Well-Known Member
Just to be consistent here, when the FBI said they found no Russian collusion from Trump y'all said "That just means they didn't find anything" but now this firm doesn't find anything and it means there wasn't any?
Personally I don't believe there was any true fraud, I believe the system was gamed to get people that never wouldn't bothered or didn't know who the hell was even running to vote. What I hate is the double standards you and your butt buddies have.
You keep saying y'all.
IS there any indication that i said that?
They didn't find any direct links to Trump or Russia but many of his associates were arrested and charged.
Now Trumps own firms have twice run investigations that have turned up no fraud or issues in the election. As well as the hand recounts and rerunning the tallies via machine all showed the system safe and secure.
When you say "gamed the system" do you realize that all you are saying is allowing the most amount of people to vote in the most convenient way? What exactly is wrong with that?
Many states already had widespread mail in ballots before this with no complaints until Donny started screaming fraud.