

Anyone have them?
While at the doc yesterday she did a PAP and exam. Says it feels like I have them and I have to go get a sonogram next week. Just wondering what the most common treatment is as I have read several different approaches. Are they more common after a tubal? I had that done when I had the baby in '04.


Salt Life
Anyone have them?
While at the doc yesterday she did a PAP and exam. Says it feels like I have them and I have to go get a sonogram next week. Just wondering what the most common treatment is as I have read several different approaches. Are they more common after a tubal? I had that done when I had the baby in '04.

Didn't your doctor explain your options or next course of action?


My Sweetest Boy
Didn't your doctor explain your options or next course of action?

:yeahthat: would experience symptoms. At least I did, not everyone does and it depends on the size and how many. I had a hysterectomy when I was 36. Read up on it (google) because there are differing opinions on treatment.


Didn't your doctor explain your options or next course of action?

Nope. She's not even sure that's what it is. I go next Thursday for the sonogram so we'll see after that I guess. She asked me if I was sure I had a tubal becaue my uterus felt "full". :faint:. I said, "Um, yeah!". So she's sending me for the test.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
:yeahthat: would experience symptoms. At least I did, not everyone does and it depends on the size and how many. I had a hysterectomy when I was 36. Read up on it (google) because there are differing opinions on treatment.

:yeahthat: but I was age 27. Now they hesitate to remove the uterus and do a fibroidectomy instead. Thank goodness they were still ripping out the uterus when I had mine done :lmao:


I wanna be a SMIB
I was like 33, went to doc a couple months before I was due for pap, because of the most horrifying cramps right at the onstart of my period, and mood swings, crying fits and anger, doc took one look in there and said "you got any kids?'. I say "no". He says "want any?'. I say "probably not, why?". Im surprised he didnt do the hysterectomy right there. When he showed me my uterus, yes Im weird, I wanted to see, it had a softball sized tumor on the outside and about 20 small ones all over including the inside. Gee, cant imagine why I was in so much pain.


Soul Probe
Nope. She's not even sure that's what it is. I go next Thursday for the sonogram so we'll see after that I guess. She asked me if I was sure I had a tubal becaue my uterus felt "full". :faint:. I said, "Um, yeah!". So she's sending me for the test.

Sometimes they are asymtpomatic and other times they can cause heavy menstrual bleeding/cramping. They grow in size as time goes on but are expected to go away after menopause; however, if it's causing too many problems then a hysterectomy or leiomyomectomy (cutting them out) is an option.


:yeahthat: would experience symptoms. At least I did, not everyone does and it depends on the size and how many. I had a hysterectomy when I was 36. Read up on it (google) because there are differing opinions on treatment.

I did some reading up on it. I only have a period every three months or so and it is CRAZY when it does come. Lots of cramping and clots too. No pain during sex though. I'd be all for the hysterectomy. They leave the ovaries and I am done having kids so it's a win win situation. No more periods! :yahoo:


My Sweetest Boy
I did some reading up on it. I only have a period every three months or so and it is CRAZY when it does come. Lots of cramping and clots too. No pain during sex though. I'd be all for the hysterectomy. They leave the ovaries and I am done having kids so it's a win win situation. No more periods! :yahoo:

I had other issues but doctors tend not to do surgery as much as they used to. My doctor agreed I needed surgery but wanted to "cut" me. I wasn't in favor of that and saw a story about a doctor at Hopkins in the Parade Magazine. I called him, made an appointment. The surgery was a breeze -- total hysterectomy -- done via lapraoscopy. My regular gyn wouldn't do the surgery unless he "cut" me.

Of course, the poor ovaries are crapping out now. :lol:

The doctor is now at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore.

Gynecologic Oncology Center - Neil B. Rosenshein, M.D. - "2003 HealthCare Hero" - Mercy

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I had other issues but doctors tend not to do surgery as much as they used to. My doctor agreed I needed surgery but wanted to "cut" me. I wasn't in favor of that and saw a story about a doctor at Hopkins in the Parade Magazine. I called him, made an appointment. The surgery was a breeze -- total hysterectomy -- done via lapraoscopy. My regular gyn wouldn't do the surgery unless he "cut" me.

Of course, the poor ovaries are crapping out now. :lol:

The doctor is now at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore.

Gynecologic Oncology Center - Neil B. Rosenshein, M.D. - "2003 HealthCare Hero" - Mercy

mine was done vaginally and all but one ovary was removed through the cervix. Cervix had pre-cancerous cells and was also removed. Like you, my ovary started crapping out a few years back. Then you get some menopausal symptoms.:jameo:
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Well-Known Member
I've had fibroids for most of my adult life. The worst part is the horrible cramps, lots of big clots and longer periods. Most common treatment to start with is birth control pills. It helps to contain the hormones and helps with the heavy periods. If that fails they may opt to do a procedure where they insert a balloon like device into your uterus and fill it with boiling water. It basically cooks the inside of your uterus to burn off the fibroids. Or they could take out the fibroids if they can reach them or of course the handy dandy hysterectomy.


Soul Probe
The surgery was a breeze -- total hysterectomy -- done via lapraoscopy. My regular gyn wouldn't do the surgery unless he "cut" me.

Good for you and second opinions! There is no need to cut for a hysterectomy anymore.

I had mine done laparoscopically by Dr. Paul Mackoul 8218 Wisconsin Ave Ste 414, Womens Surgery Center, Bethesda, MD. I highly recommend him.


No uterin cancer, they take your cervix, so no cervical cancer, no periods, and you keep your overies, so no early menopause. I didnt have heavy bleeding at all, just God awful pain.

I had cervical cancer about 8 years ago. Half of it is gone now. Went to Lombardi Cancer Center at Georgetown University Hospital. She said what is left of it is very hard compared to a nice soft healthy one. She can't tell if she is feeling scar tissue or fibriods inside.
I also had cysts when I was younger (like 12 or 13) and had to take meds to dissolve them. Not sure if that is relevant or not.
I also have alot of lower back pain.
Who knows, I may not even have them and I'm just psychosematic.


Watch it
Anyone have them?
While at the doc yesterday she did a PAP and exam. Says it feels like I have them and I have to go get a sonogram next week. Just wondering what the most common treatment is as I have read several different approaches. Are they more common after a tubal? I had that done when I had the baby in '04.

I would really recommend you talk about this in detail with your doctor. The options are so vast. Some people live with them, some have surgery. Some people experience symptoms, so do not. My sister lives with fibroids and they have no intentions of doing anything but monitor them. They caused her problems with pregnancy, but that won't be a concern for you. Oh, they can cause cramping to be worse with menstruation. I think birth control pills can help with that.

Don't worry too much- many people manage to have them without major intervention.


I've had fibroids for most of my adult life. The worst part is the horrible cramps, lots of big clots and longer periods. Most common treatment to start with is birth control pills. It helps to contain the hormones and helps with the heavy periods. If that fails they may opt to do a procedure where they insert a balloon like device into your uterus and fill it with boiling water. It basically cooks the inside of your uterus to burn off the fibroids. Or they could take out the fibroids if they can reach them or of course the handy dandy hysterectomy.



Well-Known Member

Sorry, wasn't trying to scare you, just trying to give you some examples of treatment. I did the birth control pills and it did help. Tried to have them removed surgically, but they weren't able to do it. I choose not to have my uterus burned, so I still live with them. My last pregnancy, during one of the sonograms, the little booger was actually holding on to one of the tumors! I was wishing she would just rip it out while she was there!