Feminist Snowflake Gets a Lesson in Larceny - Tells Cop A 'sign' Restricts Women's Right's


PREMO Member
In a video posted by the group, the feminist is captured grabbing an orange pro-life sign from Beigel’s hands. As she’s walking away with the group’s property, the woman ignores warnings that her actions equate to theft and that she’s walking right toward a police officer.

Sure enough, a police officer confronts the alleged thief moments before she’s able to toss the sign.

“Why’d you rip it out of his hands?” the officer asks.

“Because this restricts women’s rights,” the woman responds, pointing to the pro-life sign.

The officer informs her that she does not “have a right to take someone’s property” even if she doesn’t agree with the group's protected speech. “You can ignore them,” he offers, adding, “They have a right to be here.”

“Students being groomed on college campuses to be leaders, writers, and thinkers of the Left are increasing in censorship and violence against those with whom they disagree. Their surprise when held accountable indicates college campuses have become safe spaces for pro-abortion violence. Students at UNC and campuses like it are in dire need of remedial First Amendment training,” Harrington said in a statement sent to The Daily Wire.



I love it ... It is about damn time someone started showing These Fascist how to act in public
Stealing From and Assaulting People you have a Political Disagreement is not the way to Protest


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
“Students being groomed on college campuses to be leaders, writers, and thinkers of the Left are increasing in censorship and violence against those with whom they disagree. Their surprise when held accountable indicates college campuses have become safe spaces for pro-abortion violence. Students at UNC and campuses like it are in dire need of remedial First Amendment training,” Harrington said in a statement sent to The Daily Wire.
Could not agree more.

This college-age generation is probably the most maladjusted generation in the history of history.

It's not just politics. It's everything. Take a look at the new SoFi TV ad (haven't yet been able to find a link to post). In it this younger generation talks about being crushed by not only student loan debts, but also outrageous costs of daily living. The punch line is that "This isn't fair!"

Makes me throw up every time it pops up on the screen.

Maladjusted, bubble-wrapped, entitled, infantilized 20-somethings. Unbelievable. Here's hoping there are some among them to salvage their miserable generation. Unlike us Baby Boomers - the gold standard so far in demanding to be perpetually entitled. Unfortunately, there were never enough of us to put these cry babies in a permanent time-out.

--- End of line (MCP)


Well-Known Member
Unlike us Baby Boomers - the gold standard so far in demanding to be perpetually entitled.

--- End of line (MCP)

I wholeheartedly agree - the Boomers are the standard-bearers for being perpetually entitled. They've been cutting up the family furniture to burn for heat and eating the seed corn for 40+ years. The Boomers are the embodiment of the entitlement mentality.

And spare me this greatest generation bullsh!t. They too were manipulated, lied to, and too self-absorbed with the shiny iCrap of their day. It's not different than today.

This penchant we seem to have for being trained to believe that whatever generational cohort of which we're a member is better/stronger/faster/whatever-superlative than subsequent generations is one of the most bizarre pathologies of our human experience on this plane. Shame on anyone for buying into it. It demonstrates weak mind and weak constitution.


Well-Known Member
Operating on the premise that AN IDEA is an attack on them.

Because the free exchange of ideas is something they can't have,
or something their ideas can't withstand.


Well-Known Member
OK the dollar does not buy as much [inflation] but in 1983 Min Wage was 2.01 hr and gas was around a buck a gal

Does it really cost more ?

You know, trying to think ....

In 1983 I made around 20k which meant about 550 every two weeks with taxes and retirement, to take home.
200 of that was rent - a house where I roomed with three other guys.
185 was car payment - I think literally the world's cheapest car , and I spent around 15 to 20 bucks
a week on gas, because work was twenty miles away.
With insurance, utilities, student loans and food, that left around 2 to 300 a month for everything else.

I did all right. Maybe the oppressive cost of living is, they want too much starting out.


PREMO Member
You know, trying to think ....

I was in the Army 84 - 88

My pay went from about 695 as an E3 w/less than 2 yrs to 928 as an E4 with 3 yrs in service
[yes because iof 3 yrs High School J ROTC I went is as an E3]
Plus BAQ and Sep Rats [until I was posted to Korea]

my take home was about $ 1000 a month after taxes

Rent was $ 500 for a 2 bed room apt.
Gas was between $ 1.25 a gal dropping to less than a buck per gal in 86
the price amused me

85 Octane was .85 - .87 per gal @ 7-11
87 Octane was .87 - .90 per gal @ 7-11
93 was .99 per gal at the Diamond shamrock

I don't recall what the monthly grocery bill was ... but we ate a lot of that Powdered Cheese Mac n Cheese, Banquet Fried Chicken frozen in a box
'Generic' Veggies .. my wife was an expert with the 'double' coupons.

Yeah the Electric Bill in Colorado Springs was less than $ 20 bucks a month .... then the phone
according to my research the average phone bill - local service - was about $ 20 bucks

Our 1st car was given to us by my FIL - 1966 Dodge Dart we bought a 1967 Dodge Dart for $ 900 bucks on the sellers good graces and paid her $ 100 bucks a month ... the same thing later for a 72 VW Beetle @ $ 500 ... I bought a 69 Bug with a new motor and trans stuck in 1st. putting that motor in a $ 200 bug with a bad Clutch. Selling the stripped out 69 for $ 100 bucks to a guy that needed a good shell.

We survived, we were happy, had a few bucks for the occasional video rental, bought big ticket items with tax refunds

Nobody was whining about how tough life was sure we had dreams of 'more' money ...

if I had to guess these whiner are all in debt to the Cell Compaies for their $ 1000 smart phones and other 'In gotta haves'
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Power with Control
" Butbutbut, these people are EVIL!!!!!" "I should be able to do whatever I need to against EVIL people!!!!"


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Watching the home search shows on HGTV, my wife and I roll our eyes when very young, newly married couples complain that the house does not have an en suite master bathroom, or stainless steel appliances and quartz countertops in the kitchen.


Beloved Misanthrope


Well-Known Member
Watching the home search shows on HGTV, my wife and I roll our eyes when very young, newly married couples complain that the house does not have an en suite master bathroom, or stainless steel appliances and quartz countertops in the kitchen.

Even worse, when the male peeps out a spot he can use for a “man cave” and the woman always lays claim to the largest closet because shoes.

These are terrible shows.


Well-Known Member
Watching the home search shows on HGTV, my wife and I roll our eyes when very young, newly married couples complain that the house does not have an en suite master bathroom, or stainless steel appliances and quartz countertops in the kitchen.

For a million bucks the house better have all of those things. I have yet to see a house hunter type show where their budget is 60-80k.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You know, trying to think ....

In 1983 I made around 20k which meant about 550 every two weeks with taxes and retirement, to take home.

When I moved back to the county in '85, from Indiana, it was to take a GS-5 job that paid $18K and something a year. Funny..that does not seem like it was that long ago.


Beloved Misanthrope
First really good paying job I had was in 82 at USUHS in Bethesda. 11400 or there abouts and gas was a touch over a dollar.


This penchant we seem to have for being trained to believe that whatever generational cohort of which we're a member is better/stronger/faster/whatever-superlative than subsequent generations is one of the most bizarre pathologies of our human experience on this plane.

It goes both ways. My kids are constantly telling me that I have no idea how hard school is today, because it was so much easier back in my day.

Ya know - when we rode to school on the backs of dinosaurs and had to avoid Indians and witch-hunters.

I don't think we're "trained" to believe this. I think it's part of human nature.


Well-Known Member
I don't think we're "trained" to believe this. I think it's part of human nature.

From archaeological evidence - humans are MUCH weaker than they were 500, 1000, 2000 years ago.
So it's not hard to believe that a younger generation isn't as hardy as its predecessor. It's true.

It's also true that often - not always - the next generation doesn't have the character of the previous one.
This has been seen in sweeping social change that recurs every several generations, where we have a
generation that is lazy, rude, easily bored and so on - but some time later it is followed by one that
returns to a tougher, more mature attitude to life. OFTEN as a consequence of hardship they must overcome.
I've seen this historically where religious movements will sweep through a nation - and the very next one
doesn't care. Three or four generations later - the pendulum swings back.


Well-Known Member
It goes both ways. My kids are constantly telling me that I have no idea how hard school is today, because it was so much easier back in my day.

Ya know - when we rode to school on the backs of dinosaurs and had to avoid Indians and witch-hunters.

I don't think we're "trained" to believe this. I think it's part of human nature.

I have heard the same from my kids, and I had the same complaints to my parents. My parents told me and I told my kids: "It should be hard." Learning something new isn't easy, and you get out of it what you put into it, yada, yada, yada. I mean, it's just a generic complaint - how would they know if schooling during my time was easier, they weren't even alive.

I think the "training" and human nature go hand in hand in this case. I mean I get your point - there are texts from Aristotle's day and long before lamenting children. My mother used to call us lazy and spoiled because we could use a remote control to change the TV without getting our lazy asses out of the couch. "Um mom ... I'm pretty sure your generation invented the remote control so STFU!"

But still, that line of thinking and comparing generations just because of when you happened to be born just makes zero sense to me. It's not logical, and largely not even accurate.