

PREMO Member

Revolver’s Beattie savagely destroys cowardly 60 Minutes for their feeble attempt to bury the “Fedsurrection”…

Epps was captured on video footage literally leading a group of people towards the Capitol building, and was also linked to violent outbreaks on that day. Despite this, he was never arrested or charged with any crime. Yet, curiously, there are people still rotting in jail for simply strolling through the Capitol building. It doesn’t add up. So, obviously, many people wonder if Mr. Epps was working in collaboration with the FBI.

There’s no question about it, Ray is a mysterious character, and nobody has investigated him more thoroughly than Revolver News.

Revolver’s exclusive investigative piece entitled Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears to Have Led the Very First 1/6 Attack on the US Capitol was the bombshell that changed everything and broke the “fedsurrection” story wide open:

After months of research, Revolver’s investigative reporting team can now reveal that Ray Epps appears to be among the primary orchestrators of the very first breach of the Capitol’s police barricades at 12:50pm on January 6. Epps appears to have led the “breach team” that committed the very first illegal acts on that fateful day. What’s more, Epps and his “breach team” did all their dirty work with 20 minutes still remaining in President Trump’s National Mall speech, and with the vast majority of Trump supporters still 30 minutes away from the Capitol.
Secondly, Revolver also determined, and will prove below, that the the FBI stealthily removed Ray Epps from its Capitol Violence Most Wanted List on July 1, just one day after Revolver exposed the inexplicable and puzzlesome FBI protection of known Epps associate and Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes. July 1 was also just one day after separate New York Times report amplified a glaring, falsifiable lie about Epps’s role in the events of January 6.
Lastly, Ray Epps appears to have worked alongside several individuals — many of them suspiciously unindicted — to carry out a breach of the police barricades that induced a subsequent flood of unsuspecting MAGA protesters to unwittingly trespass on Capitol restricted grounds and place themselves in legal jeopardy.

Given the lack of transparency from the FBI and the evidence presented by Revolver, many conservatives believe Ray Epps could be an undercover informant of some kind. Questions about Epps have been largely dismissed or glazed over by the left and mainstream media, who conveniently label anyone who questions January 6th as a “conspiracy theorist.” It’s a tactic the left often uses to silence detractors and critics.


PREMO Member

Ray Epps: Tucker Carlson Is ‘Obsessed With Me,’ GOP Lawmakers Had Bigger ‘Impact’ On Riot Than Me

The show then highlighted how conservative media and Republican lawmakers have called into question Epps’ role in the riot.

“He’s obsessed with me,” Epps said of Fox News host Tucker Carlson. “He’s going to any means possible to destroy my life and our lives.”

When asked why Carlson was focusing on him, Epps claimed that it was because Carlson was trying “to shift blame on somebody else.”

“If you look at it, Fox News, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Gaetz, they’re all tellin’ us before this thing that it was stolen,” he continued. “So you tell me, who has more impact on people, them or me?”

During the interview, Epps claimed that his actions on January 6 were not directed by anyone from the federal government, including the FBI.


PREMO Member

60 Minutes Basically Screams, 'Leave Ray Epps Alone!'

CBS’ 60 Minutes correspondent Bill Whitaker paints a bleak picture of the conspiracy theories wreaking havoc on supposed former Oath Keeper and “passionate Trump supporter” Ray Epps. According to the interview which aired Sunday night, because of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Revolver News, and the conspiracy theories surrounding Epps’ involvement as an “FBI plant” on January 6, 2021, he and his wife are in hiding, death threats “forced him” to sell their five-acre ranch in Arizona, and they are now living in an RV somewhere in the Rocky Mountains.

As my colleague Bonchie wrote on Saturday:

If Epps and the federal government have an explanation for why the one guy caught on tape inciting January 6th managed to avoid even being charged while grandmas who took selfies outside were prosecuted, then let’s hear it. Instead, we continue to be treated to nonsensical assertions that Epps was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and had no ill intent, as if that offered protection for anyone else who was present.

But using the Eppses’ interview and the sole testimony of an author, researcher and “terrorism expert” brought in to corroborate 60 Minutes’ assessment that Ray Epps is just some poor, put-upon guy who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, correspondent Bill Whittaker paints anyone who wants to question Epps’ complicity in the Capitol kerfuffle with the broad brush of “crazy conspiratorial nutjob.” All anyone has to do is compare Epps’ story with that of Jacob Chansley, aka the “QAnon Shaman,” to see how ridiculous Epps’ claims of targeting and persecution are.

How many of the J6 prisoners had a five-acre ranch to sell so that they could go into hiding?

How many of them have been invited onto 60 Minutes and agreed to an interview?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Yet, CBS went there anyway, because the January 6 narrative of the evil Donald Trump/MAGA attempt to “overthrow democracy” must be kept alive. Ray Epps’ role that day was, according to Whitaker, “the Marine veteran trying to take charge,” and the man who wanted to be up in the front to keep the peace.



Well-Known Member
You know, even if you believe every left-wing story about J6 - is there a rational person alive who sincerely believes that our nation was nearly toppled by a handful of unarmed doofuses who went into the Capitol that day? Was "democracy" even REMOTELY in danger?

Admittedly, far too many of those I know on the left will say "STORMED THE CAPITOL" even though video largely shows people walking through the Capitol, sometimes LET in by police - the famous QAnon Shaman being lead peacefully through the halls by Capitol Police, all of whom could easily have put him in cuffs, as he was alone -

Do they really have this image of bloodthirsty crowds, blasting guns, burning rooms, smashing everything and attacking everyone inside?
Even in light of footage that clearly shows nothing of the kind took place? Like they were storming the Bastille - instead of being a nuisance crowd?


Well-Known Member
“He’s obsessed with me,” Epps said of Fox News host Tucker Carlson. “He’s going to any means possible to destroy my life and our lives.”
But old ray thinks it's ok to destroy the lives of the J-6 prisoners who he told to enter the Capitol, and who have yet to be tried------in violation of the Constitution.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

You know, even if you believe every left-wing story about J6 - is there a rational person alive who sincerely believes that our nation was nearly toppled by a handful of unarmed doofuses patriots who went into the Capitol that day? Was "democracy" the Republic even REMOTELY in danger?

Admittedly, far too many of those I know on the left will say "STORMED THE CAPITOL" even though video largely shows people walking through the Capitol, sometimes LET in by police - the famous QAnon Shaman being lead peacefully through the halls by Capitol Police, all of whom could easily have put him in cuffs, as he was alone -

Do they really have this image of bloodthirsty crowds, blasting guns, burning rooms, smashing everything and attacking everyone inside?
Even in light of footage that clearly shows nothing of the kind took place? Like they were storming the Bastille - instead of being a nuisance crowd?



Well-Known Member
Did 60 Minutes show any video of Epps telling people we must go to the Capitol. Then also leading the charge.

If they didn't then they whitwashed him being there.


Well-Known Member
60 minutes used to be a well watched show, but here we are now and no one is watching it so we can get an answer to your question^^^


PREMO Member

According to Hill, agents from the WFO told him to open 138 individual investigations based on their association with two Trump supporters who organized a bus trip transporting the group to Washington, D.C., and entered restricted areas of the nation’s Capitol building. WFO officials provided pictures of the two individuals inside the Capitol but refused to provide video evidence.

Hill told the WFO that Boston agents would look into the matter based on evidence that showed the 138 other individuals were inside the Capitol building, but would refuse to open up additional cases for simply attending a political rally — a First Amendment-protected activity.

“To which WFO said, ‘We can’t show you those videos unless you can tell us the exact time and place those individuals were inside the Capitol,’” Hill said.

Hill said when the Boston agents asked why they wouldn’t allow access to 11,000 hours of surveillance video available, WFO agents allegedly said, “There may be UCs, undercovers, or CHSes, confidential human sources, and we need to protect their identities.”

Joseph Bonavolonta, the special agent-in-charge and Hill’s supervisor, confirmed his colleague’s account about WFO asking Boston to open investigations on all 140 individuals, according to the subcommittee’s report. However, Bonavolonta also testified that FBI officials did not brief him on “that level of specificity” regarding Hill’s claim that undercover officers were present in the Capitol.



PREMO Member

J6 Attorney Says Feds Using Military Counterterrorism Tactics Against Americans

Stewart said McCarthy can make a resolution and start an investigation into the abuse of U.S. criminal codes 1752, 231, and 1512, which relate to restricted buildings or grounds; civil disorders; and tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, respectively. She said these laws are being misinterpreted to frame American citizens who protested at the Capitol building as culprits in a plot to overthrow the 2020 election through a violent insurrection.

The problem, Stewart argues, is that the story the DOJ, the FBI, and the mainstream media are telling “is a lie.”

One of her clients, 56-year-old Eric Christie, is charged with violating statute 1752, a misdemeanor that criminalizes the act of entering or remaining in “any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so.”

In addition, he’s alleged under subsection (b) of the law to have been brandishing “a dangerous weapon or firearm” on restricted grounds.


PREMO Member

Leaked Video Shows D.C. Cops Were 'Rioters' and Instigators at J-6 Protest

At one point in the video, the unidentified police officer equipped with the camera said to another that he thought the idea was to get people inside the Capitol Building and trap them inside. The observation by the undercover officer leads one to conclude that there was intelligence about a plan to attack the Capitol, and the apparent response by the police was to let them do it and take pictures.

When another officer on the video saw people climbing the scaffolding, he told the officer with the GoPro, “That’s dangerous. Somebody’s going to get shot.” A third officer said, “They’re not going to shoot anybody.” Yet, they encouraged and participated in the dangerous activity.

As the group of officers worked their way through the crowd and to the scaffolding, they joined in with the protesters’ chants, “Whose house? Our house!”

Loudermilk told the “Just the News, No Noise TV” show, “We know that it is one of their officers and at one point he is encouraging, and it appears he’s encouraging. He’s definitely helping people climb the scaffolding, and he’s telling them ‘go, go, go.'”

Naturally, the congressman wondered, “Why is an officer encouraging people to climb the scaffolding and go into the Capitol?” Further, he asked, “Why did the MPD Metropolitan Police support department decide to put undercover officers in the crowd? Was there intelligence that they had that was or was not passed on to the Capitol Police, and what did the Capitol police do with that evidence, if they got it?”


PREMO Member
🔥 Revolver News, which has been at the forefront of relentlessly tracking the stomach-turning Ray Epps story, released a blockbuster report yesterday headlined “Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web of Unindicted Operators at the Heart of January 6”.

Revolver has traced Ray’s movements using thousands of hours of independent video clips, and finally identified a much larger group with which it sure looks like Ray was working on that fateful day.

Below is an unknown, bullhorn-equipped person who was coordinating crowd movements and encouraging people to press on to the Capitol from the top of a strategically-placed scaffold, dubbed “the Scaffold Commander:”

Next is another unidentified man, labeled “Fence Cutter Bulwark,” who methodically removed fencing and “Area Closed” signs preventing access to the Capitol — more than 17 minutes before Trump’s speech ended, right before the crowds arrived. In other words, he couldn’t have known the crowds were coming, unless he knew. Somehow.

Or maybe he just hates fences.

Like Epps, neither Scaffold Commander nor Fence Cutter Bulwark have ever appeared on the FBI’s “J6 wanted” list. Maybe it’s because they aren’t grandmothers or teenagers.

There are more co-conspirators. The Revolver article, which goes into great detail on five standout suspects who had contact with Epps during the protest, is too long and detailed to summarize, but if you’re interested in what caused January 6th, read the whole thing.



PREMO Member

Ray Epps' lawsuit against Fox News reveals he's being criminally charged by DOJ, 2.5 years after Jan 6 riot

The details of Ray Epps' civil complaint against Fox News reveals that he is being criminally charged by the DOJ, almost three years after the fact.

"Finally, in May 2023, the Department of Justice notified Epps that it would seek to charge him criminally for events on January 6, 2021—two-and-a-half years later. The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges" the complaint reads.

The complaint continues, blaming Fox News for the criminal charges: "... it is difficult to believe that the Department of Justice would have pursued this matter if Fox had not focused its lies on Epps, ultimately the criminal charges conclusively demonstrate the falsehood of the story that Mr. Carlson and Fox told about Epps.



PREMO Member
🔥 Trending Politics News ran a story yesterday headlined, “Capitol Police Chief Confesses To Tucker That J6 Was ‘Filled With Federal Agents’.”

On a Friday interview with mega-podcaster Russel Brand, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed that the crowd involved in the January 6th protest at the U.S. Capitol was bursting with undercover federal agents. The popular conservative pundit said he heard that straight from Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who Tucker had interviewed for his Fox show.

But Tucker was fired before the Sund interview could run. Totally coincidentally. Here’s how Tucker described it:

“And then I interviewed the chief of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, in an interview that was never aired on Fox. I was fired before it could air… but Steven Sund was the totally non-political… chief of the Capitol Police on January 6th, and he said ‘oh yeah, yeah that crowd was filled with federal agents’.”

I dunno. Federal agents infiltrating the January 6th crowd? A crowd that wasn’t even supposed to be there, except that Trump allegedly told them to march to the Capitol on the spur of the moment? I mean, how would federal agents even know ahead of time that they needed to infiltrate the crowd? What was their assignment? Crowd control? Safety of the attendees? Protecting the President? It’s so confusing.

What do YOU think? Feds or no feds?



Well-Known Member
Why were there Federal Agents there,?
Because they had prior knowledge of the event.
Pelosi and the FBI both had prior knowledge and instead of taking the help Donald trump offered they used the incident to cause instigate and arouse the crowd so they could call it an insurrection for democrat political purposes.

The Agents were all part of the democrat plan.


Well-Known Member

Ray Epps' lawsuit against Fox News reveals he's being criminally charged by DOJ, 2.5 years after Jan 6 riot

The details of Ray Epps' civil complaint against Fox News reveals that he is being criminally charged by the DOJ, almost three years after the fact.

"Finally, in May 2023, the Department of Justice notified Epps that it would seek to charge him criminally for events on January 6, 2021—two-and-a-half years later. The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges" the complaint reads.

The complaint continues, blaming Fox News for the criminal charges: "... it is difficult to believe that the Department of Justice would have pursued this matter if Fox had not focused its lies on Epps, ultimately the criminal charges conclusively demonstrate the falsehood of the story that Mr. Carlson and Fox told about Epps.

He'll get the Hunter Biden treatment and be on his way .


PREMO Member

And Just Like That, It's No Longer an Insurrection

And just like that, the January 6 insurrection is no more. And the deconstruction story is really something. At the center of this narrative switcheroo is non-other than Ray Epps.

Before we get to that, let’s remember how we got here. It took only moments for the Democrat media complex to anoint the January 6 breach and riot at the U.S. Capitol Building an “insurrection.” As if beckoned by an unseen force, narrative builders dutifully lined up to receive the official wafer on their tongues, and voilà! “Trump supporters” who had never committed an act of violence at years of peaceful and crowded rallies were eligible for a 20-year prison stretch.

Shortly thereafter, the insurrection became a deadly insurrection when the same media reported, wrongly, that police officers were killed by rioters on January 6.

But now all of that has changed with Epps. Epps, as you undoubtedly have heard or seen, is the only January 6 participant seen on multiple videos urging people to go into the Capitol Building. Videos show he was at the barricades when he whispered into the ear of a man who then began to crash the barriers down. On January 5, he was recorded telling people to attack the Capitol the next day and the crowd started yelling, “Fed! Fed! Fed!” See my Adult in the Room Podcast interview with Darren Beattie of Revolver News below. He’s the one who broke the story of this very mysterious man.



PREMO Member

Here's Why the Liberal Media Stopped Describing January 6 As An Insurrection

Did the liberal media think we wouldn’t notice their plastic surgery done to their January 6 narrative? We apologize because it’s a long and exhausting story about mass trespassing at the Capitol. The media framed it as worse than the 9/11 terror attacks. The Left whipped out the history books, an unusual activity because they have zero grasp on the subject, and went down the list of notable national tragedies. From the American Civil War to Pearl Harbor, the January 6 riot paled compared to the Black Lives Matter activists burning down half the country during the summer of 2020. To liberal America, that day was an armed rebellion, an insurrection, and an act of treason perpetrated by then-President Trump and his supporters.

No one cared after a week, except for liberal newsrooms. Americans didn’t tune into the primetime hearings—they were too busy worrying about paying the bills since inflation has exploded under Biden. A host of socioeconomic issues, including public safety, preoccupied the minds of the American voter, not this little riot. But the Left couldn’t let the ‘insurrection’ narrative go until Ray Epps sued Fox News for defamation.

Epps was the man caught on multiple videos declaring they should storm the Capitol, which was drowned out by crowds chanting, “Fed.” He’s been the poster child for the narrative that undercover federal agents were in the crowd. Ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson made him a household name, which he alleges ruined his life. Epps’ lawsuit follows the network’s $787 million settlement with Dominion Systems, the election machine manufacturing company at the center of the 2020 rigging theories. So, the ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ protocol has been activated within lefty newsrooms because the January 6 insurrection is no longer called that. Victoria Taft at PJ Media has more:
