Feminist Snowflake Gets a Lesson in Larceny - Tells Cop A 'sign' Restricts Women's Right's


It's also true that often - not always - the next generation doesn't have the character of the previous one.
This has been seen in sweeping social change that recurs every several generations, where we have a
generation that is lazy, rude, easily bored and so on - but some time later it is followed by one that
returns to a tougher, more mature attitude to life.

Hard times create strong men -> Strong men create good times -> Good times create weak men -> Weak men create hard times

Lather rinse repeat.


PREMO Member
She Thought She Struck A Blow Against The Patriarchy...And Then Reality Slapped Her In The Face

In North Carolina, one pro-choice supporter took a pro-life sign. She thought she had won a victory against the patriarchy. And then she got towel slapped with reality. What she did was a crime. It’s called larceny and the police arrested her for it. Brandon Morse at RedState wrote about this epic tale of karma. Oh, and the woman was triggered that the police were “protecting” those who…want to stop babies being killed. The offices in the video is calm, collected, and aptly notes that this woman and those who hold similar pro-abortion views, could—you know—just ignore the pro-lifers. She couldn’t, a telling sign of liberalism’s inherent intolerance. Sorry, lady—you lost. And the law states that everyone has the right to protest. First Amendment rights are not just for liberals. Sorry, but that’s not the case:


It was then that the feminist’s attitude began to deteriorate. The officer said she was being detained for larceny, despite the feminist’s arguments that the pro-lifers had their sign back. The officer said that only happened because he had gotten it back from her.

“Did you steal their sign?” asked the officer.

“I moved it fifty yards,” she said.

“I don’t care if you moved it one foot,” responded the officer.

After spouting feminist propaganda about pro-lifers and complaining about having to see them on campus, the officer informed her that she needed to take her backpack off as she was being arrested for larceny. The tears began to flow as she tried to explain that she had every intent to give the sign back to the pro-lifers.