Female OB/GYN in St. Mary's?


New Member
Can anyone recommend a female OB/GYN in St.Mary's? I've been seeing Dr. Estes @ Calvert OB for years, however she is no longer delivering babies. I just found out that I'm pregnant & would also like any info/thoughts about St.Mary's Hospital from Moms who have delivered there. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Can anyone recommend a female OB/GYN in St.Mary's? I've been seeing Dr. Estes @ Calvert OB for years, however she is no longer delivering babies. I just found out that I'm pregnant & would also like any info/thoughts about St.Mary's Hospital from Moms who have delivered there. Thank you!

I LOVE Dr. Polko, but she stays booked. I would NOT recommend Dr. Neal. I had great experiences while delivering my babies at SMH. The nurses were fabulous.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I LOVE Dr. Polko, but she stays booked. I would NOT recommend Dr. Neal. I had great experiences while delivering my babies at SMH. The nurses were fabulous.

I have been with Neal for nearly 15 years and have never, ever had a problem with her. Nor has my sister.


Well-Known Member
I have been with Neal for nearly 15 years and have never, ever had a problem with her. Nor has my sister.

I had issues with her attitude and have watched a friend go through hell because he lost his wife due to a bad judgement call on Dr. Neal's part.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I had issues with her attitude and have watched a friend go through hell because he lost his wife due to a bad judgement call on Dr. Neal's part.

I have never sensed any type of attitude from her. In fact, we shoot the breeze and probably take longer than we should, even out in public. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I have never sensed any type of attitude from her. In fact, we shoot the breeze and probably take longer than we should, even out in public. :lol:

I can honestly say that she was quite pleasant when I ran into her at a tractor pull (yes, a tractor pull). I assumed that she was stressed the times that she got snippity with me. I certainly didn't do or say anything to provoke it. At the time she had like 5 or 6 open lawsuits so I assumed that was why. I decided to find a new doctor after reading about the lawsuits. After seeing what happened with my friend's wife, I think that I made the right choice.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I can honestly say that she was quite pleasant when I ran into her at a tractor pull (yes, a tractor pull). I assumed that she was stressed the times that she got snippity with me. I certainly didn't do or say anything to provoke it. At the time she had like 5 or 6 open lawsuits so I assumed that was why. I decided to find a new doctor after reading about the lawsuits. After seeing what happened with my friend's wife, I think that I made the right choice.

Last I looked there was only one diciplinary action against her.


New Member
Thank you ladies very much ....after searching part threads it certainly looks like everyone recommends Polko. It was sad to read about Neal's past suits -- and present apparently.


Well-Known Member
I can honestly say that she was quite pleasant when I ran into her at a tractor pull (yes, a tractor pull). I assumed that she was stressed the times that she got snippity with me. I certainly didn't do or say anything to provoke it. At the time she had like 5 or 6 open lawsuits so I assumed that was why. I decided to find a new doctor after reading about the lawsuits. After seeing what happened with my friend's wife, I think that I made the right choice.

I went to her once years ago(kind of a trial run to see if I liked her). She was snippy with me and seemed like I was bothering her. So that was my last time there.


Throwing the deuces
I had issues with her attitude and have watched a friend go through hell because he lost his wife due to a bad judgement call on Dr. Neal's part.

I went to Dr Neal when I found out I was pregnant (EPT pee stick) with my first son. After going for a blood test to confirm it, she refused to tell me if I was pregnant or not. Umm..ok?? How was I supposed to find out then??? She called me up about a week or two later and told me that I was pregnant.

During the visits, she wouldn't give me any idea of what to expect between visits or what I needed to watch out for. It was my first kid so I had no idea what to expect to be normal vs not normal. She acted like I was supposed to know everything already.

When I delivered, she messed up my episiotomy and I couldn't sit without pain for almost a year. I had to laugh when my husband cut the baby's cord and spewed blood all over her. She treated me like I was an idiot.

For my second kid, I switched to Dr Polko. She was great.


Well-Known Member
I went to Dr Neal when I found out I was pregnant (EPT pee stick) with my first son. After going for a blood test to confirm it, she refused to tell me if I was pregnant or not. Umm..ok?? How was I supposed to find out then??? She called me up about a week or two later and told me that I was pregnant.

During the visits, she wouldn't give me any idea of what to expect between visits or what I needed to watch out for. It was my first kid so I had no idea what to expect to be normal vs not normal. She acted like I was supposed to know everything already.

When I delivered, she messed up my episiotomy and I couldn't sit without pain for almost a year. I had to laugh when my husband cut the baby's cord and spewed blood all over her. She treated me like I was an idiot.

For my second kid, I switched to Dr Polko. She was great.



Dream Stealer
Dr. polko's office is just good all around. They have two triage nurese so if you hvae questions, need a script, have an emergency etc they can work with you to get it taken care of. The wait isnt terrible, and all of the practioners are pleasant, and all are female except for dr. davis. And hes a little goofy, but I had no issues with him. They dont let you pick just dr. polko anymore, you have to see them all because they take turns on call for deliveries, but I was comfortable with each of them.


Well-Known Member
Dr. polko's office is just good all around. They have two triage nurese so if you hvae questions, need a script, have an emergency etc they can work with you to get it taken care of. The wait isnt terrible, and all of the practioners are pleasant, and all are female except for dr. davis. And hes a little goofy, but I had no issues with him. They dont let you pick just dr. polko anymore, you have to see them all because they take turns on call for deliveries, but I was comfortable with each of them.

I absolutely love everyone there. Naru is who I see most of the time now. We have a special bond. We joke and carry on for a few minutes every visit. I have to be seen every 6 months so I've become quite familiar with everyone there.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely love everyone there. Naru is who I see most of the time now. We have a special bond. We joke and carry on for a few minutes every visit. I have to be seen every 6 months so I've become quite familiar with everyone there.

in the medical field, we refer to you as frequent flyers