Fear of death and Steven Hawkings....


New Member
IMHO.... Steven Hawkings is the best example of someone who is afraid of death.

Steven Hawkings would murder babies to get a few stem cells to heal himself.

In another thread.... Proxima used a quote from Steven Hawkings and as soon as I saw it.... I decided it's time to open up this discussion.

Stem cells that are being reproduced by scientists now didn't come out of nowhere. At least one newborn [and actually there were many more] was sacrificed [stabbed in the neck at birth] so that people like Steven Hawkings could continue here on earth.

He fears death so.... he puts his needs above the needs of others.... that he would slaughter an innocent baby so that he can continue.

I believe that even Steven Hawkings has a shot at going to heaven. He still has time to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior and still see Heaven.... but Steven Hawkings has to accept Jesus into his life.... and that's a pretty tall order from someone with his ego.



Hawking has been through hell on this earth. Someone in his condition that is still able to keep such focus and master his trade – physics – without letting his condition get him down is, at a minimum, astounding. I admire him so much that I can’t find it in me to criticize him on any personal level. That’s not to say I agree with his stance on so many things.

But to your point… I’m not sure where you get that because he is receiving treatments to slow or improve his condition as fearing death. As much as I disagree with abortion I think using their stem cells to heal disease and injuries honors their death. If babies were being killed for the purpose of harvesting stem cells everyone should have a big problem with this. That’s not happening. Mothers are aborting for a plethora of reasons and not for the purpose of stem cells. Garnering these stem cells is an unfortunate benefit to those that need the technology.

You almost seem to be asserting that if you fear death and receive certain treatments that you’re putting your needs ahead of others. If he is receiving stem cell treatment from aborted babies, I’m sure he’s not asking for more babies to be aborted for him. It is not Hawking that is slaughtering babies; it is the mothers.

When I see Hawking, who has defied so many odds against him, I have these mixed feelings of being sorry for him and admiring him. It’s sad to see him in this condition. But he has fought it with bravery that I don’t know if I have. Then to overcome the defeat of this disease he stands as one this world’s top physicists; an accomplishment that most of us can only dream of.

You have shown yourself to be so brave to fight your battle and I admire you on the same level. You are going through something I can’t imagine. But if you knew there was a stem cell treatment that could cure you, would you refuse it? If there was a stem cell treatment you knew could cure your child of a deadly disease, would you refuse it to your child?


New Member
Hawking has been through hell on this earth. Someone in his condition that is still able to keep such focus and master his trade – physics – without letting his condition get him down is, at a minimum, astounding. I admire him so much that I can’t find it in me to criticize him on any personal level. That’s not to say I agree with his stance on so many things.

But to your point… I’m not sure where you get that because he is receiving treatments to slow or improve his condition as fearing death. As much as I disagree with abortion I think using their stem cells to heal disease and injuries honors their death. If babies were being killed for the purpose of harvesting stem cells everyone should have a big problem with this. That’s not happening. Mothers are aborting for a plethora of reasons and not for the purpose of stem cells. Garnering these stem cells is an unfortunate benefit to those that need the technology.

You almost seem to be asserting that if you fear death and receive certain treatments that you’re putting your needs ahead of others. If he is receiving stem cell treatment from aborted babies, I’m sure he’s not asking for more babies to be aborted for him. It is not Hawking that is slaughtering babies; it is the mothers.

When I see Hawking, who has defied so many odds against him, I have these mixed feelings of being sorry for him and admiring him. It’s sad to see him in this condition. But he has fought it with bravery that I don’t know if I have. Then to overcome the defeat of this disease he stands as one this world’s top physicists; an accomplishment that most of us can only dream of.

You have shown yourself to be so brave to fight your battle and I admire you on the same level. You are going through something I can’t imagine. But if you knew there was a stem cell treatment that could cure you, would you refuse it? If there was a stem cell treatment you knew could cure your child of a deadly disease, would you refuse it to your child?

Yes.... I refuse stem cell treatment..... My children have the same stance....



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As much as I disagree with abortion I think using their stem cells to heal disease and injuries honors their death. If babies were being killed for the purpose of harvesting stem cells everyone should have a big problem with this. That’s not happening. Mothers are aborting for a plethora of reasons and not for the purpose of stem cells. Garnering these stem cells is an unfortunate benefit to those that need the technology.

I agree with you. Women are going to abort their babies anyway, so why not use the fetus to help others rather than just incinerate it?


Not too talkative
embryonic (fetal) stem cells do not come from aborted babies. They come from the babies made in lab for in vitro fertilization....


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
embryonic (fetal) stem cells do not come from aborted babies. They come from the babies made in lab for in vitro fertilization....

For some people that's technocally a baby and entitled to the same rights as a toddler.
IMHO.... Steven Hawkings is the best example of someone who is afraid of death.

Steven Hawkings would murder babies to get a few stem cells to heal himself.

In another thread.... Proxima used a quote from Steven Hawkings and as soon as I saw it.... I decided it's time to open up this discussion.

Stem cells that are being reproduced by scientists now didn't come out of nowhere. At least one newborn [and actually there were many more] was sacrificed [stabbed in the neck at birth] so that people like Steven Hawkings could continue here on earth.

He fears death so.... he puts his needs above the needs of others.... that he would slaughter an innocent baby so that he can continue.

I believe that even Steven Hawkings has a shot at going to heaven. He still has time to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior and still see Heaven.... but Steven Hawkings has to accept Jesus into his life.... and that's a pretty tall order from someone with his ego.


HC, I hesitated to respond to your OP because of you're battle with cancer and fear of upsetting you. But, your words are harsh and appear to lack compassion. We are all human beings. Hawking harbors no ill will towards believers. He was only stating his conclusions as a scientist in reply to an oft asked question of him. I don't know whether he fears death. I really doubt he fears it much, if at all, considering the immense suffering he has endured.


Yes.... I refuse stem cell treatment..... My children have the same stance....


It was a rhetorical question... If your child was of an age dependent on your decisions, would you refuse this knowing it could heal your child?

Here's a true story... An American family was visiting Italy. Their car was attacked by robbers and the boy (about 7 years old named Nicholas) was killed. Rather than get angry about it and take their child home to bury him, they donated his organs to about 7 Italians waiting for transplants. They built a bell tower in his name – Nicholas Green.

I think this is relevant in that even though these children are killed in horrible circumstances, that doesn’t mean we can’t honor their death in saving life. If it’s your desire to eradicate abortion, I am with you 100%. But I also think good can come out of bad. This is one of those instances. Although I’m sure Hawking doesn’t talk about it, but I’d like to think he is intelligent enough to know if these stem cells are keeping him alive, he is doing what he does with a sense of honor of those sacrifices for him, rather than some selfish desire to kill babies so he can live. I refuse to believe that.
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New Member
Yes.... I refuse stem cell treatment..... My children have the same stance....
Then you are already dead. At least mentally.

Why are you even on here in the forums? If you believe in god, don't you think he has provided everything in which to heal ourselves? Even if it is stem cells from aborted fetuses? Instead of trying to save a few fellow souls here, and elsewhere on this planet, why don't you go out and live life with your family the remaining days that you have? Stop trying to convince yourself.... Stop condemning others for wanting to live and doing and trying unconventional means.

This is one reason I no longer associate myself with religion. Way too many conflicts.

I tell ya, you christians are something else. Here's a good joke.... Want to know how to tell if someone is a christian? Just give them a minute and they'll tell you.

Not trying to put you down hotcoffee, Becky, I do sympathize with you, but do not go out being a bitter person. Which by your writings, seem to be headed.


Not too talkative
For some people that's technically a baby and entitled to the same rights as a toddler.

I agree with that, as well. Just trying to point out where the fetal stem cells come from.

It was a rhetorical question... If your child was of an age dependent on your decisions, would you refuse this knowing it could heal your child?

Here's a true story... An American family was visiting Italy. Their car was attacked by robbers and the boy (about 7 years old named Nicholas) was killed. Rather than get angry about it and take their child home to bury him, they donated his organs to about 7 Italians waiting for transplants. They built a bell tower in his name – Nicholas Green.

I think this is relevant in that even though these children are killed in horrible circumstances, that doesn’t mean we can’t honor their death in saving life. If it’s your desire to eradicate abortion, I am with you 100%. But I also think good can come out of bad. This is one of those instances. Although I’m sure Hawking doesn’t talk about it, but I’d like to think he is intelligent enough to know if these stem cells are keeping him alive, he is doing what he does with a sense of honor of those sacrifices for him, rather than some selfish desire to kill babies so he can live. I refuse to believe that.

Well, lets take that good from bad one step further. Instead of just harvesting stem cells from the "extra" fertilized eggs, from the in vitro fertilization clinic, why not just allow some to keep on growing. Then we could have a real organ bank...


Not too talkative
Then you are already dead. At least mentally.

Why are you even on here in the forums? If you believe in god, don't you think he has provided everything in which to heal ourselves? Even if it is stem cells from aborted fetuses? Instead of trying to save a few fellow souls here, and elsewhere on this planet, why don't you go out and live life with your family the remaining days that you have? Stop trying to convince yourself.... Stop condemning others for wanting to live and doing and trying unconventional means.

This is one reason I no longer associate myself with religion. Way too many conflicts.

I tell ya, you christians are something else. Here's a good joke.... Want to know how to tell if someone is a christian? Just give them a minute and they'll tell you.

Not trying to put you down hotcoffee, Becky, I do sympathize with you, but do not go out being a bitter person. Which by your writings, seem to be headed.

And some people would point out that Satan is capable of providing ways to help us "heal" ourselves. But through our free will, we choose to keep to the right path...

Killing others, so we may live; was not what was taught on the cross.


New Member
And some people would point out that Satan is capable of providing ways to help us "heal" ourselves. But through our free will, we choose to keep to the right path...

Killing others, so we may live; was not what was taught on the cross.

Thank you Makavide.... well said.

I feel so sorry for some of you.... You call me dead while you are the ones who are enslaved by a fear of death.

Joshua 24:15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”​



I agree with that, as well. Just trying to point out where the fetal stem cells come from.

Well, lets take that good from bad one step further. Instead of just harvesting stem cells from the "extra" fertilized eggs, from the in vitro fertilization clinic, why not just allow some to keep on growing. Then we could have a real organ bank...

If you think any of my comments support the harvesting of humans in any fashion for the advancement of medical technology and curing disease and disabilities, you’re hugely mistaken. I am well aware of the consequences of stepping out there with this sort of thing and how it could later be abused to a harvesting of humans, and I am NOT in support of this in any way.

I guess I should have made it clear that any woman that has an abortion, regardless of the circumstances, should give consent of their aborted CHILD to be used for any sort of organ donation or stem cell therapy. And an aborted baby should never be used without this consent. But I do believe good can come from horrible circumstances. If my child was dying from a horrible disease and was healed through the stem cell therapy of an aborted child I would raise my child with an awareness of why they are alive; that there is another LIFE within them that allowed them to live and they should live their life honoring that life.


And some people would point out that Satan is capable of providing ways to help us "heal" ourselves. But through our free will, we choose to keep to the right path...

Killing others, so we may live; was not what was taught on the cross.

I don't know anyone here or elsewhere that supports killing other so we may live. NO ONE is in support of purposely killing babies so we, the living, can be healed. I know you really don't believe this.
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Thank you Makavide.... well said.

I feel so sorry for some of you.... You call me dead while you are the ones who are enslaved by a fear of death.

Joshua 24:15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”​


Can I ask you another question? I know this may seem to be not comparable but... If you were pregnant and lost that child in a miscarriage, and that child's organs or stem cells could be used to heal others, would you do it? Is it possible for good to come out of bad circumstances? Doesn't it honor that child's death?
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New Member
I feel so sorry for some of you.... You call me dead while you are the ones who are enslaved by a fear of death.
I called you "dead" at least mentally. But you should really backup there sweet pea. I don't think anyone here is "enslaved", except you. Enslaved to some dogma written by men over 2000 years ago. We get, you're going to die, sooner than most of us in your age range. What are you looking for here? Sympathy? Empathy? Compassion?

You feel sorry for us? I feel sorry for you. Wasting your time here espousing religious dogma rather than getting out, leaving this forum, and living what remaining life you have with your family and friends. While some here may miss your posts, I am sure those physically around you, you know, your family and friends, will miss you far more than us simple forumites.

Don't' worry though, someone most surely will pick up where you left off.
You feel sorry for us? I feel sorry for you. Wasting your time here espousing religious dogma rather than getting out, leaving this forum, and living what remaining life you have with your family and friends. While some here may miss your posts, I am sure those physically around you, you know, your family and friends, will miss you far more than us simple forumites.

Your post, while blunt, is on point. I can't imagine posting criticisms to any group or persons on any forum with so little time left. There are more productive ways to spend one's remaining time.