Feeling Threatend By Christianity


Bookseller Lady
Xaquin...is wrong.

A simple search of world violence zones reveals....
Moslems communities are at the core.

They are training their children to be bombers, pay families of bombers, have Mickey-Mouse figures singing songs of killing the chimp-jews.
Their Madras schools use millions of hostile textbooks (yes, even in the US)

Please continue with your enormously naive view, nothing I can point out will make you leave your comfy happy anti-Christian world of innocence.

We have an enemy,
They number in the Millions.
I will defend my family, my state, my nation,..side by side with Millions of patriots.

You can feel free to surrender.

Madras is the colonial name of the Indian city Chennai, a rather strong variety of curry powder, or a style of shorts.

Madrassas (common noun, not proper noun- it's not a brand name) are schools where the Quran is the only textbook. Therefore they would not "use millions of hostile textbooks".


Well-Known Member

Thank you for that clarification>
I will now amend my Phrase:

"Their Madrassas (schools) use millions of hostile textbooks (yes, even in the US) which are interchangeable with Muhammed's psychotic diatribe and rantings
known as the Koran."


PA Schoolbooks

From the Asoociated Press:

Page after page, self-appointed hate hunters underline passages in Pakistani schoolbooks, flagging hard-edged Muslim views toward other faiths such Hindus and Christians. They note sections that speak of martyrdom and the duty to battle perceived religious enemies. ''Children are sometimes being force-fed a diet of hate, anger, and intolerance,'' said Ahmad Salim, leader of a campaign to push Pakistan's education system to remove what activists consider extreme language and images from the curriculum. Educators and activists argue that battles against Islamic extremism are only superficial without deep revisions of schoolbooks.

It's clear some textbooks pay homage to violence. In a Palestinian seventh-grade Arabic language book, a protest poem called "The Martyr" includes the lines: ''And the flow of blood gladdens my soul....And who asks for a noble death, here it is.'' The Palestinians' 11th grade Islamic Culture book has dozens of appeals for Islamic solidarity to confront ''enemies'' such as Israel, its allies, and Western culture. ''The Islamic nation needs to spread the spirit of jihad and the love of self-sacrifice [martyrdom] among its sons,'' reads one passage.

Freedom House 95 page report:
The report states: "While the government of Saudi Arabia claims to be 'updating' or reforming its textbooks and study materials within the kingdom, its publications propagating an ideology of hatred remain plentiful in some prominent American mosques and Islamic centers, and continue to be a principal resource available to students of Islam within the United States."

SO, what I have listed are examples from Palestine, Pakistan, and the US where textbooks have been distributed with clear intent to support violence and hate of Jews or Christians.

But of course according to our brilliant posters...
Xaquin: "In fact, both are the vast vast minority."
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New Member
nothing I can point out will make you leave your comfy happy anti-Christian world of innocence.

my what? I'm not anti christian. I'll be hornswaggled if 90% of these yahoos telling everyone the word of jesus, all the while hating out of the left side of their mouth are true christians.

We have an enemy,
They number in the Millions.
I will defend my family, my state, my nation,..side by side with Millions of patriots.

You can feel free to surrender.

so dramatic. Like I asked starman, will you be holding your breath for this horrible takeover, or do we still have time?


New Member
But of course according to our brilliant posters...
Xaquin: "In fact, both are the vast vast minority."

why thank you for the compliment =)

It's funny to me that so many muslims are pegged as terrible suicide bombers etc. etc.

you'd think that a religion that commands its followers to blow themselves up would also have the fewest members.

oh, I guess that's just a stupid stereotype.

(actually, I don't 'guess', I know)

(it's really obvious)