Finally got my hole in one.....


Damned glad to meet you
What is your point? You have NO CLUE what my schedule is on a day to day basis. I don't even know my schedule half the time cause I work various hours at various locations.

And to the point that my "light" is on I have 3 personal PC's at home that can be logged into this account at any given time by any of my family members so that won't work either.

Your post has no basis for this thread. It was a great moment for me to share with fellow forum friends that can appreciate my accomplishment and nothing more.

Nailed him! :roflmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
After 20+ years of golf it finally happened. I finally got a hole in one this past Friday during a tournament at the TPC San Antonio - Canyons Course. It was a nice one hop and in on the 183 yard 13th hole. A nice smooth 6 iron did the trick! Finally I can check that one off my list!

What I, as a golfer, wanna know is, how were you playing overall? I figure if I ever get one it will be in the middle of a crap round.



Can you ping me now? Good
What I, as a golfer, wanna know is, how were you playing overall? I figure if I ever get one it will be in the middle of a crap round.


Honestly I was playing extremely well up to that point. I was really striking to ball well. Just prior to my ace I had hit the flag stick on a par 4 from 160(2nd shot). Things were going well :)

I had only seen one prior hole in one and that was at Marlton with a guy who was roughly a 30+ handicap and on number 2 he hit a ball that never got more then 5 feet off the ground, barely made it over the pond and skipped all the way into the hole. Pretty darn ugly ace.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Honestly I was playing extremely well up to that point. I was really striking to ball well. Just prior to my ace I had hit the flag stick on a par 4 from 160(2nd shot). Things were going well :)

To me, that's gotta make it all the sweeter. :buddies:

I think it would suck to hole out while in the middle of shooting 10 stokes over your handicap.


Honestly I was playing extremely well up to that point. I was really striking to ball well. Just prior to my ace I had hit the flag stick on a par 4 from 160(2nd shot). Things were going well :)

I had only seen one prior hole in one and that was at Marlton with a guy who was roughly a 30+ handicap and on number 2 he hit a ball that never got more then 5 feet off the ground, barely made it over the pond and skipped all the way into the hole. Pretty darn ugly ace.

Congratulations :yay: I have witnessed 3 but never got one myself. Closest was about 7 inches. Come to think of it I even think I missed the birdie put :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Honestly I was playing extremely well up to that point. I was really striking to ball well. Just prior to my ace I had hit the flag stick on a par 4 from 160(2nd shot). Things were going well :)

I had only seen one prior hole in one and that was at Marlton with a guy who was roughly a 30+ handicap and on number 2 he hit a ball that never got more then 5 feet off the ground, barely made it over the pond and skipped all the way into the hole. Pretty darn ugly ace.

The guy's name wasn't Larry was it (not "our" Larry)? I know a guy who has never broken 100 who has two aces! I've never seen one and the closest I've come is to about a foot away. Made the I've got that going for me....which is nice! :lol:


A proud Conservative!
I've had two hole-in-one's! Well, one is in dispute so I will leave it up to the gang here to make the call! The one in dispute was at Robin Dale Country Club in southern PG County. I was on (I'm not sure anymore) number 7. I got a rock solid hit but it was low. It hit the Lady's Tee Marker in front of us - bounced to the right and shot up on the (I'm not sure anymore) number 12 green and rolled into the hole! Thank God no one was on the green at the time.:killingme

Now, by definition - a hole in one or hole-in-one (also known as an ace, mostly in American English) is when a player hits the ball directly from the tee into the cup with one shot. - so, I considered it a hole-in-one! Naturally, my foursome didn't agree!:killingme


Happy Camper
I've had two hole-in-one's! Well, one is in dispute so I will leave it up to the gang here to make the call! The one in dispute was at Robin Dale Country Club in southern PG County. I was on (I'm not sure anymore) number 7. I got a rock solid hit but it was low. It hit the Lady's Tee Marker in front of us - bounced to the right and shot up on the (I'm not sure anymore) number 12 green and rolled into the hole! Thank God no one was on the green at the time.:killingme

Now, by definition - a hole in one or hole-in-one (also known as an ace, mostly in American English) is when a player hits the ball directly from the tee into the cup with one shot. - so, I considered it a hole-in-one! Naturally, my foursome didn't agree!:killingme

:lmao: I believe the tee and the cup have to be on the same hole!!