Feds Black Baging AntiFA Rioters [Better Sources Found]


Well-Known Member
I am almost certain the Multimillionaire Pelosi crime family ahem... "public servant" knows how to run a 'Banana Republic.'...she has had plenty of management of San Francisco.


PREMO Member
Indeed then the court cases can all be transferred elsewhere and when people are inconvenienced for there troubles they might buy a clue


Well-Known Member
Federal Unit Behind Arrests In Portland Reportedly Identified. Pelosi Smears Them, Makes False Claims.

“Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti,” Pelosi claimed. “These are not the actions of a democratic republic. @DHSgov’s actions in Portland undermine its mission. Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.”

“First Amendment speech should never be met with one-sided violence from federal agents acting as Trump’s secret police, especially when unidentified,” Pelosi continued. “This is disgraceful behavior we would expect from a banana republic — not the government of the United States.”

"Protestors" they are not! Talk about being disgraceful, she should know. I long for the day she buys a walk in freezer and gets locked in.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:sshrug: They don't want police and feds to restore order, then the police and feds should just up and leave and let Portland work it out for themselves.

Agree. States have a Governor, cities have a Mayor. That's who is supposed to be running things, not the federal government. If these cities are in chaos and the Mayor won't stop it, then that's what the voters in that city want and we should leave them alone. If the residents wanted something else they'd take it up with their Mayor, not the President.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
How do they know it was federal agents if they were in camo and unmarked vehicles?
:yeahthat: If the "peaceful protesters" continue to get a free pass, wouldn't another group that is anti-anifa get a pass as well? At what point do we now draw the line, and who is supposed to protect the "peaceful protesters"? What if another group doesn't like their message and attacks them? Keep your powder dry.


Well-Known Member
This sounds mighty fake. But it serves the antifa/BLM/chubby little liberal white girls agenda to report that bovine fecal matter

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
States have a Governor, cities have a Mayor. That's who is supposed to be running things, not the federal government.
Wasn't it a Federal court and other Federal buildings that were being defaced? Wouldn't that be a Federal responsibility, especially since the State and city aren't stopping these "activities"?


Well-Known Member
Wasn't it a Federal court and other Federal buildings that were being defaced? Wouldn't that be a Federal responsibility, especially since the State and city aren't stopping these "activities"?

Exactly right. They fire bombed a Federal building last night and locked the agents in.


PREMO Member
It should be noted here that the ACLU has been asked but has never lifted a finger to help victims of antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters’ violence, such as journalists Michael Strickland or Andy Ngo.

The U.S. Attorney for Oregon has ordered an investigation into the actions of federal officers while arresting antifa.

President Trump has been roundly criticized for considering sending in federal military troops to put down insurrections in cities experiencing riots. Trump can do that under the U.S. Constitution. In some cases, however, the governor would have to ask for help from federal troops.


Former federal prosecutor and legal analyst Andy McCarthy says federal law enforcement “doesn’t need to be invited by the state.”

Law enforcement is not a situation where the president needs to be or the feds need to be invited by the state. Law enforcement is a separate federal responsibility, whether the feds can act or not does not have anything to do at all with whether the states will work cooperatively with them or invite them in, it’s solely a function of whether Congress has enacted criminal statues based on some federal constitutional responsibility. If there are such laws, then the president takes an oath to faithfully execute the laws, so he has a separate obligation of his own to enforce federal law, he doesn’t have to be asked to do it or invited to do it.
The laws that allow the feds to get into criminal investigations basically fall into three big categories.
…crimes that happen on territory that is not territory, even if it’s within the borders of a state,
…there are crimes that are committed against federal officers or foreign officials.
…crimes as to which Congress has cited there is a federal interest.
McCarthy states that the last category has grown more “elastic” since the FDR administration began stretching the bounds of the Commerce Clause. Drugs, guns, terrorism, explosives, and racketeering (RICO) statutes come under this category. Indeed, U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr has brought charges against suspected antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists for crossing state lines to loot, commit arson, and riot.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
When they identify the dirtbag, he needs to be apprehended and disappeared.


Well-Known Member
Three situations come to mind in history and there are plenty of other examples I am certain: Federal troops were sent by President Buchannan into the Territory of Utah...because the Mormons outright rejected Federal jurisdiction 1858...and Elliot Ness was sent to Chicago to go after organized crime...and the Mayor didn't ask for it & was NOT happy with the interference.

Please recall that IKE Federalized the national guard when dealing with southern civil rights violations back in 1956(?)...The Governor certainly did NOT want interference.


PREMO Member
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Rejects Federal Law Enforcement Except When Occupiers Are Conservative

I’m so old, I can remember when Oregon Governor Kate Brown begged the feds to send in reinforcements to end the occupation of a federal facility in her state. Her current opposition to Homeland Security’s deployment in Portland seems almost hypocritical, in a way.

In 2016, Gov. Kate Brown practically begged for federal law enforcement help:

Gov. Kate Brown again called for an end to the armed occupation of a wildlife refuge in rural Harney County and criticized federal officials Wednesday for their tactics.
The occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, now in its third week, has no clear end in sight. State and federal law enforcement stationed in nearby Burns have not used force to end the occupation.
“The situation is absolutely intolerable and it must be resolved immediately. The very fabric of this community is being ripped apart,” Brown said at a news conference at the Capitol.
Since Jan. 2, several dozen armed anti-government protesters have occupied federal buildings at the refuge. The occupiers, led by Arizona businessman Ammon Bundy, want clemency for a pair of ranchers imprisoned on federal arson convictions, and they aim to jumpstart the slumped Harney County economy by finding a way to transfer federally managed range land to local or private hands.
The occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, in an area of the state where sage rats outnumber humans about 1,000 to one, was characterized by Kate Brown as armed, violent, and destructive. And yet, no damage occurred and no one was harmed until LaVoy Finicum, a spokesman for the Malheur occupiers, was murdered by state police and FBI agents while attempting to leave the occupation.


PREMO Member
The city is now “demanding” that Trump remove the federal officers, Wheeler said.

“When we have Donald Trump sending troops into our streets who are not accountable to me or to the city council or to the public at large, we don’t know what they are doing or why they are doing it,” Wheeler said, calling the deployment of federal officers in Portland an “attack on our democracy.”

The mayor added that the president must be “held accountable,” for using federal agencies as his “personal army” for political purposes to “bolster his sagging polling data.”


That is a lot of hyperbole in one statement