finger caught in can :(


curiouser and curiouser
BS Gal said:
Oh, so THAT'S why he is selling the bike? He'll just get another one, ya know. They can't help themselves.
Um, no, this is a separate thing that we want to do farther down the road. :lol: And he's not selling a bike, he doesn't have one anymore, his was stolen about a year ago. He just decided not to get another one.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Nickel said:
Um, no, this is a separate thing that we want to do farther down the road. :lol: And he's not selling a bike, he doesn't have one anymore, his was stolen about a year ago. He just decided not to get another one.
I want the Sebring (sp?) convertible really bad.


curiouser and curiouser
BS Gal said:
I want the Sebring (sp?) convertible really bad.
Ew (sorry Jazz :lol:). I want an old Mustang convertible (late 60s) or maybe an older Porsche. Something with a little character that won't cost an arm and a leg, since we already have 2 fairly new vehicles.


New Member
BS Gal said:
My hubby made all of us put the electric dog collar on so we could feel what the dog would feel when she walked across the invisible fence. I only did it once, though.

You have me laughing out loud - at 1:30 in the morning.:lmao:

When my nephew was 3, he ate Compound W. When I called poison control, they told me to not let him eat anything for at least 20 minutes and they would call back to check on his progress. Within 10 minutes, he got his hand stuck and I used butter to try to ease it out. As soon as he was "released", he proceeded to stick his hand in his mouth and eat the butter.

...he's still alive (thank God):killingme

Hope your hand feels better, jp2854!
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thanks oceans733. it will just take time I guess and have to admit it hurts like he!!


wandering aimlessly
Boy had a trampoline accident at a friends yesterday and gashed his shin on a screw. I just called the doc who said bring him in for a tetanus booster. His last one was in 99 so they must not last 10 years. I'll ask them about that this afternoon.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
bresamil said:
Boy had a trampoline accident at a friends yesterday and gashed his shin on a screw. I just called the doc who said bring him in for a tetanus booster. His last one was in 99 so they must not last 10 years. I'll ask them about that this afternoon.
I really think they have changed the 10 year rule to 5 or 7 years.


Lem Putt
BS Gal said:
I really think they have changed the 10 year rule to 5 or 7 years.
The CDC still says ten years. I knew someone who developed lockjaw from tetanus, and it can be very serious. Possibly the Dr. is just trying to be safe since the shot is pretty low risk.