those photos...
Like, who was running into the head to take the pictures? Sure wasn't Trump...if he was flushing, he wouldn't want photos of it.
Wouldn't Trump look at the photographer and question what the heck they were doing taking pictures in his head?
Are those photos really of Trumps commode? And how convenient the lettering is face up like that. So easy to fake.
The sad part is you can point all that out and he still misses it.Well, progs are dumb so they don't have to put a lot of effort into their scams. Look how easily they rooked Stupidus.
Kinda puts those complaints about having to flush 1-15 times in perspective huh?There are so many things out of place with those photos...
Like, who was running into the head to take the pictures? Sure wasn't Trump...if he was flushing, he wouldn't want photos of it.
Wouldn't Trump look at the photographer and question what the heck they were doing taking pictures in his head?
Are those photos really of Trumps commode? And how convenient the lettering is face up like that. So easy to fake.
#loserKinda puts those complaints about having to flush 1-15 times in perspective huh?
"Because it's sort of gross to talk about, right? So I won't talk about the fact that people have to flush their toilet 15 times. I will not talk about it. I'll only talk about showers."
Trump says people 'have to flush their toilet 15 times' in a bizarre campaign rally rant about water restrictions
Trump also turned his attention to showers: 'You ever get under a shower and no water comes out? And me, I want that hair to be so beautiful.'