FEMA cuts off hotel money


Im On 1.
crabcake said:
So what's the answer then? Keep footing an endless shelter bill? :shrug:

What motivation is that for those who really aren't putting forth any effort to begin with, and were living off Uncle Sam prior to the hurricane? :shrug:

and u know these people were living off of uncle sam prior to the hurricane how?

im just saying as Americans we all should be able to help one another, thats what our taxes are for.


But wait, there's more...
Qurious said:
and u know these people were living off of uncle sam prior to the hurricane how?

im just saying as Americans we all should be able to help one another, thats what our taxes are for.
HELP! That's right! HELP is what they've been getting ... no where in our constitution does it say you get an endless free ride if you don't cover your ass with insurance and choose to live below sea level when a hurricane hits. :duh:


Qurious said:
and u know these people were living off of uncle sam prior to the hurricane how?

im just saying as Americans we all should be able to help one another, thats what our taxes are for.

Those that wish to be productive Americans are.........those that don't are getting evicted.

Why don't you stop looking for excuses for the people, stop looking for something to whine about and find a solution. :shrug:


professional daydreamer
Qurious said:
and u know these people were living off of uncle sam prior to the hurricane how?

im just saying as Americans we all should be able to help one another, thats what our taxes are for.

1. and u know these people weren't living off of uncle saim prior to the hurrican how?

2. Not, that is not what our tax dollars are for.


Thank you, come again.
That right there is what it's about ... FEMA is there to help ... but the objective is to return these folks to self-sufficient, productive members of society; not add to the numbers of people already suckling off the government's teet. :ohwell:[/QUOTE]

The problem is were most of these people self-sufficient, productive members of society in the first place?


I am so very blessed
Qurious said:
im just saying as Americans we all should be able to help one another, thats what our taxes are for.
I nominate you for the job of paying for, and taking care of, all those folks. Let them live on YOUR dime.

There are people out there who truly do deserve to receive continued assistance, but by and large, a huge majority of people do have the means and the ability to take care of themselves. Those people who are still deserving of help will find the assistance they still need. It's the people who didn't have jobs or motivation before the tornado, and who have no desire to get a job now, that troubles me.


But wait, there's more...
Tri said:
The problem is were most of these people self-sufficient, productive members of society in the first place?
My guess is that the majority of those who will voice displeasure over this are the same people who were :blahblah: about how the response efforts sucked and they had no warning and no help to get out as they waded through 4 feet of water with a stolen television in their hands. :ohwell:

Those who can, do and have ... those who don't, complain with an open hand. :shrug:


Tri said:
The problem is were most of these people self-sufficient, productive members of society in the first place?

We'll never know that answer and the news certainly won't find out.

Society has been fed so much :bs: from the liberals over the years they have became more and more dependant on the govt., just what the libs want. As long as the people need to Govt. for support, the libs can keep playing the race card and keep using the “victims” of society to keep the votes coming in. Just like the pharmaceutical industry, if they made cures, they would be out of business.


So where are all the George Soros, George Clooneys, and Babs Streisands in all of this? If all these wealthy Dems want so see these people stay in hotels they've got more than enough millions to spare to make that happen. But they don't because they want you to use YOUR money to pay for that... not theirs.

I was able to take a bit less than $5,000 (of my own money), move my family from Maryland to Florida with no job prospects and to a rental house found on the internet, and make a new life for myself. There's no reason why any of these people can't do it. How do I know that these people were on public assistance before? Because people who are self-reliant... those being the tens of thousands who have overcome the setbacks of the hurricane, have already moved on. It's the small number of non-self-reliant types that are the hangers on at the hotels. Why is it that all of these other tens of thousands of hard-working people were able to find a way to get back on their feet yet these folks didn't? Because they probably weren't "on their feet" when the storm hit.


Elle said:
Did anyone read the article in yesterday's emptyprize about the man and his family that are staying in Charles County with family? They were given over $5,000 from FEMA and in donations in the past 2.5 months and are still unable to find a place to live and get back on their feet:ohwell:
Word from my home town in Lousiana is that a couple thousand "refugees" were placed in temporary housing (paid for them) near there, and each person was given $2,000 dollar FEMA cards , regardless of age. So if you have 6 kids, and 2 adults in your family, you get 16,000 dollars.

The townfolk were upset that some of these "refugees" were seen driving around town in brand new cars.


The only gray area I see here is that of the elderly who have no families. I'm sure that is a small percentage. But I can guarentee you that 90% of the hurricane victims the news media interviews about this topic will be the oddball gray areas like the elderly...


dustin said:
The only gray area I see here is that of the elderly who have no families. I'm sure that is a small percentage. But I can guarentee you that 90% of the hurricane victims the news media interviews about this topic will be the oddball gray areas like the elderly...

I have no trouble helping the ederly, they can't just run out and do anything to make money.

BUT, it's the mid 30's guy looting beer that I'd like to see what he's doing for himself these days.


rack'm said:
I have no trouble helping the ederly, they can't just run out and do anything to make money.

BUT, it's the mid 30's guy looting beer that I'd like to see what he's doing for himself these days.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
im just saying as Americans we all should be able to help one another, thats what our taxes are for.
No, that is not what they are for. A strict reading of the Constitution (the only correct way) provides for NO welfare or government assistance of any kind.


Bruzilla said:
Ah yes... I'm sure the networks have camera crews on the move out to hotels to get video of families of the entitlement class who have been sitting on their asses in hotels since the storm who will be decrying how uncaring FEMA, Bush's FEMA, is. And if FEMA extended the funding for a year, the same people would be in the same hotels saying the same things a year from now.