Heres my issue with it all. Im not discounting that there are many illegals that have been here for many years working in jobs living as law abiding americans should do. However here is where I have the problem with it all.
Other countries are dumping their problems on us. MS-13 from El Salvador has been screwing up the whole NoVa, Md, DC area. If you think it affects border states your wrong. It affects us when kids get stabbed at a middle school because they won't join the marked salvadorian army.
No doubt that illegals cross the border on a daily basis. Some come across barely making it only to find that there is hundreds of miles of open desert to cross without water or shade. Some die trying. These people come to find work in the US and establish a foothold. Many are skilled people.
However, there are also some who are bringing illegal drugs, guns and other contraband past our borders. Terrorists sneaking in bringing with them bombs and whatever else. These people are taxing the local resources of border states and elsewhere. They are testing americans patience.
It was recently on the news that the drug cartel type people are now setting up mirror posts to the national guard on the US-Mexican Border. The US border patrol can no longer use lights on their vehicles at night because it gives snipers a target. People are shooting from the mexican side of the border at american troops and law enforcement forcing the National Guard to retreat. This is a serious problem, and in some countries would be considered an act of war.
If you think it will not affect you, it will sooner or later. This is a national security issue. There are many who come to the US on student visas to study, or come to this country on work visas and work in jobs to make money to send home. They pass background checks and are documented with US authorities. The illegals are making it hard on the law abiding immigrants that come to this country. These people are the ones who come here and tax our healthcare system, fill our jails, overwhelm our civil services, and refuse to conform to modern day american society. They refuse to pay taxes, and think that they can get by taking what they want. They think they do not have to obey american laws, and start off by breaking them by entering this country illegally.
They don't believe they should have to. They would rather protest, fly the mexican flag over the american flag and turn the american flag upside down. They prefer to sing the star spangled banner in spanish. They think that by sheer numbers they can overwhelm the US and force us to change to coddle to them. I refuse. I am angered and outraged by them. I know alot of people of hispanic origin who feel the same way, because they come from other countries like el salvador and nicaragua, mexico, etc.... and earned their citizenship by servicing in the US military etc... all the while these other freeloaders get to enter the country and do whatever the hell they want, and what have they done for America?
I would like to thank those who volunteer their time to the minutemen project for helping bring light to the subject of illegal immigrants.