Fear of death and Steven Hawkings....


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I called you "dead" at least mentally. But you should really backup there sweet pea. I don't think anyone here is "enslaved", except you. Enslaved to some dogma written by men over 2000 years ago. We get, you're going to die, sooner than most of us in your age range. What are you looking for here? Sympathy? Empathy? Compassion?

You feel sorry for us? I feel sorry for you. Wasting your time here espousing religious dogma rather than getting out, leaving this forum, and living what remaining life you have with your family and friends. While some here may miss your posts, I am sure those physically around you, you know, your family and friends, will miss you far more than us simple forumites.

Don't' worry though, someone most surely will pick up where you left off.
I think I agree with her, you seem to be a bitter, hateful, little person.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think I agree with her, you seem to be a bitter, hateful, little person.

That's why I have it on Ignore.

I think it's the height of #######ry to try and tell HC what she should be doing with her time. Because, like, that's SO anyone else's business.


New Member
I think I agree with her, you seem to be a bitter, hateful, little person.
Bitter and hateful .... far from it. Words here may seem blunt, but if said in person, would convey a much more sympathetic and caring tone. While there are some words chosen and arranged that may portend bitterness and hate, my time constrained, misconstrued posts will have to do, though they do get my point across.


New Member
That's why I have it on Ignore. I think it's the height of #######ry to try and tell HC what she should be doing with her time. Because, like, that's SO anyone else's business.
This, from the person who calls for the outright murder of black people, absent due process, because they might have broken the law, or not. And the extermination of a group of people just because they happen to follow Islam. Not to worry vrai, I'll never put you on ignore. To re-live nazi Germany and remember those dark days and what not to repeat, I just harken to your posts to remind me that that evil mentality still lives. To never let our guard down again.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Bitter and hateful .... far from it. Words here may seem blunt, but if said in person, would convey a much more sympathetic and caring tone. While there are some words chosen and arranged that may portend bitterness and hate, my time constrained, misconstrued posts will have to do, though they do get my point across.

Apparently they don't get your point across because it just sounds mean spirited.


New Member
I called you "dead" at least mentally. But you should really backup there sweet pea. I don't think anyone here is "enslaved", except you. Enslaved to some dogma written by men over 2000 years ago. We get, you're going to die, sooner than most of us in your age range. What are you looking for here? Sympathy? Empathy? Compassion?

You feel sorry for us? I feel sorry for you. Wasting your time here espousing religious dogma rather than getting out, leaving this forum, and living what remaining life you have with your family and friends. While some here may miss your posts, I am sure those physically around you, you know, your family and friends, will miss you far more than us simple forumites.

Don't' worry though, someone most surely will pick up where you left off.

So.... you want to know what I'm looking for here.... You listed Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion.... Those are not on my list.

When a Christian finds out that they have a terminal prognosis.... it's actually not scary at all. As Christians we know we are going to a better place.... a new adventure has been awaiting us since the day we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. We don't need sympathy, empathy, or compassion.... we have a new life to look forward too.

I've had a magnificent life. I've done some things others would have never considered doing. For instance, I've hitch hiked across country... not once but twice. I've skipped school to play on the beautiful beaches in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I rode down Virginia Beach Boulevard on the back of a Harley buck naked at 3AM on a Thursday morning on a bet. I drove a taxi... got robbed... and got my money back.

I've had some really tough times, but those tough times that seemed so miserable I wouldn't survive them all worked out just fine. I'm married to my best friend. I have four magnificent children who are all wonderful people. My son designs and manufactures neon lights. One of my daughters is studying to be a lawyer. Another of my daughters teaches and interprets sign language. My youngest daughter cares for the elderly at a local nursing home. My life has been full of adventure and love!

I'm faithful as opposed to religious. I've been to churches that took my NIV Bible and burned it because it wasn't the King James Version. I've been to churches that didn't teach the gospel. Thanks to these forums.... I've learned about other religious beliefs. I've been a Sunday School teacher, a youth teacher, and I've sung in choirs. I'm proud that my grandmother built a church up in the mountains where she too taught and at times when the river was too high for the minister to get across, she would deliver the Sunday Sermon. I don't think churches are perfect.... most of them have some serious flaws.... but my faith in God and His Son Jesus has been an important part of my life.

I've been called to teach and share the Bible in plain language leaving out all the thee and thou. I've been posting here for years.... it's my pleasure.... it's added meaning to my life here.... So now.... my time here is almost up.... and I don't fear it... I am happy.... My family doesn't want me to leave... but they know they will see me again soon when they finally get to the end of their work here too....

I'm free to say what I want... I'm free to talk about tough topics like the fear of death..... I don't have to worry about that.... it's freedom....

I don't need or want sympathy, empathy, compassion.... I have a ticket to Heaven and that's freedom.... it's a homecoming....

I do feel sorry for those who think of death as the end.... it's a really bleak thought....

Someone else will carry on.... I'm grateful for that....

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mama to two
So.... you want to know what I'm looking for here.... You listed Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion.... Those are not on my list.

When a Christian finds out that they have a terminal prognosis.... it's actually not scary at all. As Christians we know we are going to a better place.... a new adventure has been awaiting us since the day we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. We don't need sympathy, empathy, or compassion.... we have a new life to look forward too.

I've had a magnificent life. I've done some things others would have never considered doing. For instance, I've hitch hiked across country... not once but twice. I've skipped school to play on the beautiful beaches in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I rode down Virginia Beach Boulevard on the back of a Harley buck naked at 3AM on a Thursday morning on a bet. I drove a taxi... got robbed... and got my money back.

I've had some really tough times, but those tough times that seemed so miserable I wouldn't survive them all worked out just fine. I'm married to my best friend. I have four magnificent children who are all wonderful people. My son designs and manufactures neon lights. One of my daughters is studying to be a lawyer. Another of my daughters teaches and interprets sign language. My youngest daughter cares for the elderly at a local nursing home. My life has been full of adventure and love!

I'm faithful as opposed to religious. I've been to churches that took my NIV Bible and burned it because it wasn't the King James Version. I've been to churches that didn't teach the gospel. Thanks to these forums.... I've learned about other religious beliefs. I've been a Sunday School teacher, a youth teacher, and I've sung in choirs. I'm proud that my grandmother built a church up in the mountains where she too taught and at times when the river was too high for the minister to get across, she would deliver the Sunday Sermon. I don't think churches are perfect.... most of them have some serious flaws.... but my faith in God and His Son Jesus has been an important part of my life.

I've been called to teach and share the Bible in plain language leaving out all the thee and thou. I've been posting here for years.... it's my pleasure.... it's added meaning to my life here.... So now.... my time here is almost up.... and I don't fear it... I am happy.... My family doesn't want me to leave... but they know they will see me again soon when they finally get to the end of their work here too....

I'm free to say what I want... I'm free to talk about tough topics like the fear of death..... I don't have to worry about that.... it's freedom....

I don't need or want sympathy, empathy, compassion.... I have a ticket to Heaven and that's freedom.... it's a homecoming....

I do feel sorry for those who think of death as the end.... it's a really bleak thought....

Someone else will carry on.... I'm grateful for that....


Wow. Powerful words, and so comforting. You are amazing, hc! I pray for you and to have your strength. You are awesome. :huggy:


New Member
So.... you want to know what I'm looking for here.... You listed Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion.... Those are not on my list.

When a Christian finds out that they have a terminal prognosis.... it's actually not scary at all. As Christians we know we are going to a better place.... a new adventure has been awaiting us since the day we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. We don't need sympathy, empathy, or compassion.... we have a new life to look forward too.

I've had a magnificent life. I've done some things others would have never considered doing. For instance, I've hitch hiked across country... not once but twice. I've skipped school to play on the beautiful beaches in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I rode down Virginia Beach Boulevard on the back of a Harley buck naked at 3AM on a Thursday morning on a bet. I drove a taxi... got robbed... and got my money back.

I've had some really tough times, but those tough times that seemed so miserable I wouldn't survive them all worked out just fine. I'm married to my best friend. I have four magnificent children who are all wonderful people. My son designs and manufactures neon lights. One of my daughters is studying to be a lawyer. Another of my daughters teaches and interprets sign language. My youngest daughter cares for the elderly at a local nursing home. My life has been full of adventure and love!

I'm faithful as opposed to religious. I've been to churches that took my NIV Bible and burned it because it wasn't the King James Version. I've been to churches that didn't teach the gospel. Thanks to these forums.... I've learned about other religious beliefs. I've been a Sunday School teacher, a youth teacher, and I've sung in choirs. I'm proud that my grandmother built a church up in the mountains where she too taught and at times when the river was too high for the minister to get across, she would deliver the Sunday Sermon. I don't think churches are perfect.... most of them have some serious flaws.... but my faith in God and His Son Jesus has been an important part of my life.

I've been called to teach and share the Bible in plain language leaving out all the thee and thou. I've been posting here for years.... it's my pleasure.... it's added meaning to my life here.... So now.... my time here is almost up.... and I don't fear it... I am happy.... My family doesn't want me to leave... but they know they will see me again soon when they finally get to the end of their work here too....

I'm free to say what I want... I'm free to talk about tough topics like the fear of death..... I don't have to worry about that.... it's freedom....

I don't need or want sympathy, empathy, compassion.... I have a ticket to Heaven and that's freedom.... it's a homecoming....

I do feel sorry for those who think of death as the end.... it's a really bleak thought....

Someone else will carry on.... I'm grateful for that....

There you go! That's what I wanted to hear. And I'm called the evil one because of how I word my posts. A method to my madness I tell ya.
Very eloquent. You have painted a picture with words hotcoffee. In my view, people do not want to read about death, we all know it's coming, but life, life, is another matter altogether. You have given us a glimpse into your life and that of your family. Keep it up. May he be by your side while you wake from your final sleep.


There you go! That's what I wanted to hear. And I'm called the evil one because of how I word my posts. A method to my madness I tell ya.
Very eloquent. You have painted a picture with words hotcoffee. In my view, people do not want to read about death, we all know it's coming, but life, life, is another matter altogether. You have given us a glimpse into your life and that of your family. Keep it up. May he be by your side while you wake from your final sleep.

Horse####! Now you’re trying to backpedal as if you were really trying to illicit a response. You wrote some of the most vile bilge, directed at someone who is dying, that I think I’ve ever seen. And you targeted her faith, clinging to something that enslaves her. She’s wasting her time. She’s replaceable by another ‘enslaved’ misguided religious zealot. You loathe believers. Even in their last days you can only find it in you to take one more stab at their beliefs.

I’m not one of these incredibly sensitive people that relies on political correctness or a desire to sugarcoat something in favor of the truth; but stomping on someone that is in pain and knows they are dying… to actually call them “dead” in any way is about as low as it can possibly get. You have epitomized the very stereotype many of us have come to believe exists with atheists: that your hate for Christians overrides everything; even a sense of compassion for those suffering.


New Member
There you go! That's what I wanted to hear. And I'm called the evil one because of how I word my posts. A method to my madness I tell ya.
Very eloquent. You have painted a picture with words hotcoffee. In my view, people do not want to read about death, we all know it's coming, but life, life, is another matter altogether. You have given us a glimpse into your life and that of your family. Keep it up. May he be by your side while you wake from your final sleep.

Horse####! Now you’re trying to backpedal as if you were really trying to illicit a response. You wrote some of the most vile bilge, directed at someone who is dying, that I think I’ve ever seen. And you targeted her faith, clinging to something that enslaves her. She’s wasting her time. She’s replaceable by another ‘enslaved’ misguided religious zealot. You loathe believers. Even in their last days you can only find it in you to take one more stab at their beliefs.

I’m not one of these incredibly sensitive people that relies on political correctness or a desire to sugarcoat something in favor of the truth; but stomping on someone that is in pain and knows they are dying… to actually call them “dead” in any way is about as low as it can possibly get. You have epitomized the very stereotype many of us have come to believe exists with atheists: that your hate for Christians overrides everything; even a sense of compassion for those suffering.

I actually get what FollowTheMoney is saying.

One of the things that always has bothered me about the faith based movies is the lack of real life. It's like once someone becomes a Christian they are mysteriously changed into this perfect person.... it's like they have to go back to the impossible to understand thee and thou life where they have this halo shining over their head. It's hard for me to believe a human who is too perfect.

My Sunday School kids [they were 1st & 2nd grade students] weren't really interested in the Bible characters. They saw all the pictures of the characters portrayed as old people with beards and wrinkles. What did all that old people stuff have to do with them. Once I showed them that Timothy was only 13 years old when he was starting the first churches with Paul... they started to get interested. They can understand young.... not old. When I showed them that Mary was probably only in her early teens when she had Jesus.... they were hooked.

I've had an adventurous and exciting life... that makes my prognosis a little more interesting then someone who has always been a Bible thumping puritanical know it all.... I'm average.... and if an average woman speaks about a real life and death... it's interesting... to some....

I'd love to write a book about my life.... it's been a hoot.... Everyone knows the black sheep or the person who just doesn't seem to want to get it right.... some of my family and friends have thought that of me.... church members have hated me because I pointed out the problems in the church....

Most of all tho.... I'd like to let others know that death isn't scary when you know you are only beginning a new adventure...

I've planned new adventures that didn't happen.... my prognosis is like looking forward to the biggest adventure I have always wanted to go on.... You have to have a reservation.... Only the people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior get to go on this adventure.... I am, after all, going to see Him personally.... He wouldn't really want to have someone live in Heaven with Him that has always denied His existence....

You don't have to be perfect.... He knows I'm not perfect.... far from it....
You don't have to be religious.... He had problems with the religious people of His time here too....
You just have to Accept Him..... Once you do that... He takes care of the things for you....

Life after becoming a Christian isn't perfect.... I've gone thru some real nasty stuff in my life.... but He's always been there to pick me up and carry me through it.... and make it turn out ok.... just like this thread....

I'm a normal person.... I cuss.... I smoke.... I get angry.... I have even been angry at God and told Him so....

I just want people to know.... I don't fear death.... I look forward to it... my death here opens a door to that new adventure for me!!!! You don't have to be afraid of it either.... it's your choice....



aka Mrs. Giant
First, let me be FACTUAL.

Stem cells can come from bone marrow, fat and umbilical cord stems. Many parents now bank their baby's umbilical cord stems for "just in case". Also, synthetic stem cells are being created now as well. Just amazing. Also, the embryos being used in embryonic stem cell research come from eggs that were fertilized at in vitro fertilization clinics but never implanted in a woman's uterus. The stem cells are donated with informed consent from donors.

First off, unless you ask, do some research, you don't know specifically where those stem cells came from for the research. Were test tube embryos or somebody's donated bone marrow used? Next, no aborted babies from abortion clinics are used.

My FIL was treated with an experimental drug using stem and genetic research that did an amazing job of not only extending his life by years, but also of it being a good quality of life.

Across the ocean in Europe, they are making huge progress in treating MS and ALS and other motor neuron diseases using stem cell treatments that aren't available here. Too risky according to the FDA. So certain death or a chance at life...I don't understand the risk, but as I have discovered, the FDA is not really about protecting us. I have some snarky opinions, that I'll leave out.

Now, with all of that information, I would definitely use a treatment that had been created using stem cell research.

G-d wouldn't have given us science, technology and thinking minds and medical research and a million other things if he didn't want us to advance and treat and cure.
G-d feed the wandering with manna, but now we have to feed ourselves. Jesus himself was a great physician. G-d gave Moses hyssop to purify with and it is a proven anti-bacterial. So again, G-d gave it to us and now we have to take care of ourselves.

So why would you refuse a medical treatment?

To refuse a medical treatment is just cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Genesis 28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Matthew 9:12
Hearing them, he said: “Healthy people do not need a physician, but those who are ill do.

1 Corinthians 12:12
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.


I actually get what FollowTheMoney is saying.

One of the things that always has bothered me about the faith based movies is the lack of real life. It's like once someone becomes a Christian they are mysteriously changed into this perfect person.... it's like they have to go back to the impossible to understand thee and thou life where they have this halo shining over their head. It's hard for me to believe a human who is too perfect.

My Sunday School kids [they were 1st & 2nd grade students] weren't really interested in the Bible characters. They saw all the pictures of the characters portrayed as old people with beards and wrinkles. What did all that old people stuff have to do with them. Once I showed them that Timothy was only 13 years old when he was starting the first churches with Paul... they started to get interested. They can understand young.... not old. When I showed them that Mary was probably only in her early teens when she had Jesus.... they were hooked.

I've had an adventurous and exciting life... that makes my prognosis a little more interesting then someone who has always been a Bible thumping puritanical know it all.... I'm average.... and if an average woman speaks about a real life and death... it's interesting... to some....

I'd love to write a book about my life.... it's been a hoot.... Everyone knows the black sheep or the person who just doesn't seem to want to get it right.... some of my family and friends have thought that of me.... church members have hated me because I pointed out the problems in the church....

Most of all tho.... I'd like to let others know that death isn't scary when you know you are only beginning a new adventure...

I've planned new adventures that didn't happen.... my prognosis is like looking forward to the biggest adventure I have always wanted to go on.... You have to have a reservation.... Only the people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior get to go on this adventure.... I am, after all, going to see Him personally.... He wouldn't really want to have someone live in Heaven with Him that has always denied His existence....

You don't have to be perfect.... He knows I'm not perfect.... far from it....
You don't have to be religious.... He had problems with the religious people of His time here too....
You just have to Accept Him..... Once you do that... He takes care of the things for you....

Life after becoming a Christian isn't perfect.... I've gone thru some real nasty stuff in my life.... but He's always been there to pick me up and carry me through it.... and make it turn out ok.... just like this thread....

I'm a normal person.... I cuss.... I smoke.... I get angry.... I have even been angry at God and told Him so....

I just want people to know.... I don't fear death.... I look forward to it... my death here opens a door to that new adventure for me!!!! You don't have to be afraid of it either.... it's your choice....


Thank you. Your words encourage me. I pray for you. I have prayed for you. I never pray for someone's healing because I know it may not be God's will. But I pray for your peace; and you seem to have achieved that peace.


New Member
Horse####! Now you’re trying to backpedal as if you were really trying to illicit a response. You wrote some of the most vile bilge, directed at someone who is dying, that I think I’ve ever seen. And you targeted her faith, clinging to something that enslaves her. She’s wasting her time. She’s replaceable by another ‘enslaved’ misguided religious zealot. You loathe believers. Even in their last days you can only find it in you to take one more stab at their beliefs. I’m not one of these incredibly sensitive people that relies on political correctness or a desire to sugarcoat something in favor of the truth; but stomping on someone that is in pain and knows they are dying… to actually call them “dead” in any way is about as low as it can possibly get. You have epitomized the very stereotype many of us have come to believe exists with atheists: that your hate for Christians overrides everything; even a sense of compassion for those suffering.
Let me start by saying this: When the branches are too high, there are times you have to shake the tree to get the fruit.

Now,... backpedal? If you have read some of my other posts, the main theme is of independence. Freedom from government control, from others, and of individual responsibility. My motto: As long as you don't harm the person, or property of another, I don't care what you do and will support you. Do some some of my posts seem somewhat vitriolic? synonyms: rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant, acerbic, trenchant, virulent, spiteful, savage, venomous, poisonous, malicious Yeah, maybe. Am I an atheist. No. Do I loath believers? No. Did I call her dead? In the metaphorical sense, yes. To only get her to think positive. I do not begrudge anyone for their belief in religion. If it brings them solace, peace, and comfort, to their lives, great! It is a wonderful thing.

I write to shake things up. To challenge thought. Maybe even, challenge the convictions of others. Death and those dying are not off limits. Hotcoffee understands from where I come. I rarely call people names here, maybe except for vrai, she can get me riled up. But that's all good too. I write here without the filters society places on us in public and with names attached. Sometimes what I write needs to be said to push the conversation. I make no apologizes.
I am a Christian, just not a Christian like you. I happened to have been saved and brought Jesus into my life in the fifth grade. I have never renounced him, even after seeing all the evil war had to offer in person, the many "faces of death". I continue to question and write posts questioning him and all religion. That is my problem though. Something with which I have to deal.

I say wasting her time, because if it was myself dying, I would say a final goodbye by starting a thread, saying my piece, then doing a final logging off from these forums and go be, and do something, with my family until I died. But that's me. I can understand what she is doing though. If being here, sharing her story, her testament, brings her comfort, brings others comfort, then I support that. I just want the positive side of life. The negative side sucks. So I push.

The way I write is my compassion for her. By challenging her, instead of "having compassion" in the other sense. I try to take her out of that comfort zone that I call "the lazy, just waiting to die zone." Maybe I'm wrong? I don't know. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Eh?

I like Becky and have known her for many years. Though I haven't seen her in about a year, we have spent much time together in the past for various reasons. I wish her nothing but good health and remission. Gotta go now and get myself a fresh cup of "Hot Coffee". No really.... my cup is empty. : )


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
G-d wouldn't have given us science, technology and thinking minds and medical research and a million other things if he didn't want us to advance and treat and cure.

Maybe God didn't give it to us. Maybe Satan gave us those things as a temptation.


New Member
Things can not sin, they can not help you sin. You sin, I sin. Take ownership of our faults and weaknesses, sometimes the only thing to our name is our problems. Saying technology helps us sin is liek saying the book "The Catcher in the Rye" leads us to sin.
Things can not sin, they can not help you sin. You sin, I sin. Take ownership of our faults and weaknesses, sometimes the only thing to our name is our problems. Saying technology helps us sin is liek saying the book "The Catcher in the Rye" leads us to sin.
I agree with you completely and I believe that it is human nature to chose what is easier, immediate gradification, etc. We may collectively put in more hours of work per day now than we did a century ago, but on a whole we are lazier by far.


New Member
Maybe God didn't give it to us. Maybe Satan gave us those things as a temptation.

Nah, mankind was created to work as part of creation. For work, we use tools. What we do with the tools we're given (just like everything else) and how we use them is up to us. There will always be temptation to use them selfishly or selflessly.


New Member
First, let me be FACTUAL.

Stem cells can come from bone marrow, fat and umbilical cord stems. Many parents now bank their baby's umbilical cord stems for "just in case". Also, synthetic stem cells are being created now as well. Just amazing. Also, the embryos being used in embryonic stem cell research come from eggs that were fertilized at in vitro fertilization clinics but never implanted in a woman's uterus. The stem cells are donated with informed consent from donors.

First off, unless you ask, do some research, you don't know specifically where those stem cells came from for the research. Were test tube embryos or somebody's donated bone marrow used? Next, no aborted babies from abortion clinics are used.

My FIL was treated with an experimental drug using stem and genetic research that did an amazing job of not only extending his life by years, but also of it being a good quality of life.

Across the ocean in Europe, they are making huge progress in treating MS and ALS and other motor neuron diseases using stem cell treatments that aren't available here. Too risky according to the FDA. So certain death or a chance at life...I don't understand the risk, but as I have discovered, the FDA is not really about protecting us. I have some snarky opinions, that I'll leave out.

Now, with all of that information, I would definitely use a treatment that had been created using stem cell research.

G-d wouldn't have given us science, technology and thinking minds and medical research and a million other things if he didn't want us to advance and treat and cure.
G-d feed the wandering with manna, but now we have to feed ourselves. Jesus himself was a great physician. G-d gave Moses hyssop to purify with and it is a proven anti-bacterial. So again, G-d gave it to us and now we have to take care of ourselves.

So why would you refuse a medical treatment?

To refuse a medical treatment is just cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Genesis 28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Matthew 9:12
Hearing them, he said: “Healthy people do not need a physician, but those who are ill do.

1 Corinthians 12:12
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

I find it interesting that in the same post you used "G-d" instead of God and then used quotes from the Bible.

Humans have always been on a quest to be smarter than God. Should I remind you of the Tower of Babel?

The Tower of Babel
Genesis 11:1 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.

3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth

We're not speaking the same language.

I say babies were aborted for the purpose of science in the beginning of stem cell research.

I say abortion is murder.

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