Horse####! Now you’re trying to backpedal as if you were really trying to illicit a response. You wrote some of the most vile bilge, directed at someone who is dying, that I think I’ve ever seen. And you targeted her faith, clinging to something that enslaves her. She’s wasting her time. She’s replaceable by another ‘enslaved’ misguided religious zealot. You loathe believers. Even in their last days you can only find it in you to take one more stab at their beliefs. I’m not one of these incredibly sensitive people that relies on political correctness or a desire to sugarcoat something in favor of the truth; but stomping on someone that is in pain and knows they are dying… to actually call them “dead” in any way is about as low as it can possibly get. You have epitomized the very stereotype many of us have come to believe exists with atheists: that your hate for Christians overrides everything; even a sense of compassion for those suffering.
Let me start by saying this: When the branches are too high, there are times you have to shake the tree to get the fruit.
Now,... backpedal? If you have read some of my other posts, the main theme is of independence. Freedom from government control, from others, and of individual responsibility. My motto: As long as you don't harm the person, or property of another, I don't care what you do and will support you. Do some some of my posts seem somewhat vitriolic?
synonyms: rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant, acerbic, trenchant, virulent, spiteful, savage, venomous, poisonous, malicious Yeah, maybe. Am I an atheist. No. Do I loath believers? No. Did I call her dead? In the metaphorical sense, yes. To only get her to think positive. I do not begrudge anyone for their belief in religion. If it brings them solace, peace, and comfort, to their lives, great! It is a wonderful thing.
I write to shake things up. To challenge thought. Maybe even, challenge the convictions of others. Death and those dying are not off limits. Hotcoffee understands from where I come. I rarely call people names here, maybe except for vrai, she can get me riled up. But that's all good too. I write here without the filters society places on us in public and with names attached. Sometimes what I write needs to be said to push the conversation. I make no apologizes.
I am a Christian, just not a Christian like you. I happened to have been saved and brought Jesus into my life in the fifth grade. I have never renounced him, even after seeing all the evil war had to offer in person, the many "faces of death". I continue to question and write posts questioning him and all religion. That is my problem though. Something with which I have to deal.
I say wasting her time, because if it was myself dying, I would say a final goodbye by starting a thread, saying my piece, then doing a final logging off from these forums and go be, and do something, with my family until I died. But that's me. I can understand what she is doing though. If being here, sharing her story, her testament, brings her comfort, brings others comfort, then I support that. I just want the positive side of life. The negative side sucks. So I push.
The way I write is my compassion for her. By challenging her, instead of "having compassion" in the other sense. I try to take her out of that comfort zone that I call "the lazy, just waiting to die zone." Maybe I'm wrong? I don't know. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Eh?
I like Becky and have known her for many years. Though I haven't seen her in about a year, we have spent much time together in the past for various reasons. I wish her nothing but good health and remission. Gotta go now and get myself a fresh cup of "Hot Coffee". No really.... my cup is empty. : )